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Alright....f2p needs we bank space. We get that! Please stop saying members are greedy jerks b/c we are not. I totally agree with the need for more f2p bank space. I was once a f2per and I ran out of space all the time which bring me to another thing. I am a member and I have so much stuff for skills like All the logs, Seeds, Hunter gear, Random event gear, Cooking and fishing stuff, Mining stuff, Combat gear, Crafting stuff and well even as a Member I run out of space all the time. I have to clear out my bank from time to time and get rid of useless stuff.




I agree with more space for f2p but please dont crowd your banks with useless stuff. Ask yourself...Do I need this? Got some old quest items in your bank...Trash them....you dont need them. This message is for members also not just f2p. We crowd our banks just as much and we need to learn that f2p doesnt have as much space and we should respect that we all started out f2p and we should remember how it feels to run out of space.




Thats all I have to say.



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Not all members are jerks, but quite a few are. It is the same with f2p, there are quite a lot of jerks here also.




Sargas, I have cleared my bank of useless junk, but I still don't have enough room. Clearing it of useless junk helps, but it is not enough, you have to clear other useful items.




Also on another happier note,




2k posts on this thread, Tetsuya made the two thousandth post.




To clarify, this post The petition for more f2p bank space has 2k posts.

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Wow, Vscel4. You decided to use your first post to troll. :roll:




The saddest part about it is that he sent the exact same message to me in a pm, asking for me to "reconsider". :roll:




Gratz on the 2k'th post. ;)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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100 pages? :ohnoes: Dang, that's approaching the new bank page topic! =D> =D> Nice! And I would like to state something. Please don't harass me for it, seeing as I am a f2p.




If you really think about it, f2p IS a demo. *dodges the tomatoes, oranges, laser beams, etc.* Nownow, let me finish. If f2p IS a demo, then it is a very poor one, for the following reasons;




There is absolutely ZERO minigames in f2p, period. These are one of the places runescape truly shines, and I have played some. If even something like the Fight Pits were introduced, then the quality of f2p would be boosted to what a demo truly would be, not some cruddy, selo-taped together doppelganger of a game that it is now, compared to the real game.




The best quest in f2p can be beaten by a level 36 combat in, on average, full mithril with an adamant longsword and 23 swordfish. As anyone will attest to, this is PATHETICALLY easy, even compared to something such as fremmy trials. This provides a very poor reflection to the fun and challenge of some of the p2p quests, such as the biohazard and fairy tale series.




The armor and equipment can be pretty much maxed out at the mid-40s in combat, if you train all of the stats equally. The damage does increase with better levels, but the armor doesn't. The spells you have access to also stop at level 60, making for severely stunted combat training. This will lead at least some people to think that p2p has similar..........shortcomings.




The available skillset is bland, to say the least. The only fun skill we have is combat, and that was covered in the previous paragraph. What skills we DO have are stunted in various ways, one example being that the only combat type that can truly make their own equipment is melee. The only people who use things like fire strikes and soft leather in wilderness are either very low-level, intentionally hampering themselves to provide a challenge, or aren't the brightest bulbs in the box, to put it lightly. This would frustrate, and has already, almost anyone who is into the combat scene, such as myself.




The ways of making any real money are few and FAR between. Practically the only way to make any decent cash is to merchant, which many, myself included, aren't too keen about. The only other way is to spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours doing things for less than 50k an hour. Most would hang it up after the first couple, thinking that p2p doesn't have it much better off.




As can be seen, if f2p truly is a demo, it does the job very poorly. If, considering that TB@JT aren't complete idiots, someone takes up the idea to slowly (1 update every 4 months sounds good) release member features to f2p, while keeping (if not doubling) the current update rate of members content, then f2p will truly be a demo, which will be a proud thing considering that the members game traditionally has 3x more stuff than f2p. If you incorporate this into the original post, I will be grateful!

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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Big coincidence FTW?


Tetusya made the 1000th post AND the 2000th post.






Well, I personally think the ratio of supporters to non-supporters is growing. Which is good.




