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I need more space in my bank. I am thinking of creating an account for my brother and storing some of my stuff on it. I just filled my bank today. :wall:




I stopped playing 2 years ago. I just started playing again last week. I have not started any quests. and I was scammed out of 10-20k today of stuff that i would have in my bank.




add me to the list

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I remember my f2p days, it was impossible to keep enough space for holiday items, quests items...etc... Luckily i wasnt the best at keeping money and i never had many items except for armour, weapons and holiday items... So put me on the list, i support it.



Fight for cheaper planks:


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Quick Announcement








As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in this thread in quite some time. I have been extremely busy with school, and Christmas events recently, and will be very busy for quite some time now. I'm going to leave D_V_Devnull, Penguingeek3, and Tetsyua in charge of further discussion, and reporting any flamers/spammers. I'ts possible that I won't check these forums for a week at a time. If I'm very unfortunate, it may be longer. I'm a busy man, and checking forums and playing games aren't on the top of my to-do list. My apoligies for any inconveniances. I will try to check the forums whenever I get a chance, but that's not guarunteed. I'd also like to ask everyone to not spam, not flame, or insult one another on trivial matters while I'm inactive. What do I mean by trivial matters? Spelling, grammer, stuff like that. Really.. There's just no point in it.








Thank's to everyone that has posted here (except for spammers), and I appreciate your feedback. All I ask to those that wish to argue, is that you do it in a mature manner. I don't want to see some completely pointless flame war when I check back in.








Alas, I have to go now. You may pm me with any concerns, or flames if you so desire. Note that flames will simply be ignored, for I'm not easy to anger by childish insults. If you do have that odd desire to flame me, do it in pms, not in this thread. Flamers will be reported if you start spamming up the thread. Let's keep these arguments civil, shall we? Now I must really be going. I've lingered here far too long, and I'm exhuasted from a recent Christmas Parade. Remember. Keep arguments civil.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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support!its just unfair for f2p look wat we have in oyur banks








full rune with 2h and scim-7spaces




lobbys raw-cookd - 2spaces




arrows ranged armor and gloves and boots-8spaces




capes o.0-2-3spaces




random event items prince-lederhosen6spaces








lobby pot 1space




holiday items-10spaces(at least)




mage outfit-runes-amulets-12(at least)












total(and this is not even everything!):50spaces!!!




wat space do we have now:60spaces








we still get chirstmis this year and easter coming in 3-4months








omg JaGeX give us *beep* more bank space a normaal player of lvl90 really needs this!!

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I find it insanely biased that you delete the people's posts who oppose giving f2p more bank space. You cannot favour posts from people only agreeing with YOUR side of the argument, and as to you doing so, you have as much credability as sigmund freud.








How can you compare that of which you choose to filter?








And I'm sure you can guess, as a person who pays for their own two accounts, that not only do I oppose giving f2p more bankspace, I think that jagex would get a much bigger monetary gain in getting rid of f2p all together, and replacing it with maybe a one to two month demo.








Normally I wouldn't have posted to something like this, but the fact that you're labeling people who suggest you start paying like the rest of us who enjoy a fully accessable bank, as spam, really burns my [wagon].








Keep it manly,









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I find it insanely biased that you delete the people's posts who oppose giving f2p more bank space. You cannot favour posts from people only agreeing with YOUR side of the argument, and as to you doing so, you have as much credability as sigmund freud.








How can you compare that of which you choose to filter?








And I'm sure you can guess, as a person who pays for their own two accounts, that not only do I oppose giving f2p more bankspace, I think that jagex would get a much bigger monetary gain in getting rid of f2p all together, and replacing it with maybe a one to two month demo.








Normally I wouldn't have posted to something like this, but the fact that you're labeling people who suggest you start paying like the rest of us who enjoy a fully accessable bank, as spam, really burns my [wagon].








Keep it manly,
















I agree full heartly with you post, its not a flame, its a well written piece and he is speaking his mind. Don't be a dictator and rule out people who speak against it. If you haven't read its a Suggestion Forum.








Also, people can voice their thoughts and we don't have to side with you. I doubt Jagex will add bank spaces, 1 because F2P does not get updates, point is to make macrors and autors a harder time to get their items and still keep the game fair. It might be harsh but it helps in the long run. If you think about it F2P will not change except the yearly holiday events. Do not count me in and don't report those who oppose this so called rally of F2Pers.








Read the safe space guides in Player-Made Forums Sections. It will help. I used to think this way, but F2P does not change why does the bank have to change? Not a flame but my suggestion on this topic.








Anything you want to talk to me about, PM me I don't care I'll take you all on. (Grrr)

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I find it insanely biased that you delete the people's posts who oppose giving f2p more bank space. You cannot favour posts from people only agreeing with YOUR side of the argument, and as to you doing so, you have as much credability as sigmund freud.




We don't delete them. We just don't like them. I have no problem with those posts, since I can usually come back with a good argument.




How can you compare that of which you choose to filter?




We don't filter those posts...




And I'm sure you can guess, as a person who pays for their own two accounts, that not only do I oppose giving f2p more bankspace, I think that jagex would get a much bigger monetary gain in getting rid of f2p all together, and replacing it with maybe a one to two month demo.




