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Old ones remember, new ones get schooled!


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did you know rab was moderator?:P

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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Small world and one server to boot! You can imagine how tight the community was. :)




You'd often run into your friends a lot, and see familiar faces all the time. Nowadays there's, what, 150 servers? Yuck. I liked when we had three or four.




I remember one of my oldest friends was a player by the name of Cali X. Not famous, although he had very respectable stats. We became friends because we'd run into eachother at the scorpion pit by Al Kharid all the time. :)




He also started the fashion that I borrowed of wearing an amulet of some sort, gloves, adamantite legs and a crossbow. That was all. Looked killer!



Third player in RuneScape to 99 attack, strength, defense and hitpoints.

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He also started the fashion that I borrowed of wearing an amulet of some sort, gloves, adamantite legs and a crossbow. That was all. Looked killer!










Black legs, red shirt, ammy and staff ;)

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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And if anyone can find that GD pic with the knife bug... Id really appreciate it :P and Im sure RS2 Players would go crazy about it hehe





It's on my site along with other RS1 pics.




Nice pics Greg, I love the one with Goneril. The same thing happened to me, every single cracker I had the other person got the prize! There were so many crackers at the time that I never bothered to take pics hahahaha I assumed everyone had dozens...




P.S. I only have pics of your char after you managed to get it changed into a female BEFORE there was a makeover mage. Do you have a copy of you and I R Good in the maze? I loved that old series where you tempt him inside and then kill him.

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Meili! Oh my gosh, it's been years! :)




I've missed you, gosh, PM me with some way I can keep in contact, yeesh. :D




I remember those I R Good pictures, but nope, I don't have any. :( I wish. Think you could post some classics of me? Hehe, I'd love to see some from the good ol' days.



Third player in RuneScape to 99 attack, strength, defense and hitpoints.

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rsc WAS awesome because of the people and community




people who think making rsc avaible to all will bring it back are idiots, you will never restore the glory days

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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All I have to say is.


RSC > RS2 BY FAR. 99% of Rs2 products are too selfish and pixel hungry




Oh? Well, in that case 99% of RSC players still around are egotistical and elitist.




Anyways, I played RSC when it was still available to f2p about a year and a half-ish back. It had a certain...charm to it. I really do wish I could play it, but sadly, even if I got members now, it's too late for me to log on. I actually used to play an MMORPG that had a REALLY small community (100 players or so) and was one of the top 5, with my own in game guild and stuff, so I do understand how a small community can be close and more fun than a large community with lots of anonymous faces.




Also, I do have respect for people like Bluerose (who seems to have almost single-handedly changed the face of the game with her rune smithing), especially when I hear of the terrible banking system of the past. I mean, being able to only mine, smelt and smith in small quantities like that had to have been incredibly hard.




Alas, times have changed, and I missed out on a great experience by finding the game too late...

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