And to somewhat recap the first 2000 posts...I'll answer a few common statements made by non-supporters...Like I did a while ago...




N-S = Nonsuporter




N-S: You don't pay, you don't get anything!


Me: Then why does F2P still get updates?




N-S: It'll take up so much space


Me: P2P got 48 new spaces one. There are about 4 times as many F2Pers as P2P. This would take the same amount of space.




N-S: It'll take up too much time and cost too much.


Me: You're crazy.




N-S: No, F2P is a demo!


Me: Tell me where Jagex said so. (And look at Ember's post right above mine)




N-S: Why should Jagex give a bunch of freeloading noobs that are little kids updates?


Me: *Reported for flames*. And why not?




I might have missed some, feel free to add on if you want. And the next non-supporter who doesn't even mention any of these arguments will earn some respect.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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& penguingeek, if you will please direct anyone using the "f2p=demo" arguement toward my previous post, I think that would likely settle it. Thank you. :mrgreen:

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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Moonshadow you have offended me. Was that your goal in the one post where you called anyone who thought F2P was a demo a moron? I gave very valid reasons why it is a demo. It's not fair to expect everyone who disagrees with you to sift through a 100 page topic to find the post that you base your argument on. If you want people to see it but don't want to retype it every page put a link to it in your signature. Also I still think F2P is demo because it is. Nothing Jagex says will change that fact. If they say grass is red in their game without actually changing it to red, then dammit it's still green. Until they gain the power to change the laws of physics F2P will always be a demo. If it wasn't a demo then they would let free players play the full version of the game. They don't and therefore it's a demo. No amount of big, red, underlined words will change facts or my opinion on this matter.




I'm still neutral on having more bank space for F2P.

Black coffee is my ally, green tea is my friend. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

Don't call random people noobs. You've got nothing to gain and teeth to lose.

Insanity runs in my family. We get it from our parents, but it's not hereditary...

You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

You who stand against the darkness... get the **** out of my way!

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& penguingeek, if you will please direct anyone using the "f2p=demo" arguement toward my previous post, I think that would likely settle it. Thank you. :mrgreen:


Done. Your post was very nice, maybe each of the major supporters (Not saying some supporters are less supportive) can make a long, thought-out comeback for a common argument. Then Prankster can copy and paste them all into the first page (Using the hide option if needed). If it's done, it could help.




And to all people that are neutral, I'm fine with it. As long as you respect both sides' opinions.


(Now, who wants to count the number of supporters? \' )


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Well, I wasn't aiming my post directly at you. I think "Moron" was a rather harsh word and I do take that back. It wasn't the greatest choice of words. I didn't even see your post to be honest. It was some of the posters in the last page. Anyways, F2P as a demo was their original intent. But people started joining F2P and playing for several years than quitting. There was a population boom in F2P and the servers couldn't hold them all. So, to answer the need, Jagex made more servers to hold all of the F2Pers. This is one of the first signs that made F2P more of another side rather than just a demo. There are also yearly holiday items, graphic updates, new random events, the Sceptre added to the game. Also, several P2P only items were introduced and they opened up a whole new market for P2Pers. Whenever Jagex talks about F2P they say Free Version. They don't say the demo. This is also more proof that it isn't a demo. When people talk about Runescape, there are two different players. Members and Nonmembers. Nonmembers, not demo users. They also call it Members benefits. They don't say upgrade from the demo. You don't have a little message pop up and say, you have used your 30 day period, subscribe now to keep your character.




To end this little note, I did not aim this only at you. Now that I have read your post, I respect your neutrality. F2P still is partly a demo, but it is much more than just that. And if those big red bold italicized words really offend you, I took them out :P.

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Thanks, pengy! :mrgreen: I aggree with you on the point of the major supporters making thought-out rebuttles to common arguements damning the idea of updating f2p. Would likely keep most of the people who whine about this quiet! & I feel sorry for whoever has to count supporters, that would bore someone to :cry: & :-X for sure! Peace.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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I'm glad to hear you respect my opinion Moonshadow! =D> I'll also admit that F2P is way less of a demo than anything else I've ever seen. I've always thought of it as proof that Jagex isn't just a bunch of greedy jerkwads... they're all that and more! :thumbsup: Just kidding Jagex.O:)

Black coffee is my ally, green tea is my friend. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

Don't call random people noobs. You've got nothing to gain and teeth to lose.

