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Omg! What will happen when monkeys, penguins, and squirrels form an alliance to kill all humans?!? Help us Squiradomin! I mean, Saradomin!

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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even if squirrels would take over rs.. OoC will take care of it, we can lose some cabbage to help save f2p, then let it rot by autoers, scammers, noobs, the works.




Seriously even if f2p would be taken over by squirrels, its doomed :?


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Lol, maybe the squirrel army will be able to automatically detect and ban autoers/scammers :pray:

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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wow free to play must be really boring....









agreeed :lol:






this is odd




lol speaking as a f2per u r dang right its boring ::'


quite so, expecially at higher levels.


and yes, the squirrl with the crossbow is a reference to one of the mods: LordJake, who's signature here contains an image of a squirrl with a bow.


EDIT: dangeresqe, where did you find that picture? i've heard of a penguin with some military rank in britain, but i want to see the news story, if it exists...


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I think it's Mod Mark that has gone a little crazy with his squirrels and penguins...I'm pretty sure it's him who likes squirrels and penguins.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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not to sound rude but..........








are you, by any chance, on crack?


Where I live, there is something called the Fifth Amendment :P You'll never get me to confess! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!




Actually I was just sleep-deprived at the time (it's even worse now that school has started in my area -.- )

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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hmm....personally, i think penguins would destroy all the squirrels. and then go on to make runescape a better place. but enough of that. we all know who the master race is....THE BOLOGNA LORDS!!!!!!! i have kept quiet about our amazing skills and greatness...until now...FOR I AM A BOLOGNA LORD!!!!!!!!!!! and 2 out of 32 bologna lords have ever defeated a penguin or a squirrel in combat. still... we defeated some of them!!! and theres alot more of us! we know. we have mega tracking devices on every penguin/ squirrel on earth.....except for Fred... Fred.....I SHALL SMIGHT YOU FRED!!!!! SOMEDAY!!!!!!!..... anyway, join the bologna lords. and show these foolish penguins/ squirrels that they are seminifrious tubloidial buttenoids!!!! \'

DinoSAUR!!! Flying through la-ZERS!!!! Pchu! Pchuu! (Try running around in wal mart or something screaming this)

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I got supporters!!!!!!



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I'm the leader of the squirrels you probably found my coded name


Ecureye = Ecureuil translation of Squirrel :o


you found out about my diabolic plan I shall now kill you all, prepare to die.

You can't reach perfection if you don't aim for it.

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