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It's not a gradient (no PS for me) and it's not a straight color...lol...




There's like 20 colors in the water, arranged like a gradient (1 step in brightness a time)








Still it looked like 1 color. Its useless and wastes your time. New one is better.

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This took it's time...Based on the real face...




Removed the black border lines almost every where...i'll work on the city a bit later....








Made in Paint(almost everything) & Graphic Gale (rooftops and square/road texture work)




























Pure ownage :P one of the best pixels (rs related) i've seen around the forums latly, totaly knocks all the other pixeler's socks off, great job :)

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10/10 lol, owning the world again lol. Very nice man, very nice. I never tried that Gale program but I can tell it does some good stuff - when used by great pixelers like you lol.








You got to start doing entire Wallpapers for desktops man, you'd own more than god.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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finally someone hears my prayers! Kudis to you for taking the black lines out and still keeping up the very distinct features you've displayed.








the perspective looks great IMO, atleast on the town, the huts on the other side i'm not 100% sure of, but it doesn't look bad at all. but as i said, the town is brilliant.








your clear, peaceful colours don't clash and even though there are many of them :D it still looks like one coherent piece.








the roof texturing was simple, yet effective, from that distance it really looks detailed.








what i do not like is his armour, more could have done with it, alot more detail, especially on his right shoulder, it's a huge part of the image, like 1/3 of the town or smth.








the face could use more definition, to add more character to it, it looks abit bland, now, i don't know who you did it after, but in my eyes it looks a little soft, maybe just change the colours and keep the lines.








i think the beach houldn't have a brown line connecting it to the water, rather a cyan, also the water should get much clearer (lighter) as you get closer to the shore, not just waves, but also a general lightness when you get closer.








finally i don't quite like the texture you've used for the streets and square , it's the same as on the roof...and, i dunno, when you zoom in you keep noticing it anyway.








ooh well, i definitely wouldn't have made this post had i not liked it and i gotta say i like it probably the most out of your sigs so far, not that it's the most detailed or has the greatest concept (your current one has both) but cause you finally took out the black lines, did you try to do that with your old one?

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Thx to every1 who posted here :D








To MrX: You should try Gale cause it's mainly like paint, even if the drawing mechanics is pretty faster, and allows you to work with layers and with the rgb palette always open. U mainly get the same results in less time. It hasn't some particulary great features or at least none i know about pixel stuff, however it's faster than Paint once u get used to its interface. The only difference i found with paint, along with the above layers, is a little selection of "patterns". Using those i made the rooftops (easy) and together with masked layers i made the city streets. If u zoom in you can see they'r made by a 1 dark - 1 light pxl net. Well both dark and light pixel groups start with darker tone to the left and end with light tone to the right, with 1 brightness shift every 2 or 3. With paint that could have taken hours. With gale it took like 10 mins.




For example...




This took 6 hours.




Your Mother's was made in paint and took some more time. (couple hours ? i don't remember exactely but for sure way more than 6 ^_^)

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looks really nice Jeppoz man!








owyeah, you were talking about this gale, i think fireworks mx is also handy for makin pixels because you also got layers and stuff, its handy when making a pixel sig of a real life pic for example.

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People are just jealous, nice work looks great.








Well some of the feedback was well aimed...even if the first version i posted was still a WIP and i finished it a bit later...




Some criticisms actualy go against what i consider my style and i don't want to get rid of it, so they'r still "politicaly correct" but i personaly don't consider them 2 much cause, imo and i might be wrong...that will change my style. However i like feedback...helps improving and every1 but OperationFl made correct posts, lucky me most of them loved it ^_^

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Thx to every1 who posted here :D








To MrX: You should try Gale cause it's mainly like paint, even if the drawing mechanics is pretty faster, and allows you to work with layers and with the rgb palette always open. U mainly get the same results in less time. It hasn't some particulary great features or at least none i know about pixel stuff, however it's faster than Paint once u get used to its interface. The only difference i found with paint, along with the above layers, is a little selection of "patterns". Using those i made the rooftops (easy) and together with masked layers i made the city streets. If u zoom in you can see they'r made by a 1 dark - 1 light pxl net. Well both dark and light pixel groups start with darker tone to the left and end with light tone to the right, with 1 brightness shift every 2 or 3. With paint that could have taken hours. With gale it took like 10 mins.




For example...




This took 6 hours.




Your Mother's was made in paint and took some more time. (couple hours ? i don't remember exactely but for sure way more than 6 ^_^)








Aight kool if I have time I'll download that Gale program. I like the less time concept, lol what if you had used Paint for your latest sigs. I guess I'm more of a completely-made-by-hand kind of pixeler where I don't use textures I don't make myself.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Thx to every1 who posted here :D








To MrX: You should try Gale cause it's mainly like paint, even if the drawing mechanics is pretty faster, and allows you to work with layers and with the rgb palette always open. U mainly get the same results in less time. It hasn't some particulary great features or at least none i know about pixel stuff, however it's faster than Paint once u get used to its interface. The only difference i found with paint, along with the above layers, is a little selection of "patterns". Using those i made the rooftops (easy) and together with masked layers i made the city streets. If u zoom in you can see they'r made by a 1 dark - 1 light pxl net. Well both dark and light pixel groups start with darker tone to the left and end with light tone to the right, with 1 brightness shift every 2 or 3. With paint that could have taken hours. With gale it took like 10 mins.




For example...




This took 6 hours.




Your Mother's was made in paint and took some more time. (couple hours ? i don't remember exactely but for sure way more than 6 ^_^)








Aight kool if I have time I'll download that Gale program. I like the less time concept, lol what if you had used Paint for your latest sigs. I guess I'm more of a completely-made-by-hand kind of pixeler where I don't use textures I don't make myself.








Well u can also avoid textures if u don't like them. I'm not that big fan myself but i had that idea for the streets and i used the net texture to open some transparent holes in the layer :P




And well u can make textures in Paint aswell...just make a pattern in a new file and then copy paste with the transparent box checked. It helps giving detail to stuff... :)

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I dont care what anyone else says... but from me its the best pixel sig by far ive seen...












Oh, apart from yours Y0ur M0ther :roll: just kidding








111/100 from me good job :D








how about u make one for me for a price?








be waiting ya call - drunk m0nk the name or PM me









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not my favorite one that you have done, but i still think it owns everyone else on the media board, btw how did you do the textures in graphics gale? i downloaded it , and i dont really know how to use it. another question, when you draw the characters do you go back and make them all one pixel, saw that that was important on some pixeling website.








o ya the rating....9/10 cheated on textures :wink:

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