Insanity runs in my family. We get it from our parents, but it's not hereditary...

You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

You who stand against the darkness... get the **** out of my way!

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Any Amount of new bank space would help.




Just to clear things up here. I wont mention names but the following comments have been made that are not true




Person 1 :F2P people dont deserve more bank space




Me: Who said? We were all one time or another. (Or still are) Free to play


runescapers. And i bet each and everyone of us have ran out of bank space at one time or another. We may have had to have sell an item our


friend gave us (I sadly had to) or you may have had to drop something.


It isnt very good. Just 12 more bits of bank space is almost nothing to a P2P. It wont do them any damage, They are not taking the bank space off you. But those 12 bits of bank space could make a F2P player Happy.




Also another post of the following




Person 1: F2P is just a demo.




Me: F2P is not a demo. its where every runescaper starts off. Its where they meet there first friend. It can be where they make there money.


F2P Is not a demo. Never call F2P a demo. If you need more proof that it isnt a demo see embers post. I am sure we all met our first friend in F2P.




Give F2P more bank space. :D

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I totaly agree, I'm currently playing p2p but I think the people that play f2p deserve it, I've been on f2p quite a few times and I absolutely hate dropping items to fit in new ones -.- , I really do hope Jagex gives you f2p'ers more bank space. ::'



I would like to get the most difficult 99 in the game to accomplish. which is woodcutting.
because I had a drunken night in philadelphia and sprayed a fire extinguiser, evacuated a 7 story hotel on the philly stadium, spent the night in jail.. then got on level 2 prob & have to pay 50 a month because I have a job. It's their way of collecting more money out of me.





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The reason that Jagex hasn't givenmore f2p bank space is because then you are more convinced to pay $5 a month to get a lot more bank space that'll keep on growing. You've got me divided on this one though :wall:




1. F2p really is a demo, demo=demonstration, of what the full version is. The only reason that you should even update a demo would be graphical or game play/mechanics. If you updated a demo too often or too much,people would play the demo more than the actual version (not likely) or it would put a hit on the full version's number of plays i.e if f2p was updated more than less people would become members.




2. the community of f2p is almost exactly (if not the same) as members. Since thats the case, then f2p isn't a demo and is just the same as a video game at the store for free but only about 1/4 of the storyline, minigames, etc.




I still don't see what the big deal is. If you want more bank space become a member, that's the solution \' . Plus you get better customer service and much more stuff to look forward too. :thumbsup:

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There is absolutely ZERO minigames in f2p, period. These are one of the places runescape truly shines, and I have played some. If even something like the Fight Pits were introduced, then the quality of f2p would be boosted to what a demo truly would be, not some cruddy, selo-taped together doppelganger of a game that it is now, compared to the real game.
I can't disagree with you here. Minigames can be the best part of P2P, but I can't think of a minigame that could be easily incorporated into F2P without the addition of new areas.




The best quest in f2p can be beaten by a level 36 combat in, on average, full mithril with an adamant longsword and 23 swordfish...armor and equipment can be pretty much maxed out at the mid-40s in combat...spells you have access to also stop at level 60, making for severely stunted combat training. This will lead at least some people to think that p2p has similar..........shortcomings.
It's wrong to assume this. When I was F2P, I always dreamed of joining P2P because of all the skills members have. Every time I checked my skills I saw a large number that had a 1 beside them-member skills. Also, every time I got lost (mostly when I was a newer player), I saw a massive area that I couldn't get to. The fact that armour in F2P only goes up to level 40 is intentional; you've already seen your way through seven types of armour by the time you get rune. Although free players can't get the final two types of armour, they understand how good those armours must be. Finally-about quests. You say that Elvarg, the third strongest monster in F2P, can be beaten by a level 36 with full mithril and an adamant longsword. Have you done Dragon Slayer? Personally, I have never seen anyone under level 65 even attempt this quest.



