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I couldnt agree more. i recently got out of a membership...and now i have nowhere to put all my f2p stuff. between the mage...and the range...and the melee...i dont know what to do with it all. good luck and i hope this goes through.




Kdizzle, might I ask that you and all other supporters, if possible, add at least a text link to your signatures to point at this thread, please? It would be much appreciated, and may rapidly expand support of this petition. Who knows, it might hit 2K users rapidly if enough people come by the thread! :thumbsup:








~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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F2P players DO NOT need more bank space. One of the main points that you made was the storage of clothes, we do not need to keep our holiday items in our bank, jagex has designed the newer Holiday events so that Diango will store our holiday event items, so if you "need" your holiday event item, just take a quick trip to Draynor and talk to Diango.








Another point that you made is that you "need" to keep your random event clothing. This is not true, they have no stats boosts and are just for looks. 1000's of other people also have those random event clothing, so why wear your clothing? The only logical reason is that you want to be unique, but how is it being unique when thousands of other people have the same exact outfit? Why not just go to the clothes shop and make your own more unique outfit, another bonus of this is that it is lighter. :)








Members also complain that they don't have enough bank space, but Jagex has responded to them that Jagex does not want to increase the memory for each player. And this is for members, they pay, and F2P does not pay, so why would Jagex increase our memory for us, while we do not pay them. They would have to get HUGELY more memory to be able to do this, there are MILLIONS of F2P players, and increasing the Bank space of just 12 spaces would translate to 12 million more spaces total. i don't know how much memory one item in the bank takes up, but 12 million times that number will get huge. I do not believe that Jagex would do this for us when we do not pay them.








And finally, I am also a F2P player and I am fine with the amount of bank space that I have.

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F2P players DO NOT need more bank space. One of the main points that you made was the storage of clothes, we do not need to keep our holiday items in our bank, jagex has designed the newer Holiday events so that Diango will store our holiday event items, so if you "need" your holiday event item, just take a quick trip to Draynor and talk to Diango.








Another point that you made is that you "need" to keep your random event clothing. This is not true, they have no stats boosts and are just for looks. 1000's of other people also have those random event clothing, so why wear your clothing? The only logical reason is that you want to be unique, but how is it being unique when thousands of other people have the same exact outfit? Why not just go to the clothes shop and make your own more unique outfit, another bonus of this is that it is lighter. :)








Members also complain that they don't have enough bank space, but Jagex has responded to them that Jagex does not want to increase the memory for each player. And this is for members, they pay, and F2P does not pay, so why would Jagex increase our memory for us, while we do not pay them. They would have to get HUGELY more memory to be able to do this, there are MILLIONS of F2P players, and increasing the Bank space of just 12 spaces would translate to 12 million more spaces total. i don't know how much memory one item in the bank takes up, but 12 million times that number will get huge. I do not believe that Jagex would do this for us when we do not pay them.








And finally, I am also a F2P player and I am fine with the amount of bank space that I have.




There is something I should point out given your post. (BTW, even though I am only F2P myself, I still do some good analysis work. You just need an open mind and two eyes and ears to read it right...)








ONLY 260400 players can be logged on at any time, and even then, only 2000 people per world server. At most, Jagex is looking at a 2MB ram space increase for every 1 KB or storage added to all players (which would be far more than just a measly -- yes, I am using THAT word -- 12 bank slots), it doesn't matter whether they are F2P or P2P. This would really be no hassle for Jagex, period. Not even a matter of awful cost involved here. :)








Also, Jagex has made sure that to unlock some emotes, YOU MUST keep corresponding random event clothes in your bank to unlock them. :( Thankfully, the clothes can be dropped after, UNLESS there is some kind of event about to happen you NEED to keep them for because of admission rules.








Any which way, clothes like those should have been a permanent unlocked item retrievable through either Diango or Thessalia. Since Jagex has failed to do this, an extra fire has been put under our rears and has therefore caused this thread, which I hope will build steam and come to the point that Jagex finally gets the message and delivers what they should have already.








As it stands, anyway, there are currently at least 2 items an F2P'er can't lose or they are gone forever:








1.) Draynor Manor Key (Good if you're helping another person with that quest due to combat level problems...)




2.) Melzar's Maze Key (Good for helping a person get through there in one piece as well as for personal training...)








There's another one, SilverLight, but I am not fully sure if that one can be gotten back or not. I'd prefer to never lose that one. Gee, add that to the list.








