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f2p's should get more bank space. i am a member but still i think f2p's should get more bank space. because i can remember my f2p days with not enough bank space. i hated when i should drop items. so join the campain to get more f2p space

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Sure, why not ?


Not paying for the game? Think again! there are millions of f2p players who all are forced to load those ads -> $$$ for jagex


(I don't even think they 'loose' money on f2p servers trough these ads)




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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No. U get wot u pay for. Besides us members don't have enough bank space






hahaha you ignorant fool. Members have more than enough bank space


f2p has 1/6th the bank space that members have. Y does it matter to u if we get more space its not like they are taking it from u to give to us.












Actually, they do pay... In adds. Also, it would help us, so I think there should be atleast some more f2p bankspace. And, just a comment, since members have so many more things-runes, armours, foods-that you're both right, partly.




P.S. Add me to supporters.

The logic of people here at tip.it is just so great. The whole idea of a glitch is that it's not your fault, but hey, we'll just say it's your fault anyway. :lol:
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well i'll agree wit u there man i'm member but my bnk is full all the time and i'm always dropping stuff.


so i'm thinking about how bad it is for f2p as even tho theres less items there are way more than will fit in.


i've made a few pures but i always give up cus they run out of space in a few days.


:thumbsup: great idea :thumbsup:



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I'm p2 and I have been f2p for 2/3 of my rs career, and i do not agree. From a business standpoint, introducing more items into the game with a constant ammount of bankspace will cause banks to be filled. thus, f2pers will (not all the time, but this is the basis behind more items) switch to p2p for bankspace and more items in general. more money for jagex = more customer support, better updates, better servers, etc. to be honest, i dont know if keeping the people who mooch off of most of the servers that DONT pay at all should be getting any updates what-so-ever. especially if it is to keep them being f2p for longer.






Just my 2 gp's =\

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I support it. I have an F2P pure, and I'm already out of bankspace on him.. -.-




I support it.




(100 Pages of replies tells me other people share my thoughts)


3,331st to 99 Fishing - 9-18-07 | 25,851st to 99 Cooking - 10-6-07

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:shock: WOW. Big topic. I'll just say that I'm neutral. I acknowledge the fact that F2P could use more space (especially with those dumb random costumes that don't do anything but you don't wanna throw away cuz they're so rare.) but the fact is, bank space, like money, will never exist in enough quantities to satisfy everyone. The more you have the more you want/need to have. When I became a member I had so much space that I thought I'd never use it all, but now it's a daily battle to keep half a row open. Because I can save more stuff I do. Most of the stuff is nice to have but not necessary (like the random event stuff). I'd say that if they want more space they should be members but that wouldn't really solve it since they'd just get more stuff to fill the space with.




I made myself a new F2P account to use, so It's not like I've forgotten where I come from or anything, but even now if I drop all the unnecessary stuff I have plenty of room for stuff I need to play with. The day F2P truly NEEDS more space is if Jagex makes a new F2P skill. That day most likely won't ever come though. Although I have to say, more space would be nice.




Now I'll leave you with this neutral face to express my neutralness. :|




Oh I just thought of a better idea than more bank space. Since Random Event items use so much space Jagex should make it so that they're reclaimable from Diango or something (maybe the lumbridge guide since Diango has his hands full with holiday stuff). That would help both F2P and P2P equally, and would help stem the inevitable rants about F2P getting an update when they don't pay (you know they exist). It would apparently add 19 more spaces to the banks of both player types without actually doing so. :mrgreen:




SOMEWHAT UNRELATED ISSUE: The topic creator says that not everyone can pay $5.00 a month to play. Well I say if you can't you better be real happy that your F2P accounts never run out of time like most demos do. Yes it's a demo. It's designed to make you want to be a member and therefore is a demo no matter what some people may think, or how big of an effect it has on the economy.




EDIT: I should say that neither of my accounts are player killers or skillers, however if you choose to be one of those in F2P of all things knowing about its limited space then you'll just have to deal with the consequences of your decision. Maybe that's unfair but that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Black coffee is my ally, green tea is my friend. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

Don't call random people noobs. You've got nothing to gain and teeth to lose.

Insanity runs in my family. We get it from our parents, but it's not hereditary...

You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

You who stand against the darkness... get the **** out of my way!

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I think it's rude for the F2Pers... But, they are too stingy to buy $4,60 a month. Anyways, like 10 more spaces should be fine (you say 12 :P )




I support you :thumbsup:(oh, yea, there should be more members bank space too then!)




Lol 100 pages?

D Tienjo2


Google gone l33t!


57/75 rc. 63/76 fish. Getting 50 range and 70 str too. Taking a break to train my pure and well... relax

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I would have no problem with jagex adding more bank space for the non-members. Also if i became a non-member(i hope i dont) i would love to have more bank space.


I support 120% :thumbsup:




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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I agree. There should be at least another row of F2P bank space. Also, i think Jagex needs to add some more F2P updates. It gets boring after a while in F2P. the reason I became a member is because i ran out of bank space in F2P. at least a couple f2p updates and some more bankspace would satisfy plenty of f2pers

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F2P is a demo and if u want bonuses become a member nothing is free and jagex wouldnt survive long if they did everything for F2P, if u want to play F2P i ahve nothing against it just accept u dont get updates etc because really ur not giving sales to jagex sounds cold business but in the end of the day jagex is a business...

a wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!



