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Runescape on XBOX360?


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on psp it is possible but the screen is very very bad








never owned a PSP. I have a friend who does, i'll see if i can play runescape on a PSP during class sometime.




can psp's get wireless internet? lol




Yes, psp can go online wirelessly.




Only problem is with the 222Mhz processor and the 4MB of DRAM, I don't think RS would run very well :?




can you download java on a psp?

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runescape on a console? that has got to be the most pointless thing anyone can think of. If you have a console, but don't have a comp, then theres something wrong with you.




On the other hand, if you could play runescape on a hand-held with a screen bigger than that of psp or the DS, it would be quite interesting :-k

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on psp it is possible but the screen is very very bad








never owned a PSP. I have a friend who does, i'll see if i can play runescape on a PSP during class sometime.




can psp's get wireless internet? lol




Yes, psp can go online wirelessly.




Only problem is with the 222Mhz processor and the 4MB of DRAM, I don't think RS would run very well :?




can you download java on a psp?


I just checked, technically there is a rather new app that runs basic text java scripts...but RS is faaar from basic java

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Not sure if any 1 posted this, dont want to look through all the pages.




But microsoft is comming out with a little key pad that you can put on your controller. This is because they are making a MSN messenger type thing on the 360. So with this you might be able to type, but you wont be able to use a mouse :wall:

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I've played on my ps3 (Which does have use of a mouse and keyboard) but then i can't use my IM. So I will stick with my coumputer.




I cant look at these fourms if I use my ps3 while playing rs. So computer definatly is still better.




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I think you can hook up your monitor to your TV with a DVI cable, but the resolution would be terrible.




some tvs have the same input thing for monitors that computers do, the resolution is great with those



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I believe it is possible with the DS, although I don't own the web browser software, so I cannot be sure.




It is not possible with the Wii, as the browser does not support Java. And the keyboard wouldn't be possible (the OSK only comes up when you click on a box that would need one. As the RS client is all within one 'box' it wouldn't pick up the differences between the text section and the rest of it). That said, it's still possible they're release an update that does allow Java.






Sorry if this has all been posted before, but I know nothing about the 360's browser capabilities and thus spoke about the only thing I know.

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I've tried on the PSP, it just can't handle it. Don't bother.




I have tried it on our 42" Plasma, and it works pretty well. The resolution is fairly good and it's always funny seeing your character on the bigscreen.




I'm so jealous of you now. I wanna play rs on a 42" :( <.< ... But I dont have a PsP or a 42" tv. Just a regular 27" Tv. And its a widescreen at that.

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wait.. doesn't the size of the website stay the same.. no matter the size of your screen..? So it would be a big screen with the same sized runescape browser

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wait.. doesn't the size of the website stay the same.. no matter the size of your screen..? So it would be a big screen with the same sized runescape browser




Nope, it goes on the entire screen. I had to dub my resolution from 1200x800 to 800x600 to fit on the plasma, then full screen firefox to see my entire RS browser. Its quite interesting and enjoyable.



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It already works on the original xbox with linux and firefox, but the only problem is that it takes 2 mins to load after you walk up stairs or tele becuase the xbox 1 has 64mb combined video and main RAM.




Its much faster and cheaper to use a $10 converter cable to hook up your computer to your tv anyways

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i personally cant see why u would want to connect it to the 360.. the graphics will be no better for one. xbox 360 as it will use the same rendering engine rs does off the computer.................. sounds like a big waste of time to me.




Ditto. +1. And Me. Second That. Agree'd. Ya rly?

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Guest Lue_Dogs
As many of you know, you can run scripts in media center to load webpages and programs. Currently, I play Super Nintendo and Sega and gameboy games on my 360.




So, I simply used a webpage to load world 2 instantly. low and behold... runescape was on my TV screen.






Sad Part about it........ xbox doesn't support keyboard and mouse support... (well it does, but limited) so simply couldn't log in.




There are talks about xbox allowing keyboard and mouse support... but microsoft doesn't want users to think their xbox is a computer.




But the day it does come out..... that'll be neat eh? runescape for the console.




first of all the controllers for the 360 are USB ports, and theirs at least 2 in the front and my friend's 360 Elite has 2 more in the back. this all means a usb based mouse and keyboard would/should work.




thats dumb, i think the 360 is a computer exactly, the harddrive is the same size as my computer (80gigs) and well let me tell you if your going to be playing things like runescape the require VERY little stored data. you should be able to play. its more a direct game for gameplay, unlike WOW, where you need to download 2-3gigs of stuff and updates and such. but maybe one day we could also use the guitar hero guitar to play RS or something, that would be funny. i could only imagine if you were in a room and some1 was like your pking, i can tell by how your playing that. which is like another thing the donkey kong kongo drums for the gamecube, we said it would be funny if you knew you heard someone over their mic and knew what was going to happen by how the kongos were beating.

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