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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There is absolutely ZERO minigames in f2p, period. These are one of the places runescape truly shines, and I have played some. If even something like the Fight Pits were introduced, then the quality of f2p would be boosted to what a demo truly would be, not some cruddy, selo-taped together doppelganger of a game that it is now, compared to the real game.
I can't disagree with you here. Minigames can be the best part of P2P, but I can't think of a minigame that could be easily incorporated into F2P without the addition of new areas.




Thank you for your support on this, and you are correct in that point. The only real minigames that are available in f2p areas are Pest Control (unlikely), Champions (maybe) and the Rat Pits (most likely of the bunch). We would have to add members areas to f2p in order for us to do any else :wall:




The best quest in f2p can be beaten by a level 36 combat in, on average, full mithril with an adamant longsword and 23 swordfish...armor and equipment can be pretty much maxed out at the mid-40s in combat...spells you have access to also stop at level 60, making for severely stunted combat training. This will lead at least some people to think that p2p has similar..........shortcomings.
It's wrong to assume this. When I was F2P, I always dreamed of joining P2P because of all the skills members have. Every time I checked my skills I saw a large number that had a 1 beside them-member skills. Also, every time I got lost (mostly when I was a newer player), I saw a massive area that I couldn't get to. The fact that armour in F2P only goes up to level 40 is intentional; you've already seen your way through seven types of armour by the time you get rune. Although free players can't get the final two types of armour, they understand how good those armours must be. Finally-about quests. You say that Elvarg, the third strongest monster in F2P, can be beaten by a level 36 with full mithril and an adamant longsword. Have you done Dragon Slayer? Personally, I have never seen anyone under level 65 even attempt this quest.




On the first part, I didn't assume anything. I DONE IT. I finished it roughly back in january, with the exact equipment described. And you do have a point on the second bit; we do go through 7 types of melee armor. Do keep in mind that we only go through 2 full sets of range armor, and mage doesn't even have a proper set yet! I would probably be correct in assuming that Jagex would pick a time when members get an update in these fields, f2p gets something (considerably smaller) as well. Sound fair?

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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T I would probably be correct in assuming that Jagex would pick a time when members get an update in these fields, f2p gets something (considerably smaller) as well. Sound fair?




No. If you have access to similar stuff I do, what exactly am I paying for? F2P may be slightly more than a demo, but its specifically designed to offer the basics of the game, and thats it.




Now, I see your point that melee is offered far more than the other combat styles, but that is really only because there are many cheap, low level melee armors. In general, it appears that most standard, non quest related armor with all requirements under lvl 40 are also introduced to F2P with the one exception being mystic. So I would say it might be safe to assume that most new armors with requirements lower than 40 would have an F2P element. But really, how many new low level armor types are gonna come out? Members already have lots of low level choices, and not many members are that low in level anyways.

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What I am saying is that every couple months (4 months/1 f2p update sounds good) something that is members content, which is considerably small compared to other members things, is released to f2p. At the ideal rate, when everything in current members areas is f2p, the members area includes at least 2 whole other continents as big as the current members area each and a small moon. That way, f2p is capable of representing members in truth, which is NOT the way of things now. And there is a difference between "similar" and "the same". Mithril and Rune daggers are similar, but are they the same?

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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Penguingeek, you mentioned something about embedding something else in my first post? Can you please give me a bit more details? ::'


We've seen the same arguments repeated over and over. We've ignored them most of the time, but we still get annoyed by them.


So, sort of as an idea inspired by Ember's post...


Why not have the "major supporters" each take a common argument made by non-members and make a thought out comeback to it? The next time someone uses that argument, we point them at that comeback.


It'd help us ignore them for the most part, yet not have them thinking they won the argument because we didn't reply.


And it'd help against those non-supporters who actually read your entire post. They should figure out that they shouldn't use those arguments.




And by the way, whatever happened to D_V_Devnull?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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