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Pre Quiting - Treasure Trail Event !!!


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Hi all


After 2 years of playing this gr8 game i finnaly feels that my rs appetite is drainging (faster then praying at Damis)


So, i was thinking..what the hell to do with all this staff?


The first thought was to tele to varroc squere and to load the first low level dude i find.


But then i realized this will only ruin the poor guy rs expreince (and maybe drive him insane,who knows :D ).


Second thought was to conduct a "silent" drop party - go to seers and started dropping all my staff in the middle of rush hour and then sit back and enjoy the view :D .


Maybe giving to friends? well...they dont realy need most of the items.


And then i thought,y not making it a minigame,so here it his:




Shavital's Pre Quiting Treasure Trail Events


I am gonna conduct 2 TT events.


One for mid level players(50-80) and one for higher levels


(thu no real level restrictions will be made)


The prizes will be TT items,mystic items, barrows sets and all the whips i'll get till the second event.


The first event will be next week,the second will take place as soon as i get the dam cape (fire).




The Game


There will be 6-8 points to reach.


In each spot there will be a game mod who will tell the next spot to reach in a riddle or a coordinate format.


Dont worry, the riddles will be easy and the coordinates will be near "real" TT corrdinates.


Suggested items:


Tele runes/equipment and energy pots,no need for armour since no sara wizard will jump (unless summoning will be released).


Who wins - the first to reach the final spot gets the biggest loot, the second and the third will also gets a nice pile. others will gets a small prize.




The First TT Event


When - next satereday,02/09/06 ,20:00 GMT


Starting Point - to be defined


Level - Mediom, No hard quest requirments,no wildy trips


Requirments - Good knowledge of TT,RS map and NPCs


Estimated completion time - 30-60 min


Prizes - TT items,Mystic robes (all colors) and more..


Estimated First Prize - 1 mil + (in items)






For checking what time will it be in your time zone simply click the following link http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ and select ur city


Example: New York time is GMT-5 which means it will take place on 15:00 New York time




wow,that was long....


Anyway, if u want to participate respond here


If u want to help me and/or participate as game mod leave a message here or pm me (thu i wont have access to my email till wednsday)












1. Andro Girl


2. Dusty668


Need at least 3 more,anyone?




*Please Note - To those of you who didn't read carefully this event's Prizes section,the upcoming event is not the Big quiting event with the realy big prizes (barrows,whips).


The big event will take place (hopefully) a week later when i get the cape so stay tuned.




BTW my RS is Shavital


CYA there

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I'll come, if by some inexplicable, miraculous happening I remember.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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sweet, 1st event is the day after I start playing again, I was planning to camp at barrows for a bit, but this sounds fun!! Hope no one ruins it by shouting false clues or something.!.!.


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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When - next satereday,02/09/6 ,20:00 GMT




that suppose to be spet 2nd 2006? but i dont know the time




um could someone explian that to me :? for someone that leaves in est zone

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ok im mostly ready for this = \ my question is which bracket would i fall under? im 88 combat. but this is the coolest thing i have seen anyone on rs do ever if i meet you irl im gonna buy you a big cooke for creativity :D good luck with that cape \:D/




First,thx :D


Second, i added a URL to those having problem cacluating the time


Simply click it and select ur city in the list


Another update, 2 whips already in the pile :D :D :D

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