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The whole BF & GF situation..


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Ok, so many people disquise themselves as a girl/low lvl to get people to be their "GF/BF" and get free stuff. Why would anyone have a gf/bf on a game?! Get a life. I personaly think it should be against the rules. Do you have a GF/BF's on Runescape? And why?








Your thoughts on this?

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Ok, so many people disquise themselves as a girl/low lvl to get people to be their "GF/BF" and get free stuff. Why would anyone have a gf/bf on a game?! Get a life. I personaly think it should be against the rules. Do you have a GF/BF's on Runescape? And why?








Your thoughts on this?




I completely agree...It's stupid having pixel BF and GFs anyway. But it's different if they're your real-life bf or gf. I too think it should be against the rules, you can only swap gender every month or so or for that one quest you need to. #-o This also might belong in RS D&S.


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some people might now each other in real life and actully be bf\gf in real first off, some people become gf\bf in game and meet up in real life and get married, but the low lvl are just scamming and are just quiet annonying

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Personally I think it's dumb, but people can play the game the way they want to, and you shouldn't let that bother you. Some people really enjoy the whole role playing aspect to runescape and immerse theirselves into it a lot more than you do. If they're enjoying themselves, why not? It seems weird to us but if they have a real strong connection, even if it's online, let them do whatever they want to do as long as it doesn't infringe or anything.




(On the side:)


This also might belong in RS D&S.




Good point: Mods, move to Runescape Discussion and Suggestions please if neccesary.


You didn't need to make that post - just report it if you think so, which neither of you have.

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Well... I have a b/f but only because he was really nice, and I didn't wanna be like 'nope sorry, can't do that' and seem real mean :P I never really even talk to him, but I do sometimes. Other than that? I'm pretty much against the whole rs dating thing.




But then, theres always people who are dating irl and are just talkin on the game. And who's to say they aren't livin next door to eachother? There would be no way to tell wether people were dating irl, or not.

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I hate it when people spam "Looking for bf\gf!"




I agree..




Especially the people that hang in edge dancing all day

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99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

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I agree with this. Essentially, these people are Cybering, which I don't think is what Jagex intended for this game to be like.






I also recall hearing a story about a woman being arrested in Ohio because she was trying to go meet a 14 year old boy she met over Runescape...






Off Topic: Bobby1167, your signature is glitched on my screen... it keeps going below the box it's supposed to be in. At least when it's the last post on a page.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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i accidently made new topic on this omg omg omg. well anyway i think that if they are real life bfgf they would not use runescape for talking they would use more sophisticated method like phone or email to communicate. low levels are kinda scamming.

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I can NEVER be sexually aroused by a pixelated character on RS, especially if I've never met her, because then by my definition, it would be no different between playing and going on an online dating service.

Doraemon FTW! =)

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There's 3 types of bf/gf here.




Kids: Little 5-10 year olds roaming Varrock to find another 5-10 year old gf/bf and 'cyber' Creppy part is that most of the time its 2 guys "cybering" :shock:




Real Life Gf/BF: They know each other irl, say cute lil things in game. Self-explanatory




Good In-game GF/BF: Two people who met in RS and became friends. Then GF/BF. Nothing really wrong, since they're not shouting "NEED GF" in Varrokc Square.






The 1st one really 'grinds my gears'. :evil:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Yea, I always used to get called a pixel hugging noob because my real life girlfriend played Runescape, then they'd just call me a lieing pixel hugging noob when I told them she was myt real life girlfriend, heh. :D






But yea, I agree with Nick, the only thing that really makes me mad is the stereotipical (sp) 8 year old kids that play off Mini-Clip and run around Varrok Square doing nothing but talking to people in hopes for free E Love. :|



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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I hate it when people spam "Looking for bf\gf!"




I agree..




Especially the people that hang in edge dancing all day

I spend my days dancing in edge... :oops:




Everyone stone Moopy!




*Casts the first stone*

Doraemon FTW! =)

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I don't personaly have a girlfriend on RuneScape, but I'm not against others having a boyfriend/girlfriend. It's their character, let them decide. It is a role playing game afterall.







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Lol Moopy, world 99 edge I assume?




I've wasted countless hours there chatting with tip.iters. :oops:

Of course. :P When I'm bored I whip out my glory and teleport to edgeville, where I usually see 2-3 green dots right away. I swear if I didn't spend half my time dances I could have some decent stats... :oops:
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I'm a bit annoyed when someone asks me to be their "bf" in this game. Although it's only happened a few times, once is enough to raise my ire.




I was just chopping yews in Edge and a random low level girl just comes up to me and asks me to be "her" "boyfriend." I'm like, "Go away i like guys." So "she" says, "Ima guy irl" #-o I just switched worlds. I didn't want to deal with that situation.




It scares me how I know that person is probably only like 13 years old max and I don't even want to know what's going to happen to them in the real world when they get older.




I'm fine if the two people in an rs relationship are mature, if they actually like each other and it's not some sort of phr33-shtawph-pl@wx situation. But for someone I don't even know to ask me like that really just hits a nerve. If someone's just trying to use me I get offended and I have a tendency to crawl into my Dungeon of Antisocialism and curl up with a bocks of cookies.

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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Guys, having a bf/gf in rs doesnt always have to be for sexual purposes. When you meet a nice person that you like, you might take the step and ask for him to be your bf (although im absolutely against the people who go shouting, looking for bf/gf ) .




And about the people dancing in edge.. i do that all the time :oops: .. i dont think its as bad as you people are saying, its just for fun, and when i am dancing (if thats what u wanna call it) , i check the forums and stuff, i dont cyber :-X ...






Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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I think its... SAD!




Jesus. I sometimes feel like saying why dont you get a relationship irl its better... I mean i could get most girls on RS... the ones with an IQ less than 10 anyways :-w




But yeah it doesnt mean i go around doing it.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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I got mrried when i was lvl 15 :shock: But then I realized that it's stupid and even now she thinks My "cousin" Jeff plays on my file lol. I just made up some dude.


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Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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