Then there's the quest item from "The Knight's Sword", the Faladian Ceremonial Blurite Sword. This has been useful to me on many occasions, even at my combat levels. :P I've got 6 of those stashed because if I lose any, they're gone for good. :(








Then there's the frog tokens. Random clothes (which I covered earlier) from those are good for many things, including events and NOT getting called a noob. Sometimes you need more than just functionality when it comes to items. :wink:








Followed by this, the Random Event Zombie Clothes (Another item I covered earlier)... Without these, you simply CAN'T unlock the Zombie Emotes. After ya got the emotes, sure, you COULD drop them, but wouldn't you like to be able to wear them one time in a while? ::'








Finally there's the Camouflage (sp?) and Leiderhosen (sp?) stuff... Both randoms I admittedly could do without, but there ARE clans who use those for attire out there, and without them, you're kinda stuffed. :(








Now sure, no stat boosts are given from random clothes, but far as I know, they don't weigh anything either. But you do have to keep in mind, as I said before, function is NOT everything.








Now, stack upon this the problem of having room for all your skills, doesn't matter if you're F2P OR P2P once again, and you see right where the problem comes up in everyone's faces. Even if I had absolutely no random or special items in my bank, I would still have the problem of trying to store just the stuff for skills themselves.








Grr... I've got that Zombie Clothes Set thing creeping up again. :|




Excuse me while I go deal with it locking up my spaces.








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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"Followed by this, the Random Event Zombie Clothes (Another item I covered earlier)... Without these, you simply CAN'T unlock the Zombie Emotes. After ya got the emotes, sure, you COULD drop them, but wouldn't you like to be able to wear them one time in a while? ^-^ "








Then you PAY. What is it about those of you arguing for bank space that means you don't understand... Jagex has no obligation to give you anything whatsoever. END OF STORY.

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I support!








I am p2p atm but I'm about to quit p2p now.








And probably you can imagine the prolem having a well filled bank at p2p...




Now go and empty it!




I had the idea to double every single f2p item (except random stuff, what means i won't be able to wear my mime/camo stuff :( ).




However I had a look at it...All the stuff I need for F2P:




-Armor Sets (M/R/W)




-W-Weapons/ M-Staves/ R-Bow












-Rc Tiaras (Important 4 me!)




-Steel Platebody (^^^^)




-Different Tools








I'm sure i forgot some, anyways these are way more than 48Items for daily needs.












I SUPPORT! :o :o :o

Retired from RS...

Stopped playing with 1503 Total, February '07

~~Die, die,die my Darling... Just shut your pretty eyes~~

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I support




Jadex has made many new items for f2pers with randoms and holiday events. Because of storeing the zombie clothing I do not have room for items that I use on on occasion. Even with the bankspaces they offer now they don't allow much room for the items you use daily. Lack of bank space makes my crafting training very hard. I don't have room for gold ore, bars, ammy mold, shears, wool, balls of woll, the gems, cosmics and the other runes used for enchanting. I don't even have space for 4 of those items now. I don't think anyone will become a member just because of the lack of bank space, so why dosn't Jadex add the needed space to f2p banks.








Maybe one day they will actually look at our complaints.

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F2P players DO NOT need more bank space. One of the main points that you made was the storage of clothes, we do not need to keep our holiday items in our bank, jagex has designed the newer Holiday events so that Diango will store our holiday event items, so if you "need" your holiday event item, just take a quick trip to Draynor and talk to Diango.








Quick? Maybe for some people...But not all...But the holiday item perspective I don't agree with. Sorry Prankster.








Another point that you made is that you "need" to keep your random event clothing. This is not true, they have no stats boosts and are just for looks. 1000's of other people also have those random event clothing, so why wear your clothing? The only logical reason is that you want to be unique, but how is it being unique when thousands of other people have the same exact outfit? Why not just go to the clothes shop and make your own more unique outfit, another bonus of this is that it is lighter. :)








Emotes pl0x? I have a feeling more random event items/emotes will come out. For the something-th time, why not just make random event items recoverable? There, we've freed up some bank space for the experienced players who have pretty much all the items, and have more items they "need".








Also, adding onto D_V_Devnull's unrecoverable items list, I'm pretty sure the Amulet of Ghostspeak can't be either. I've never tried, but you might be able to get one back from the priest in Lumbridge or the Urhney or whatever guy. But how about the Amulet of Accuracy. I don't think you can recover it. It's a pathetic amulet, but I still regret the day I died with it. There are probably more items that belong on this list...(Silverlight can be bought back from Sir Prysin for 750 gp and from the Hero's Guild for 50 gp, I believe. Something like that.)








