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.::Post Pictures Here Of All The Jagex Mods You've Seen!::.


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Well.. Pnce again I am greenboy1134 most of you know me :P and I would like anyone who has ever took a screenie of a jmod(JaGeX moderator), too post it on here thank you :)....




unfortunetly I do not have a picture of a jagex moderator because I have only seen one and I was overwhelmed too see one I didn't take a screenshot so! post away my fellow friends!




This is a very old thread, but I'm glad it's still in circulation.. Keep up the pictures guys :)

Iv Green vI.png


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The second one was taken by a player moderator friend of mine. Yes, they are stood on water. :o


I also have one taken by the P-mod of mod nial i think it is on a table Level 1 in barrows.



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mod paul banned the other mods from walking on water becuase at the start of rs2 mod jon always did that, so that must be an old pic, or thats atlest what i have heard
Awww :( I saw one in Seers, he said "Big party in petes!!" EVERYONE was there, 4 DDS's ftw. And I talked to him. :)
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Didn't took pic ( :wall: ) but I met Mod George in the road west of Catherby bank. :o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Sorry, didn't see your thread, and this is mod ads i saw him in world one while i was buying raw lobs. He talked but was quickly flushed out by world one chat :( He said "Hey people, I'm just here to check on the players, ban people, and mute people"




He was weilding some weird dagger or something, void knight bottoms, fury, red phat, Lunar cape, Some green boots like Bright green, Void knight gloves and a veracs brassy.






I actually saw him ban someone too ^.^



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mod paul banned the other mods from walking on water becuase at the start of rs2 mod jon always did that, so that must be an old pic, or thats atlest what i have heard




in the mod hulme, and mod niall walking on water pics, one of them is wearing a lava cape. so i cant be that old. i'll try and find my j-mod screenshots now :D



join us. we dont bite too hard.

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I have never seen a j-mod and only a few p-mods. I do hope to see some in my runescape lifetime and I know someday I will. But as for now I remain a virgin of seeing them.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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^^^^^this one earned me a free tele to lumby from Paul. thats what you get for using bugs to explore new areas^^^^^^^






^^^^^andrew Q&A session in varrock^^^^^


















i did have tons more, but they must be on my old pc :( . i had a few decent ones of mod ian hiding in a wall in the abandoned mine when it first came out. he kept jumping out trying to scare people.



join us. we dont bite too hard.

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For anyone that wishes to see. I don't think it's that big of a deal, but hey someone might, right? ;) So here you go;




















I'm sure I have more, but I can't be bothered to look. Not feeling well right now.









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Sorry, didn't see your thread, and this is mod ads i saw him in world one while i was buying raw lobs. He talked but was quickly flushed out by world one chat :( He said "Hey people, I'm just here to check on the players, ban people, and mute people"




He was weilding some weird dagger or something, void knight bottoms, fury, red phat, Lunar cape, Some green boots like Bright green, Void knight gloves and a veracs brassy.






I actually saw him ban someone too ^.^




How did you "see" him ban someone?




Is it like in ther cartoons where the Grim Reaper comes and says "It's time.."?

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I speak to both those nubs too =P




As I said in the other topic, I don't understand what the big deal is, I'm sure you don't go into your local shop and start taking pictures of the staff there...

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