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I support this, but I understand why jagex wont give out more bankspace, its a way to force people into becoming members or quit the game. They can really twist your arm <.< :uhh:


Or create another account and mule, which is breaking a rule.


Two out of the three options are bad for Jagex. Perhaps they should take a survey of what F2Pers would do...See which one is the most common...




And the Wilderness Ditch update caused D_V_Devnull to leave? Aw, he should have stuck around OT...Or be like me...I quit RuneScape, but I'm still around... :(


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I have no problem with you guys getting more bank space. :D


I'm not going to rally, but just know you've the support of the famous PastyGangsta! 8-)

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I support this, but I understand why jagex wont give out more bankspace, its a way to force people into becoming members or quit the game. They can really twist your arm <.< :uhh:


I disagree. Most people who are veteran f2pers (<18 yr. olds excluded) have already considered p2p, and decided they didn't want to for some reason, be it money, time or whatever. These people (like me) only want enough space to play f2p effectively; we're not gonna buy members when all we want is the space.


It doesn't seem right (nor does it really make sense to me) to try and force us to pay for the full game just so we can play the free game.






Too bad about D_V_Devnull, he was a good guy. :boohoo:

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Yeah, D_V_Devnull was a good guy. I enjoyed talking to him, although I didn't get much of a chance to. He was one of the people I respected most on these forums. Anyways, the news of a rally some time in July has lifted my spirits :D

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Wow, just noticed this was the hot topic. Mark it down in the first post if you didn't already...


And hopefully the rally is either when I'm here, or my uncle's computer now has Java.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I'm p2 and I have been f2p for 2/3 of my rs career, and i do not agree. From a business standpoint, introducing more items into the game with a constant ammount of bankspace will cause banks to be filled. thus, f2pers will (not all the time, but this is the basis behind more items) switch to p2p for bankspace and more items in general. more money for jagex = more customer support, better updates, better servers, etc. to be honest, i dont know if keeping the people who mooch off of most of the servers that DONT pay at all should be getting any updates what-so-ever. especially if it is to keep them being f2p for longer.






Just my 2 gp's =\




The lack of bank space can also keep people from not becoming members. If they realize they cannot be p2p every month, they won't become members because they will have all of the p2p stuff locking up their bank space when they are f2p. Every time they have to become f2p, this would mean they would have to scramble to sell all of their items before their subscription runs out. I don't know about you, but I would be very irritated having to keep selling all of my p2p items when I become f2p.




Also, why are people still calling the free version a demo! I have already presented evidence that the free version is not a demo. If you are going to say f2p is a demo, you have better come up with some evidence why it is a demo. This means a statement from Jagex. A jagex mod on the forums is also a statement from Jagex. If you want to see where I have statements from jagex saying that f2p is not a demo, please actually bother to look for my post. I have said why it is not a demo, I have reiterated it and I do not wish to reiterate it again for the stupid moronic people who can't even look back a few pages.




in response to your statement about mine, I simply have to say that there is more than enough bank space to accomidate you. if you cant be p2p every single month, that is the persons problem. Jagex cannot be blamed for people switching from f2p to p2p and back to f2p in one month, then the person complaining about not having enough bank space for their f2p items because they were too slow or didnt want to sell all their p2p items, that is not a legitimate response to the issue because many people are able to do this if they switch back to f2p.

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Sorry, no support.




F2P should be scaled back, not amped up. Adding more bank space just makes it easier for the bots and mules to set up and operate free of charge.




No support at all.

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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Sorry, no support here either.




Prankster_King as you were saying about Jagex adding more and more items to F2P available such as trimmed armour and god armours doesn't mean that you have the need to buy them.




I've played RuneScape mostly through F2P (only 2nd month as member) and yes I found myself having to drop many items. But there were always items I truely didn't need. Oh and refering to when you said the F2P version is not a demo, it is a demo. Comparing the P2P to the F2P makes the F2P look like a sample! I had always dreamed of being a member to see what the gates past Falador had, and being able to weild and wear Dragon armor. The F2P is something to leave you wanting more, and P2P clearly gives it to you.




Do not post in here just saying "You dont pay, you dont deserve it." I'll just have you know that not everyone can waste 5$ a month on a game, and no one is going to pay just for some more bank space. Believe it or not, real life comes first, and real life requires all the money some people can get. If you must argue with us, only post here with a well thought out argument. Flaming will not be tolerated, and neither will the common spam. Keep arguments civil. Flame baiting will just show us how immature you are. Keep it clean in here.