Members also complain that they don't have enough bank space, but Jagex has responded to them that Jagex does not want to increase the memory for each player. And this is for members, they pay, and F2P does not pay, so why would Jagex increase our memory for us, while we do not pay them. They would have to get HUGELY more memory to be able to do this, there are MILLIONS of F2P players, and increasing the Bank space of just 12 spaces would translate to 12 million more spaces total. i don't know how much memory one item in the bank takes up, but 12 million times that number will get huge. I do not believe that Jagex would do this for us when we do not pay them.




You know how many members there are? I think about 700K or something. We just got 24 spaces last week. That's over 16 million spaces according to your thinking! Add that to all the spaces we've gotten over the past year, and you'll get some really high number! Don't you think some of that COULD go to F2P once in a while?








And finally, I am also a F2P player and I am fine with the amount of bank space that I have.




That's you. Maybe your one of the guys who doesn't care about keeping items, getting emotes, and a lot of other stuff that you may not get another chance at. Some people care about those things, and they "need" this.








P0nd3r4, our arguments are over. So I'm not trying to start another one.




You quoted the part of D_V_Devnull's post that talked about how Zombie Emotes have to come AFTER the clothing. That has nothing to do with member's, we have to go through that too.








And just in case anyone couldn't tell...I am a member. Some of us can actually be considerate.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I absolutely agree i am one of those 'lucky" people who gets loads of random events and i have atleast 15 slots full of those :wall: where am i supposed to keep all my other stuff throw it out? sell it? And then come holiday items!!! On top of that i am a mage so i have to store all my runes ! more space wasted ! Then still my armor and wepondry skill items and rare items i am so full that i have to cary an inventory full of suff that supossed to be in my bank!!!








I think NE one who don't agree wid dis is NUTS

Your messing wid da rong man!!!

U wouldn't wan't to be doiin that would you now???

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"P0nd3r4, our arguments are over. So I'm not trying to start another one.




You quoted the part of D_V_Devnull's post that talked about how Zombie Emotes have to come AFTER the clothing."








Yes, specifically "but wouldn't you like to be able to wear them one time in a while? ^-^". Read it again, properly.

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Add me to your petition list! I fully agree with the person who started this post! We do need more bank space! Just because we don't pay, doesn't mean we're not worthy! What if someone's family can't afford it? You'll probably think, then how did they buy a computer? They went to the library! Or they're using a really crappy one! Or they spent everything they have on it! Think of those poor people! Anyone who is against this is cruel, and cold blooded, and compltely and utterly VILE. Sign me up!








Samantha :!: :!: :!: =D> :thumbsup: \'

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"P0nd3r4, our arguments are over. So I'm not trying to start another one.




You quoted the part of D_V_Devnull's post that talked about how Zombie Emotes have to come AFTER the clothing."








Yes, specifically "but wouldn't you like to be able to wear them one time in a while? ^-^". Read it again, properly.




...And? I know that members would be able to store the clothing, and be able to wear them once in a while, but wouldn't my little recover-random-event-items suggestion fix that? (Meaning you were right.)








And oh, buy the way, according to Harpie_Male, you're nuts. ::'


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Couldn't they just make it so that you can store holiday items and random event clothes without taking up any space, but everything else does?




Ye should add 'unrecoverables' to that too. :wink:








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Add me. I have gotten rid of many things such as silverlight and the ghostspeak amulet. I still do not have enough space. When you raise all f2p levels over 35 and you keep all tools that you need, even without special clothes there is not enough.

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Please add me to your list of supporters- I recently wanted to train mining and smithing on my main, and ended up dropping a load of stuff to store the iron ores I needed. Would have been good if I could have had a bank sale- but there was nothing decent to sell. :(

"Gain lvls? As a "lvl 3 skiller"? The clue's in the title, nub!"




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i agree 2 give those f2p's more room, even more than 12. i most of al became member couse i had to carry my stuff all around f2p world couse of my overloading bank. so i carried all my ores and bars noted with me all the time -.-








so u could AT LEAST give them more place, or the ability to build a house with the costumroom thing, or a warehouse where u can store unlimited things against payment (in gp of course). Members will use this 2, couse even my memb bank (with those 20 new slots) is already overloaded.












send as many messages to jagex! (its ur only chance!)

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