Were you F2P for only one or two months? Most people spend at least 6 months training and doing quests before becoming members. But at least you didn't say get rid of F2P entirely, although you did.




Normally I wouldn't have posted to something like this, but the fact that you're labeling people who suggest you start paying like the rest of us who enjoy a fully accessable bank, as spam, really burns my [wagon].




Because it is spam. Or flaming. And there are many reasons why someone wouldn't pay for members, ever thought about that?




Keep it manly,









If you by any chance think I'm a whining F2Per, you're wrong.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I find it insanely biased that you delete the people's posts who oppose giving f2p more bank space. You cannot favour posts from people only agreeing with YOUR side of the argument, and as to you doing so, you have as much credability as sigmund freud.








How can you compare that of which you choose to filter?








And I'm sure you can guess, as a person who pays for their own two accounts, that not only do I oppose giving f2p more bankspace, I think that jagex would get a much bigger monetary gain in getting rid of f2p all together, and replacing it with maybe a one to two month demo.








Normally I wouldn't have posted to something like this, but the fact that you're labeling people who suggest you start paying like the rest of us who enjoy a fully accessable bank, as spam, really burns my [wagon].








Keep it manly,
















id just like to say to this guy that your like totaly mean to us who cant afford to pay for membership and neither can our parents im happy that you are fortunate but some of us cant get that. he can delete posts if they dont fit the topic too because this is for campaigning for more bank space on f2p and nothing else :wall:

Thank You,


yvan8- Main TSR1993- To be Pure


P.S. No flaming, complaining, or spamming.

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I am a member, and have been for 4 months, so I still have some recollection of having to drop random event items because of a lack of bank space. And I do think that everyone who has stayed f2p through higher lvls is a vital asset to the RS community. Imagine what would happen if all of a sudden Jagex closed the f2p worlds and RS became like WoW, ony allowing paying members to play. All the members who bought their coal from f2p players because they were "too good" to mine their own (and I hate those people) would now have to spend their precious members time mining. What about fletching? Who do you think kills all those chickens and buys all those feathers from the fishing shops? Certainly not members. And Jagex makes millions of dollars from the adverts that are on the f2p game screen.








Many people think that the f2p game is just a demo, sort of like the 10-day trial version of WoW. Though Jagex may have initially maintained f2p for that purpose (and I think it has worked very well; after all, they convinced me to give them money), they must now realize it is much more than that.








Therefore, I am undecided as to whether f2p should get more bank space. Perhaps if that was all they got, it would be fine. But the impact of such an additon would have catastrophic results. Sure, for a couple of weeks, they would be satisfied. But once that need is filled, what would you ask for next? A new f2p quest, or to make hunter or fletching available to f2p? More bank space would be a spark in dry leaves that would start a forest fire. The number of immature 9-year-olds whose parents won't pay for RS so they can be p2p makes any update above a graphical revamp impossible.








I apologize for the long post. If you delete it, I respectfully ask that you pm me (here) and let me know why. Thank you.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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i agree. f2p needs more bank space. :boohoo: i hated dropping all my holiday stuff ....and i have no room fore anything extra...i had to drop a full set of frog so i could have 3 spaces when i take my other set out. :boohoo:

O O --(O)-(O)-- What the....


\___/ \_____/

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i agree. f2p needs more bank space. :boohoo: i hated dropping all my holiday stuff ....and i have no room fore anything extra...i had to drop a full set of frog so i could have 3 spaces when i take my other set out. :boohoo:








I thought of this as well: you really can't get a debate on a subject like this, because every single f2p player wants more bank space. The vast majority (I would say 95-98%) of p2p doesn't want f2p to get more bank space.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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But why dont they want us getting more bank space? giveing us more bank space should not hurt the members economy. nor should it hurt jagex, i meen seriosly even if the updaye required an extra 1 mb of ram per player thats only an extra 2 gigs of ram per server. and unless its image based instead of texed base I highly doubt it would be any more than a few kilobytes of information. also I doubt all f2p would be accesing there banks at once so the acual required memory would be alot less.








That said please tell me why are members against this proposed update?

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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But why dont they want us getting more bank space? giveing us more bank space should not hurt the members economy. nor should it hurt jagex, i meen seriosly even if the updaye required an extra 1 mb of ram per player thats only an extra 2 gigs of ram per server. and unless its image based instead of texed base I highly doubt it would be any more than a few kilobytes of information. also I doubt all f2p would be accesing there banks at once so the acual required memory would be alot less.








That said please tell me why are members against this proposed update?








Because many members are prejudiced against f2p players. The reason you don't and can't get more bank space, like I said earlier, is because it would start a wave of petitions for other things.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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Because many members are prejudiced against f2p players. The reason you don't and can't get more bank space, like I said earlier, is because it would start a wave of petitions for other things.




Oh come on now. There's already petitions for other things. Adding more bank space wont change a thing (except make less petitions for bank space).








The whole domino effect argument thing fails.








The vast majority (I would say 95-98%) of p2p doesn't want f2p to get more bank space.




I guess I'm part of the 2-5%. :) Although I'm sure the number of members who want it is much higher.

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i've noticed that going from p2p to f2p is the most annoying thing ever. =/








and when you go from being f2p for so long back to p2p the bank size is overwhelming. so yeah i think maybe a couple of rows wouldnt hurt, especially with the newer items out aswell now.



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