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Coping Runescape with School


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First - Homework/Studying


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Fourth - Runescape..




Usually the order I do stuff..unless my i can do my homework during lunch the next day..depends when the class is.

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it really depends what you are studying...


but you wanted advices on how to cope with runescape and school. Here's mine : whenever you have stuff to read for a class... log your character at the fishing guild or at your favorite tree, click and bank...repeat, and read. Whenever you have to analyse or solve math problems... stay off the computer.




This helped me get my accounting title and get 90 woodcutting and 87 fishing....




Good luck



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Just do whatever homework you get each night, if there's time then play some RS. If not then, well, don't. You should always put school before a game. Worry about getting good grades rather than good levels. ;)






Did anyone else think I sounded like an after school special? :lol:



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^ Lol Metallica




Is it just me, or is anyone else noticing a strong correlation between having high levels and recieving little to know homework on this thread?

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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i play during school, at lunch only time i got..



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Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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What i would suggest is that, you come home from school, go outside and enjoy the sunshine (if there is any) for an hour or two, then you should come home and eat or do your homework and then do studying until whenever and if you have any time left go on rs!




It's a bit different for me in the uk, but don't get into what i do i come home play rs or go out while it's light and then i do my homework when it gets dark so sometimes i have to stay up longer. Well actually i say that and i still get good marks in my work but i think that might just be because i'm gifted in learning or something.

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My Daily Schedule When School Starts For Weekdays




4 a.m. to 6 a.m. - Rowing


6 30 a.m. to 7 50 a.m. - Basketball/Hockey (Winter/Spring)


8 30 a.m. to 2 50 p.m. - School's Over!


3 p.m. to 8 45 p.m - Basketball/Hockey/Rowing (Includes all practices + Games + Varies on the season again...) (If no practices or games...RUNESCAPE TIME! ::' )


9 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Homework/Projects (Depends if I have work or not, if not, 4 hours of runescape \' )


10 p.m. to 12 a.m. - Runescape :XD:




(And Yes...I do get less than 4 hours of sleep...and Yes...I do sleep in my classes -.- )

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strange... i got a strange feeling when i watch the replys...


anyway on topic, quit is what i did before, but it wasnt that good anyway, look at the crappy stats i got on a 5 year account...


i am now trying to do some afk action with sound to "4" when i am doing *ahem* homework


like fishing (if no one kills your man or duck), ranging dragons (currently), bandits something like that...


it should work, if no blood seeking player reporters say hi to you

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Jese.....you people have an easy time. I wake up at 6:00am get washed, dressed then eat then leave the house in less than 1 hour. I arrive at school at 7:30. I have 30 mins to get my books ready, talk a bit. We now have the register. At 8:30 we leave to lessons then its 3 hours of classes. It is now 11:30 for a short 30 min brake. Then back into classes for 1 hour. A lunch brake for 1 hour, then another register. It is prep time for 30 mins to get some homework done. Then for 2 and a half hours it's classes again. Then we have sport untill 6:00pm. I get home wet from rugby and....homework what a delight (note the sarcasim). Homework is usually 3 subjects and we get set and hour per subject so that's 3 hours of homework. I eat at 8:00pm. Most week nights i don't get to play RS anyway because my brother and sister are both doing exams (GCSE and IB). I also have school on a saturday!




And....my mum pays ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã12,000 a year for this. It's great fun... but here is the weird part, near the end of the summer holidays I actually want to go back.....how crazy is that!

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Ok here are my classes, very similar to reb




AP US - like 50 pages of reading a night




AP French 5 - i dont know what it will be, but its still an ap class




English III - not an ap, but i hate english...




AP Calculus BC - math is my strong subject so this should be ok, but still a good 30-60 mins of hw a night




AP Chemistry - webassign every night




With a fall sport it will be difficult


Feel Free to Pm me for anything

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I finished highschool this year, and let me tell you, you can definately fit Runescape in, even with AP classes. I took 7 last year and 7 this year, and even with homework and studying, I managed to get good grades (in the top 5% of my class even), good test scores, and had time to hang out and play. The key is to spread your work out. Say in one class you have a 30 page chapter to outline in a week. If you divde it up by day, you would need to outline only 6 pages per day which really isn't much, about 15 minutes to 30 minutes.




Also, afterschool, unless you have a sport/club, take an hour to do something fun; hang out with friends, play RS, etc. Also make sure you eat a light snack. You will relax and be able to focus much better on your work when you finish in addition to giving you an excuse to have some fun! In fact, what I usually did was to take this hour long break, via clubs, games, or friends, did one hour of exercise, did some homework, took a break for dinner, and then did homework again.




