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Loop hole bug!? Is this bug abuse?


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So i was doing the new gnome cooking minigame and after about 30 minutes of doing it i had 4 loop hole half keys and 1 tooth half key. This is awesome right!?




But something wasen't right, for some reason whenever i got a loop half, no message saying my award came up. I ignored this and went to the official forums to brag about my amazing luck! It turns out...loops holes are ridicoulously common for everybody! People have been gettin gin 80 trips 20 loop half, and only 1 teeth half!




Now this is obviously a bug, because only loop halves are common, not the teeth. Eather it's a bug or with the new crossbow update jagex wants dragonstones to be really really common?




So is this bug abuse doing this minigame? Has anybody else noticed this?

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Well with the cbow update I am not surprised there are a bunch of half keys shooting out and about, but with their being so many loop halfs and so little teeth halfs, I dont think we will be able to get into that chest still. Maybe they goofed or maybe they are messing with our heads.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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I'd say that it's possible that they'll nerf it a bit in the future.. However, there's no way that they could call playing the minigame bug abuse, as long as you don't do anything that in it'sself causes more half keys.. It's their own fault for releasing it if it actually wasn't intended to give so many keys. :?

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no wonder no one's buying my loop key half. i can't get rid of it (never played the gnome minigame) maybe ill play the game anyways

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Oh not bad, I was hoping something like this would come out. Those dragon tipped crossbow bolts look like they could just as well save range. I'm looking forward to snapping some dragonbreath onto those seemingly inpenetrable rune plates.



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Obviously they made loop halves more common to stop tons of dragonstones from getting into the game. You can have tons of half-keys, but what good is it if they're all the same half? I dunno' about you guys, but when I get a half-key from a monster drop it's usually a tooth, and when I get a half-key from a random event it's usually a loop. Go kill some monsters or something and you'll see what I mean.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Those dragon tipped crossbow bolts look like they could just as well save range. I'm looking forward to snapping some dragonbreath onto those seemingly inpenetrable rune plates.




those won't save range. perhaps if the special was... well, a special and not random.




msb is amazing because the specal can be used when it's perfectly welcome -- when the opponent is low hp and can't eat high enough. what's the point if your opponent is at 10 hp and you shoot a 3 and 4 or something while he eats to full? then you hit the 30+ that would've landed you full rune a couple shots ago?




i just shot down cbows without mentioning speed. :roll:


give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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Those dragon tipped crossbow bolts look like they could just as well save range. I'm looking forward to snapping some dragonbreath onto those seemingly inpenetrable rune plates.




those won't save range. perhaps if the special was... well, a special and not random.




msb is amazing because the specal can be used when it's perfectly welcome -- when the opponent is low hp and can't eat high enough. what's the point if your opponent is at 10 hp and you shoot a 3 and 4 or something while he eats to full? then you hit the 30+ that would've landed you full rune a couple shots ago?




i just shot down cbows without mentioning speed. :roll:




Or meleers could just be smart and know that the spec doesn't work through a anti-fire shield and swicth to those whenever they see someone with a crossbow?


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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Well whatever you have to say about crossbows, that's not the point. I think it's kind of funny to even suggest that a just because a mini-game's rewards are biased that the game could be bug abuse. Even if they found later that it was a bug, what could they do?! Ban anyone who received tons of loop halves? Even if it was a bug, it's not bug abuse.




OMG! Doing PC is bug abuse because you get waaaay too much xp waaaay too fast! REPORTED!




Sorry for the sarcasm, but c'mon. Change the title. I thought you were about to tell us some bug where you get infinite loop halves from one delivery. :?

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Well whatever you have to say about crossbows, that's not the point. I think it's kind of funny to even suggest that a just because a mini-game's rewards are biased that the game could be bug abuse. Even if they found later that it was a bug, what could they do?! Ban anyone who received tons of loop halves? Even if it was a bug, it's not bug abuse.




OMG! Doing PC is bug abuse because you get waaaay too much xp waaaay too fast! REPORTED!




Sorry for the sarcasm, but c'mon. Change the title. I thought you were about to tell us some bug where you get infinite loop halves from one delivery. :?




you could only get that lucky, you stupid cracker.


quit flaming every post. I know im flaming you right now, but you come to this forum, think you own it, and then you flame every single post that you dont agree with....geez, give the man a break.

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Well whatever you have to say about crossbows, that's not the point. I think it's kind of funny to even suggest that a just because a mini-game's rewards are biased that the game could be bug abuse. Even if they found later that it was a bug, what could they do?! Ban anyone who received tons of loop halves? Even if it was a bug, it's not bug abuse.




OMG! Doing PC is bug abuse because you get waaaay too much xp waaaay too fast! REPORTED!




Sorry for the sarcasm, but c'mon. Change the title. I thought you were about to tell us some bug where you get infinite loop halves from one delivery. :?




you could only get that lucky, you stupid cracker.


quit flaming every post. I know im flaming you right now, but you come to this forum, think you own it, and then you flame every single post that you dont agree with....geez, give the man a break.


I fail to see the flame.. I mean, she's answering his question and making a valid point. Granted, she's being sarcastic, but it's a funny-sarcastic, not a personal attack sarcastic.. :-k

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Well whatever you have to say about crossbows, that's not the point. I think it's kind of funny to even suggest that a just because a mini-game's rewards are biased that the game could be bug abuse. Even if they found later that it was a bug, what could they do?! Ban anyone who received tons of loop halves? Even if it was a bug, it's not bug abuse.




OMG! Doing PC is bug abuse because you get waaaay too much xp waaaay too fast! REPORTED!




Sorry for the sarcasm, but c'mon. Change the title. I thought you were about to tell us some bug where you get infinite loop halves from one delivery. :?




you could only get that lucky, you stupid cracker.


quit flaming every post. I know im flaming you right now, but you come to this forum, think you own it, and then you flame every single post that you dont agree with....geez, give the man a break.




LOL I read your post and thought you were a racist for a second.. then I looked up at his profile and got the reference.

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You may think this will help the range update the most but to be honest I think in the long term this will lower Nature runes from 350 back down to 300 per due to the lower cost of Glory Amulets and the more oppurtunity for those to Abyss RC.


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Hey yeah, well how do you explain that when you get a tooth half or any tip in the minigame a message comes up saying what you got, but when you get a loop half no message comes up? just i'll give you a tip and then that's it until you check your inv to see what you got.




Anywayssss yeah I think it's a bug and doing this minigame in excess is kinda abusing it, but yeah it obviously doesen't qualify as "bug abuse" - something to get banned for 8-) . Just something to take advantage of before they tweak it?




Even having a ton of loop halves this will still drop the prices of loop halves only, not the other half.

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well i dont think its a bug...even if it is it isnt abuse. Ive killed well over 60k chaos druid warriors and i only get loop halfs, along with other monsters. the only time i have gotten a teeth half myself was once from a crystal key chest, and once from the gnome minigame.




loops are simply more common. Which might be a bug, but not bug abuse because we cannot be sure its not ment to be how it is.



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Those dragon tipped crossbow bolts look like they could just as well save range. I'm looking forward to snapping some dragonbreath onto those seemingly inpenetrable rune plates.




those won't save range. perhaps if the special was... well, a special and not random.




msb is amazing because the specal can be used when it's perfectly welcome -- when the opponent is low hp and can't eat high enough. what's the point if your opponent is at 10 hp and you shoot a 3 and 4 or something while he eats to full? then you hit the 30+ that would've landed you full rune a couple shots ago?




i just shot down cbows without mentioning speed. :roll:


msb ftw.because the special,the speed,and teh plain 0wn4g3(lol sry had to do that) :P

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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