Yea I see your point in that not everyone can do with $5 and that real-life comes first, but Jagex sees it that way too. They want to make more money out of RuneScape and by providing you with more bank space wouldn't help them out much. It doesn't make any sense to me that someone would go to so much trouble in making rallies for more space and spending so much time into the issue if the game was truely just a game -.-









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The best quest in f2p can be beaten by a level 36 combat in, on average, full mithril with an adamant longsword and 23 swordfish...armor and equipment can be pretty much maxed out at the mid-40s in combat...spells you have access to also stop at level 60, making for severely stunted combat training. This will lead at least some people to think that p2p has similar..........shortcomings.
It's wrong to assume this. When I was F2P, I always dreamed of joining P2P because of all the skills members have. Every time I checked my skills I saw a large number that had a 1 beside them-member skills. Also, every time I got lost (mostly when I was a newer player), I saw a massive area that I couldn't get to. The fact that armour in F2P only goes up to level 40 is intentional; you've already seen your way through seven types of armour by the time you get rune. Although free players can't get the final two types of armour, they understand how good those armours must be. Finally-about quests. You say that Elvarg, the third strongest monster in F2P, can be beaten by a level 36 with full mithril and an adamant longsword. Have you done Dragon Slayer? Personally, I have never seen anyone under level 65 even attempt this quest.






I have personally done it, twice, once at lvl 45 with full addy and water blasting, and another time at lvl 55 with full addy+rune scim. It is fully possible to do. Although i agree with the topic, I cannot agree that you cannot complete dslayer under 65. Also, in both instances i used less than 10 lobs.

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i am p2p as of 4 years i have never though that f2p has had enough bank space and the fact that if jagex was to make somewhat of a secondary bank for near useless items such as the costume room in p2p that that in itself would free up a ton of space.

the following statement is true.

the above statement is false.

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I've decided to announce the upcoming creation of a F2P Bank Space topic in Zybez.net. As time goes on, the word of this campaign spreads, and more and more supporters are gathered. Already we have seen evidence of the ever increasing buzz, as references have been made to the F2P Bank Space issue in Tip.It articles on multiple occasions. Our recent rally has also gotten the word out to those that may not use Tip.It. With a new summer, comes a new step in this campaign. I have decided to create a similar bank space topic in the Runescape Community forums, in hopes of drawing more supporters from another source. When the time comes for the next rally, I hope to have both Tipiters and RSC users there, and helping to support our campaign. Jagex has been quite keen on not mentioning anything on the existance of this campaign, and pretending to not have heard of it. I have already been told that Jagex is well aware of the campaign, and was aware of the rally. We have been heard, but that doesn't mean they will take heed to us. If we are to be succesful in this campaign at any point in time - whether it be in a month, or another year - we need as many supporters as we can gather.




Now after saying that, I'd just like to mention a small word to the people that have been with this campaign from the begining. I will soon be taking my leave from Runescape. I am unsure as to how long I will be 'retired', or when I will actually leave. I will be online enough to continue the campaign as best as I can, but for other matters, I will be online at a bare minimum. I ask that you keep this thread going, and once I post it, keep the RSC thread alive. I will try to be in the forums as much as possible, but there will be times when I may not be on for many days at a time.




I thank all of those supporters that have posted in this thread, and ask that you all keep a wary eye on my first post. Before long, info on the next rally will be posted.




To those that have been keeping a clean debate, I thank you for not flaming/spamming. I will try to respond to you if I get the opportunity.







[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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but see, a lot of your items that cramp up your bank space aren't needed. andom event clothes are meant to be worn, not take up space in your bank. you don't need more than one set of clothes and one set of armor because you can only wear one set at a time. i'm member and i hardly have enough bank space, we have so much crap. i have one set of armor and that is full rune, and i have a dragon mace and a dragon dagger poison++. meanwhile, a lot of f2pers use up their bank space storing holiday items, random event items, and extra stuff they never wear. when i was f2p i never had a problem with bank space, and i had done every quest, and had 6 skills at 50+. i had my full rune, my ores, my pick axe, my wc axe, my willows, my yews, and my fish all at once in my bank and i had 2 spaces left. and i never had them all at once before. if i cut logs, i would stock them up then immediately burn or sell them. if i mine ores, i stock them up, smelt them, then smith them before i move on to a different skill. after i was done fishing i cooked my fish, then went to train combat and ate them. you don't need more space, you just don't manage what space you have well enough.




