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Sometimes, you just really enjoy playing this game...


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Alright, so I'm horribly sleep deprived due to being in pain as I just had two wisdom teeth removed a week ago, and my prescription has run out. So I decide to hop on runescape for a little while before I take another stab at sleep.




You need to understand, I'm grumpy, cranky, and just generally in a bad mood overall. I'm on about 2 days with just as many hours sleep.




So I go to the fishing guild to make use of my newly earned 76 fishing and 81 cooking while looking for some high level herblorists who will make me 40 sara brews for my inevitable suicidal series of fire cape runs (combat level 77, I refuse to hit 80 without a fire cape to my name).




I almost immediately find someone who trades me the brews, no problem. So I ask the same person if he has any range potions or super restores for sale, he tells me that he has tons of range pots but no super restores. He agrees to sell me 40 range potions for 130k, and I'm relatively happy about this. I say something along the lines of "Aww, no one has super restores =("




An unnamed yet not "famous" relatively high level character says, "I think I might have some," and walks off, all while me and the other guy are still talking prices for the range pots (I'm lagging on dial-up as I'm downloading the last of Muggi's wonderful Fire Cape guide on video, cheap plug!).




Before I even get done talking to the other guy the higher level character walks back and trades me, I'm thinking, "awesome, they had some super restores!" They show me 50 four-dose super restores, and simply accept trade. I'm thinking, "What on earth is going on here...," and I go ahead and test it, clicking accept.




By now any second I'm expecting them to decline the trade, and walk away their flashing wavy bouncing glowy text mocking me as it trails behind them, "lol n00b!"




This person accepts the second trade window before I do (due to the lag, thanks to the fact that I'm downloading the last of Muggi's awesome video where they totally pwn the 702, second shameless plug!), and I wait a few long seconds, thinking that perhaps they accidentally clicked "accept" instead of "decline" or something of that nature.




It doesn't happen.




Trade window stays up.




With shaky hands I tentatively, carefully, maneuver my mouse to position itself over the "accept" button, and with focused and deliberate mind, click.




The high level character turns and walks away as I sit there and look at the 50 four dose super restore potions in my inventory. I manage to eek out something:
















I decide to go back to my bank to see what I could possibly repay this person with for their random act of kindness, and manage to find some higher level herbs and seeds that are worth a bit but that I'm not going to have any real use for in the forseeable future. I figure that the person is still over there fishing sharks.




Of course, they're not. And I'm left there, with 50 free four-dose super restores (for use to get that FIRE CAPE for which I will be using the tactics in Muggi's utterly and superbly AWESOME guide, plug number three!) to my name, giving nothing in return, nor even given the chance to.




Its things like this, amongst a sea of spammers, scammers, lurers, password stealers, keyloggers and downright jerks, that remind of how how great some of the PLAYERS really can make this game. Jagex made this game, they make the pixels and plots, but we as the players get to decide how its implemented, used, and determine the environment of the game.




I'd just like to thank a mysterious disappearing stranger, and everyone like you who just goes a little bit further (though generally not quite this far) to help others, give advice, and overall make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Thanks.




And if you happen to be out there somewhere browsing these forums, I'd still like to have the chance to give you something in return, even if it isn't much.

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That was a good day for you. Sometimes, people will be nice, and give you something for free. The nice people make the game more fun. If I'm in a good mood, I sometimes will give things away for free myself.




Well, yes. The thing is, this was 400-600k worth of what tends to be even amongst relatively high level characters a valuable, useful, and difficult to obtain resource.

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That is a very well written story, m'boy.


But dont you remember the name and combat level of the unknown friend? :P


I am sure if you could say atleast the begging of the name and combat, someone in these forums may recongize him.






But talking about being nice.


Once i played runescape when i was REALLY drunk in real life.


I needed to buy 60k coins worth NORMAL essence, but i... Kinda... By mistake... But not actually a mistake, because when i was ready to accept, i typed "Enjoy the tip, kind lad :)"... And i gave him 600K instead of 60K.




And i FELT HAPPY! I was drunk, i had just given away 540K for nothing, but i felt better i had felt the whole day! ( I had a good day by the way )


Then i shut the computer and went to sleep, next day logging in and was figuring out, what i did last night... I didint remember at the start... But then someone PMd me, thanking me very eagerly! I was pleased to hear what he said. He said he needed the cash so much, that he nearly fell into tears in real life. ( He was some level 50), so probably never got a hold of such money. I was feeling good.




Giving away cash made me happy when i was drunk, and the next day, i felt good to hear i had made someone else SO happy, and that made me feel happy. I still dont regret what i did. :)




Sometimes you just have to make someone else happy, in order to get happy!




