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Runescape on XBOX360?


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As many of you know, you can run scripts in media center to load webpages and programs. Currently, I play Super Nintendo and Sega and gameboy games on my 360.




So, I simply used a webpage to load world 2 instantly. low and behold... runescape was on my TV screen.






Sad Part about it........ xbox doesn't support keyboard and mouse support... (well it does, but limited) so simply couldn't log in.




There are talks about xbox allowing keyboard and mouse support... but microsoft doesn't want users to think their xbox is a computer.




But the day it does come out..... that'll be neat eh? runescape for the console.


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on psp it is possible but the screen is very very bad








never owned a PSP. I have a friend who does, i'll see if i can play runescape on a PSP during class sometime.




can psp's get wireless internet? lol


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on psp it is possible but the screen is very very bad








never owned a PSP. I have a friend who does, i'll see if i can play runescape on a PSP during class sometime.




can psp's get wireless internet? lol




Yes, psp can go online wirelessly.




Only problem is with the 222Mhz processor and the 4MB of DRAM, I don't think RS would run very well :?


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jagex said they will only have rsc and rs2 and will not have it on any other system




Did you read the main post at all? Or did you just grossly misunderstand it ... ?




Anyway, with a mouse and keyboard hooked up to an Xbox, I fail to see how it differs from playing on a computer. Still need an electrical outlet, still need an active connection to the internet. Only different is a larger screen, but since there's already a special cord which allows you to use your TV as a PC monitor, it's really no different. Just a slightly faster/slower CPU (depending on the Xbox's capabilities, which I'm not familiar with).

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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hmm supposedly you if you press the dvd menu button on your universal remote it brings up a onscreen key board so try that maybe




heh heh do you know how tedious that would be ...."dvd menu.....over...over...over...b....down....down...down...over....u....down....down....down...y"





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that wouldnt work out, people play rs for more than 3 hours a day, then it overheats

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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