another reason jagex doesn't want to add more f2p bank space is because you don't pay. i'm not saying f2p is a demo, though in my opinion it is, but it is a buisness tactic. show the people how much bank space members get, and they'll pay for it. that's why the update to members link is always there, to get you to click it and see the benefits of members to get you to buy it. and for the arguement of i'm not able to pay $5 a month for it, think about it. for all you teenagers and kids playing rs, a year's membership is $60. not only is that the price of a new videogame, but that videogame will most likely not last you a year. but can you stop payments on it? no. with runescape, you get 30 days for $5. usually, a videogame lasts you 2 months, for runescap, that's $10, for the videogame, that's $60, plus expenses for the console you played it on. computers are something every household has nowadays, so you can't count the cost in, because computers are used for more than just video games, it is used for a variety of purposes, while a video game console does jus that, plays video games and nothing else.




another reason why f2p should not get more bank space, it's only $5 a month for members. you can get that for mowing a lawn, or doing xtra work for your parents. $5 never made any1 go broke, and if it did, i'm sure a friend would let you have $5 if it saved you from bankruptcy. real life comes first, but the only thing runescape members infringes on real life is time spent playing it, and you should spend the same amount of time playing f2p, so there is no infringement on real changed like there was before. i had another reason but now i forgot... :-k anyway, those are my reasons why f2p should not get more bank space, as you can see, they're well thought out.



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The best quest in f2p can be beaten by a level 36 combat in, on average, full mithril with an adamant longsword and 23 swordfish...armor and equipment can be pretty much maxed out at the mid-40s in combat...spells you have access to also stop at level 60, making for severely stunted combat training. This will lead at least some people to think that p2p has similar..........shortcomings.
It's wrong to assume this. When I was F2P, I always dreamed of joining P2P because of all the skills members have. Every time I checked my skills I saw a large number that had a 1 beside them-member skills. Also, every time I got lost (mostly when I was a newer player), I saw a massive area that I couldn't get to. The fact that armour in F2P only goes up to level 40 is intentional; you've already seen your way through seven types of armour by the time you get rune. Although free players can't get the final two types of armour, they understand how good those armours must be. Finally-about quests. You say that Elvarg, the third strongest monster in F2P, can be beaten by a level 36 with full mithril and an adamant longsword. Have you done Dragon Slayer? Personally, I have never seen anyone under level 65 even attempt this quest.






I have personally done it, twice, once at lvl 45 with full addy and water blasting, and another time at lvl 55 with full addy+rune scim. It is fully possible to do. Although i agree with the topic, I cannot agree that you cannot complete dslayer under 65. Also, in both instances i used less than 10 lobs.




well, i did this at lvl 50 meleeing elvarg, but i saw right afterr a lvl 45 come up in full addy and a rune scimmy and beat elvarg. it's entirely possible, in fact, all quests that don't have a high combat requirement but require you to beat a high lvld monster are possible at lvl 50. moonkey madness requires you to beat a lvl 200 something, and i've seen it done by a lvl 51 who wasn't pure. the legend's quest, one of the hardest quests in the game, can easily be done by some1 with the minimum stats and 43 prayer, all quests except dream mentor are.



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The best quest in f2p can be beaten by a level 36 combat in, on average, full mithril with an adamant longsword and 23 swordfish...armor and equipment can be pretty much maxed out at the mid-40s in combat...spells you have access to also stop at level 60, making for severely stunted combat training. This will lead at least some people to think that p2p has similar..........shortcomings.
It's wrong to assume this. When I was F2P, I always dreamed of joining P2P because of all the skills members have. Every time I checked my skills I saw a large number that had a 1 beside them-member skills. Also, every time I got lost (mostly when I was a newer player), I saw a massive area that I couldn't get to. The fact that armour in F2P only goes up to level 40 is intentional; you've already seen your way through seven types of armour by the time you get rune. Although free players can't get the final two types of armour, they understand how good those armours must be. Finally-about quests. You say that Elvarg, the third strongest monster in F2P, can be beaten by a level 36 with full mithril and an adamant longsword. Have you done Dragon Slayer? Personally, I have never seen anyone under level 65 even attempt this quest.






I have personally done it, twice, once at lvl 45 with full addy and water blasting, and another time at lvl 55 with full addy+rune scim. It is fully possible to do. Although i agree with the topic, I cannot agree that you cannot complete dslayer under 65. Also, in both instances i used less than 10 lobs.




I did Dragon Slayer at lvl 47 - with no armor and rune longsword - and some lobsters. Well, my items gave about +30 defence bonus. Elvarg is so easy.





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