I am thinking maybe that was, what the unknown stranger wanted to do. :)

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Very cool =^^= I was half-expecting to see that you had offered like.. Millions of coins on accident due to lag o_O (sad huh?) But I'm glad to see that there are people at the fishing guild that aren't completely immature :D



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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Link to this muggi video?




The video can be found in 6 parts in the main post of the thread titled "Guide to doing the fight caves w/o guthan" or something very similar, it's been on the front page of this very forum for what seems like weeks+++




Oh, and I'm in Tampa too, USF gamer geek.. well, technically in Tampa when school's in, add me if ya want. Same name as my name here. ^~

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But dont you remember the name and combat level of the unknown friend? :P


I am sure if you could say atleast the begging of the name and combat, someone in these forums may recongize him.




Of course I remember, and I'm leaving their name open on the hiscores page in case I run into them again so I can repay the kindness (so that I remember). Out of their privacy however I decided it'd probably best not to say who they were however because giving out that kind of information on a public forum (that so-and-so gave me 400-600k worth of free stuff) would probably inevitably lead to this person running into bunches of random people at times in game going "free stuff pl0x!," sad but true... so I can't, really. I would post this on the official forums too, but I like to be very verbose and they have post length limits :cry:

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Nice story. There's still people who cling to the old ways of RS (Everyone used to be helpful and nice back in the beginning of RS2 and in RSC) I'm like that, usually if someone needs help I help them (unless I'm busy with something else) I mean I was busy getting hte lava and mist runes needed for Swan Song yesterday, I was dumb and brought all my fire and earth runes, a rune axe and rune pick (yeah I know shush :() and I get pked by a-hole ancient PKers. So I ask Golv and Laik and my friend Bella if they can give me some stuff, and told them what happened, They all contributed to me, I have awesome friends! All I need is that rune pick lol.




Lost: 4k fire runes, 700 earth runes, ammy of glory, rune pick, rune axe. I didn't get as many fire runes but I still got some back, enough to live off of. A rune axe, 1.5k earth, and a brand new glory from my three friends. Not everyone on this game are greedy, rude, scamming, scum of the earth people.




And your story reflects that. There's still nice people out there, it's just the majority has become corrupted.





Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Very nice story, enjoyed the read. :) Let us know if you ever get that cape and good luck.




Oh trust me, you'll hear all about my frustrations, joys or more than likely both unless you close your eyes and torch your computer as soon as I do a quest or two and get my ranged up a few notches. :twisted:

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I've had it happen to me on 2 different occansions one time when i was a wee nubcake i was wcing on a lvl 3 skiller ( cause i thought idono what i thought so nvm but i was still a nubly skiller) and a lvl 90 guy came up to me and traded me a rune kite out of the blue kinda weird huh well i thanked him and when ever i was scammed or called a noob i thought abuot that and it kept me from quiting in a way.






Then more recently i was in edgevile and d e i no with some numbers i think i commented on his pehat since it was my favourtie color (green) and i started tlakign to him later i asked if he knew how much split bark tops were worth becasue i was going to buy one and he gave me one of his so i thanked him and i still ahve the top and occansionally see him still walking around and one day im gona thank players liek them and hopefully become one when i attain richness.

Just an average player with a horrible name...

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It would seem the Mysterious Old Man had a brother (or sister, whatever the gender was). I envy you.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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i give away free stuff every now and then, ring of wealths, food to people that need it, free antipoisen, etc.




i just think if i try to be nice, the act of kindess will spread, touching peoples hearts and forcing them to good stuff

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Very nice story, well written and it's always nice to hear of good players still out there :) I tend to forget about the nice side of the RS community because of the number of scammers/noobs/immature people out there :(


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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ya i love those nice people. like one time i was in the bank and i was poisened but didn't have any anti's so i just ate some food and waited for it to go away. and this walks up and says "here" gives an anti potion. nothing much but its still just a small thing thats really nice to see every now and then





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ya i love those nice people. like one time i was in the bank and i was poisened but didn't have any anti's so i just ate some food and waited for it to go away. and this walks up and says "here" gives an anti potion. nothing much but its still just a small thing thats really nice to see every now and then




Do I know you lol? I did that awhile back. I've actually done it on a couple of occasions because I normally have more than enough anti-poisions sitting in my bank that I never use.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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i give away free stuff every now and then, ring of wealths, food to people that need it, free antipoisen, etc.




i just think if i try to be nice, the act of kindess will spread, touching peoples hearts and forcing them to good stuff




Heh, when I got to 76 fishing the other day, I fished 4 loads of sharks. Then when I got 80 cooking (again, the day after I got 76 fishing) I cooked all of my sharks and walked around Catherby dropping about 100 sharks all over the place saying "free shark"




I don't know, I guess I just see little things like that as replaceable.