Another good time to play is roughly half an hour before you go to sleep. Some studies suggest that when you sleep, you mind "dumps" the last half our worth of information you memorized, making it harder to recall. I would recommend that you do something else for the last half hour, like watching TV, relaxing, meditation, or even playing RS. I forget the exact reason why this happens, but it believe it involves something about not having enough time to process the information.




Regardless, never put RS before schoolwork and friends. Its more something you should fit around schoolwork. Even with your busy schedule, you should be able to find some time to play RS.




Good luck with those classes and the rest of you school year!

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There is no doubt that rs does interfere with ur homework but i have found that if u have long essays to write etc. it has infact helped me get up some of the more boring skills, like crafting by buyin loads of flax and just spinning it and keeping the screen active so u dont log out :D



Add me! (Johnno41)

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Ok here are my classes, very similar to reb




AP US - like 50 pages of reading a night




AP French 5 - i dont know what it will be, but its still an ap class




English III - not an ap, but i hate english...




AP Calculus BC - math is my strong subject so this should be ok, but still a good 30-60 mins of hw a night




AP Chemistry - webassign every night




With a fall sport it will be difficult


What the hell... I'm currently the top (or in the top 5) math student in my class (with over 400 kids), math is by far my strongest subject.




Stop being my clone.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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never been a prob for me..i get good grades have plenty of time for friends on RS and Irl..do good in sports ect

we have all done this before

one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:

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Ive just finished my A levels, (I think they are the English equivalent to AP's).


Anyway, I used to get home at 4pm and i would play rs for 2 hours until 6 o'clock. That way it gives you time to relax and do something you enjoy. Then I would start my homework at 6pm until whenever I finished. If I somehow ended up with spare time afterwards I would play some then as well.


That all went went out the window if I had a super important homework though, then I would generally do that all night.




Hope that helps? :D

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I'm going to assume that you are a member and your account is set to auto-pay. If you are, what I did was cancelled my membership and played the remainging days. Then, when it was finished, I logged out in a f2p area.




This was only because I enjoy logging online to chat with friends or to attend events, but if you really want to quit, cancel members, and the very last day, put your character in a members area so that there is no way you can log back on without re-subscribing.




I think you'll do just fine this year. When in doubt, just finish your homework as fast as you can, then you can spend the rest of your night, whether it be 4 hours until bedtime or 4 minutes...




Good luck with school. I started the International Baccalaureate Programme this year, so I need to be extra focused. I visit the forums every now and then to post a bit or browse around.





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As mentioned above, just complete all your homework first!




I see what you mean i used to play from 3.30pm to about 9.30pm.




It was a huge chunk of my life, i tried to make myself slightly bored with runescape, it worked!

Merry Crimbo!


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Actually, Runescape doesn't interfere at all with my schoolwork. I do my homework, and that is it. I have no need for studying, I pick up everything in class. The thing that interferes with both Runescape and schoolwork is farmwork. That takes a lot of time and effort, but is very important, so it must come first for me. Even with all that I still get my own free time, whether it'd be to go to a party, play on a sports team, or play RS. Its all about prioritizing what is important to you.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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I used to do an hour of work (unless i had any big assignments) and then still fit a good 6 hours of rs in.


Then you've never had an AP course.




Thank god for that.




Couldn't imagine myself in AP.

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First of all you should NEVER rush your Homwork JUST to play Runescape if you do, Then i suggest you seek Serious Help. Runescape Wont Die Anytime Soon, But your School is More Important.

----Retired Runescape Player 1/13/07-----

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I do my homework on the bus, finish as most as I can, finish the rest at home, and then it's Runescape!






Wait til you get to highscool :wall: No finsihing that on the bus, especially if you are in AP classes.

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Ok here are my classes, very similar to reb




AP US - like 50 pages of reading a night




AP French 5 - i dont know what it will be, but its still an ap class




English III - not an ap, but i hate english...




AP Calculus BC - math is my strong subject so this should be ok, but still a good 30-60 mins of hw a night




AP Chemistry - webassign every night




With a fall sport it will be difficult










aint that much hw, im doing IB and got much more difficult classes, i get between 3-5 hours hw a day, i manage, i would have time to play at home, but im not the addict nemore, i just play during lunch... at school



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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Ok here are my classes, very similar to reb




AP US - like 50 pages of reading a night




AP French 5 - i dont know what it will be, but its still an ap class




English III - not an ap, but i hate english...




AP Calculus BC - math is my strong subject so this should be ok, but still a good 30-60 mins of hw a night




AP Chemistry - webassign every night




With a fall sport it will be difficult










aint that much hw and ap aint as hard as IB lol, im doing IB and got much more difficult classes, i get between 3-5 hours hw a day, i manage, i would have time to play at home, but im not the addict nemore, i just play during lunch... at school



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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