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Alas, 'tis be time for a small speech from your humble host, Prankster_King.






10 months ago, I made this thread. 10 months ago, I first brought this campaign into existance... 10 months ago, it was but a few pages big... Now look at it.




I offer my big congratulations to everyone that has helped to keep this thread alive, and the debates burning. It was thanks to you that this thread has reached




100 pages!




Though you can't see it, I'm giving you all a standing ovation.




And what better to put the icing on the cake, than being claimed to be this weeks Hot Topic? :D I personally don't think there is one. ::'




In my 10 months of leading this campaign, I have seen alot of flaming, spamming, and harrassing... But I've also seen alot of good, strong arguments, and equally strong debates to go with it. I'd like to thank those that didn't come in here and just start flaming or spamming, and thank those that stayed in here and kept the debates going strong.




Our recent rally was a great one. I'd like to thank everyone that attended -- you guys did an awesome job. I know that alot of people have been asking when the next rally will be. Hell, I've had to keep my chat off half the time, just to keep from being bombarded with pm's. Well, I'm more than happy to tell you that the event is being planned for some in July. I'll have info on it posted up in my main post as soon as I get it all organized, so make sure you keep checking this thead. ;)




Once again, a big thanks to each and every one of you. I offer my sincerest apoligies that I've been so inactive lately. I should be back and kicking in the thread again before too long. ;)








~Prankster_King [(The dude with the iron fist) Lol, thanks to whoever posted that comment. It really was hilarious ::']



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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10 months ago you didn't get more bank space. 5 months ago you still didn't get bank space. Today... you still don't deserve anymore bank space. In 5 more months you won't have any more space. Take the hint.. Jagex will never give you anything..

Quit RuneScape :)

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10 months ago you didn't get more bank space. 5 months ago you still didn't get bank space. Today... you still don't deserve anymore bank space. In 5 more months you won't have any more space. Take the hint.. Jagex will never give you anything..


They might do it eventually. A lot of suggestions start out like this. And we won't find out unless we try....... What's your point anyways? :roll:




And your "they don't deserve it" argument is a complete relative opinion.

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There are many disadvantages between an F2P player and a P2P player. The disadvantage of membership is that you have to pay and you feel rushed on doing things. The disadvantages of F2P Runescape is that you're missing out on 90% of the fun Runescape actually is. Less bank space is part of the 90% that you are missing. Easiest way and only way to solve this problem? Just pay the $5.00, you cheapo. Don't give an excuse that your mother won't let you use her credit card. Print off all of the advantages and payment options Runescape membership offers using persuasion.




Now I know you are going to put me down, and argue forever that you can't pay 20 cents a day to get more bank space, but why do you think games have trial versions? SO YOU CAN TRY THE GAME BEFORE YOU BUY IT. Many online games do this. Many console games do this. Don't give me the excuse that Runescape was once free, then betrayed people by adding membership. Soon, every free game that gets popular enough will have a Pay 2 Play system. Games like Neopets even have an advanced payment system, it's more freaking expensive that Runescape membership!




Also, would games that are already have a paying version really want to support the people who aren't paying them? LOOK AT ALL OF THE UPDATES FOR F2P BEFORE I SMACK YOU. They support the people who are supporting them. Your supporters support you because you want Jagex to listen to you little petition.




Before I finish my message, I would like to re-state this in a way you can understand. If you want more bank space, you can forget about it. That is one of the reasons why Jagex has less bank space for F2P players. They want more stuff. They want more items. They want more quests. Your followers want more bank space. WHY do you think I paid a good $20 for the entire summer? I tried Runescape F2P, and I decided that I wanted more. I wanted the entire experience. I bought membership and now I am very happy. I may not be as high of a combat lvl as you, but I can make arrows, slay dragons, create potions, get more gold AND HAVE MORE BANK SPACE!




If you continue this petition, there is only one reason. You're a freeloading 12 year old.


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I'm p2 and I have been f2p for 2/3 of my rs career, and i do not agree. From a business standpoint, introducing more items into the game with a constant ammount of bankspace will cause banks to be filled. thus, f2pers will (not all the time, but this is the basis behind more items) switch to p2p for bankspace and more items in general. more money for jagex = more customer support, better updates, better servers, etc. to be honest, i dont know if keeping the people who mooch off of most of the servers that DONT pay at all should be getting any updates what-so-ever. especially if it is to keep them being f2p for longer.






Just my 2 gp's =\




The lack of bank space can also keep people from not becoming members. If they realize they cannot be p2p every month, they won't become members because they will have all of the p2p stuff locking up their bank space when they are f2p. Every time they have to become f2p, this would mean they would have to scramble to sell all of their items before their subscription runs out. I don't know about you, but I would be very irritated having to keep selling all of my p2p items when I become f2p.




Also, why are people still calling the free version a demo! I have already presented evidence that the free version is not a demo. If you are going to say f2p is a demo, you have better come up with some evidence why it is a demo. This means a statement from Jagex. A jagex mod on the forums is also a statement from Jagex. If you want to see where I have statements from jagex saying that f2p is not a demo, please actually bother to look for my post. I have said why it is not a demo, I have reiterated it and I do not wish to reiterate it again for the stupid moronic people who can't even look back a few pages.

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