I probably wouldn't ever give my granite shield away, I'm kind of proud of it as I got it as a drop myself (and its about the best drop I've ever gotten), at least until I replace it with a dragon sq, even then I'll probably keep it just to train with sometimes. But replaceable things that I can make or cook or have more than one of etc. I'm really not too protective of and I'm usually pretty nice and will give stuff to people pretty freely.




For example, while I was on my fishing/cooking binge in catherby a guy was new to farming, asking what he should do and so on.




I gave him a brief walkthrough and gave him seeds to get him up to lvl 20 farming or so, about 100 of most of the allotment seeds because hey, when am I going to really grow potatoes or onions again? I also gave him some guam seeds, marrentill seeds and all of the flowers up to nasturtiams for him to grow, for nothing. This is with a bank that's probably worth a total of about 5m or so, but most of it is one-of items that I wear (glory, d med, very proud of my full black mystic!) or components that are waiting to become xp (such as the herbs I have sitting around that I've been farming in the off season).




I suppose that if I had a bank worth 100m or 200m or something like that yeah, I'd probably more freely give other things away as they're things that I'd just happen to have lying around. If I had crafting 80 and stockpiled dragonstones, is it really going to kill my runescapian financial standing to give away a glory to some lvl 42 kid who just got membership and has no idea what's what and can't afford one?




Most of the people on my friends list are there because I help them. We talk to each other about what we're doing and give them advice, sure.. but most of my list is comprised of lower levels (or, in a few cases higher levels who just happen to be much younger people) who always ask me what things are worth, if this trade is a good deal, and so on, and I help them out as much as I can.




I guess what I'm saying in this (still haven't slept) rambling is that, not necessarily that people should be, but its nice when people are more free with their lower level, financially speaking, items. A f2p pker bought 1k lobsters off of me the other day for 200k, and I asked him why he didn't use swordies instead, he told me that he "couldn't really afford them yet," so I gave him 50 free swordfish. Heck, it's not like its going to kill my bank account, I have 2k of them sitting around as is from raising my fishing and cooking.




Uhhhh, I need to stop typing at some point, don't I?




Alright, uhm... the moral of the story is be nice, ok? (ok I really go to sleep now kthnxbyebbqlightbulb)








EDIT: Mmmm, Bar-B-Q Light Bulb.... sleep for real now

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:) yeah you feel very good when you give cash to people who need it








... but now i need money :? (saving for 2 sets of torags, whip obby set for me and my lil bro :D



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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i one time accidentally scammed myself :D




it was REALLY late at night and i was delierious with lack of sleep from waking up at 5am for work. I had a couple of minutes left before I would eventually pass out and I decided that fighting barrows brothers was not the way to go. I decided to flip out my merchanting hat and go to world 2 for some good late night deals. I found some buying several glories and rune boots at decent prices. Also got a couple of thousand nats for the average prices. After about 15 minutes i world hop to sell off the items. First world i find i see somebody with a broodoo shield buying nats for 350 each. I immediatley flash my some 20k natures that i had bought with my money. He/she smiles and compliments the amount and asks to buy 2k. I close my deal window and send trade again. Now i was rushing to get the deal done so i could get some well deserved sleep. He/she flashes 700k, I click in my inventory what i thought were nats and put up 2000 in the trade window. I click accept but it doesnt go to the 2nd trade window. I look up...i see i put up 2000 coins instead of natures...thinking i would lose this trade, i quickly remove the coins and put of 2k nats and rapidly click accept. Then accept on the 2nd window. After i clicked accept my heart jumped as i glimpsed at his.her trade window. "Absolutely Nothing!". the trade was complete and i lost 700k.





Click here to see my goals and achievements thread

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Of course, they're not. And I'm left there, with 50 free four-dose super restores (for use to get that FIRE CAPE for which I will be using the tactics in Muggi's utterly and superbly AWESOME guide, plug number three!) to my name, giving nothing in return, nor even given the chance to.




Sure you can give something in return. Do the same for someone else one day.

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my friend gave me full rune with chain when i was level 50 noob. although i agree with the free stuff thing you give the name of the person then they will regret what they did. then i gave someone that was level 28 a free addy axe when i got a rune axe. well most people in runescape are helpful though thier is alot of dumb scammers.

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I had something similar yesterday at barrows.


I was fighting Verac at the chest and was running out of food..


I killed him with 30ish hp left when some lvl 110 or so came in and saw my health bar being quite red.


He then asked me if I could use some food and he traded me 4 lobbies before I could've replied.


I said thanks and waited for him to kill his chest bro (Ahrim).


We both opened the chest together and while I got junk he screamed out "w00t guthan spear !".


I couldn't have been happier for him :P

99 cooking / 99 magic / 99 ranged / 99 hitpoints / 99 herblore / 99 defence




Quoted for truth, wisest thing I've heard anyone say on Runescape.

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