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Just a little thing I want to stress to all posters here.


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I've seen many people here post some bad work, and some good work. Now usually they ask for comments and constructive criticism. There are people who post very detailed and well thought out criticisms and comments. Then there are others who just quote it and put "+1" or "what he said ^". <.<


And I hate it.


Not only do these posts look spammy, they don't add towards anything. Fair enough if you quote something - just add or reply to it.


Although post count does not increase on these forums, I see it happen elsewhere and it needs to stop!




Does anyone agree with me? I'm sure I can't be alone here.

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I've seen many people here post some bad work, and some good work. Now usually they ask for comments and constructive criticism. There are people who post very detailed and well thought out criticisms and comments. Then there are others who just quote it and put "+1" or "what he said ^". <.<


And I hate it.


Not only do these posts look spammy, they don't add towards anything. Fair enough if you quote something - just add or reply to it.


Although post count does not increase on these forums, I see it happen elsewhere and it needs to stop!




Does anyone agree with me? I'm sure I can't be alone here.




What I've been thinking since I started here. But always felt too... disrespectful is the word that comes to mind, but isn't right... to do so.




Also, ratings are a common thing that come along with this and annoying me so much, too. Ratings do not help in any way.


Ratings are different for every person, yet still don't help; a number won't help develop the picture and make it better, however a decent length post with criticism on the wrongs in it will.

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I've seen many people here post some bad work, and some good work. Now usually they ask for comments and constructive criticism. There are people who post very detailed and well thought out criticisms and comments. Then there are others who just quote it and put "+1" or "what he said ^". <.<


And I hate it.


Not only do these posts look spammy, they don't add towards anything. Fair enough if you quote something - just add or reply to it.


Although post count does not increase on these forums, I see it happen elsewhere and it needs to stop!




Does anyone agree with me? I'm sure I can't be alone here.




+1 :wink:




All joking aside, I completely agree with you cad. Arctic is right too. I see too many "rate plz" posts. Ratings, at least to me, seem dependant more on the persons likes and dislikes as art and less on the actual method used to get the effect.



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Cute, very cute of you Xplsv.




Now I know exactly what you mean Cad and sometimes I'm brutally honest with people (which led to a temporary ban for me), but sometimes that's what it takes. Also, there are the times when you get the people that just flat out refuse to listen to anyone. We had a person exactly like that, he thought he was god of pixeling and anatomy but for lack of better words his art sucked. I'm sure a few people can recall who I am talking about.




Anyways, I think there is a difference between CnC and holding the persons hand. I really think we need to point out what's wrong and give them a hint as how to fix it, but not tell them. This leaves them to discover new things and learn it primarily on their own.

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Now I know exactly what you mean Cad and sometimes I'm brutally honest with people (which led to a temporary ban for me), but sometimes that's what it takes. Also, there are the times when you get the people that just flat out refuse to listen to anyone.




Yes, we can all learn from other people. I believe no one can truly know everything. If people just learnt to respect others opinions and thoughts, it'd probably be a better community. No one can truly know everything about anything, it's constantly differential.






Anyways, I think there is a difference between CnC and holding the persons hand. I really think we need to point out what's wrong and give them a hint as how to fix it, but not tell them. This leaves them to discover new things and learn it primarily on their own.




Exactly. Giving helpful tips and tricks is one thing, but taking the image and making it better to give to them is another. This is also another reason why in my tuts (not that I do many, mind you) I leave many things vague, so people can experiment and, as you said, learn on their own.








What he said.





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To add on:




Don't just post a 10/10 if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. If you're a total noob (not meaning to use the word offensively) in graphics, then don't go around rating things 10/10. Also, if you rate something low, tell why. There is absolutely no point in your posts if they contain a rating and nothing else.

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To add on:




Don't just post a 10/10 if you have absolutely no idea what your talking about. If your a total noob (not meaning to use the word offensively) in graphics, then don't go around rating things 10/10. Also, if you rate something low, tell why. There is absolutely no point in your posts if they contain a rating and nothing else.












I agree, joking aside

Protect the Light...

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Aha, No_One has reminded me about 10/10s too, I might as well blabber my views on this while I'm here.




You can't give 10/10.It's just impossible - 10/10 is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Things can always be improved in one way or another - perfection is just a dream.

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Aha, No_One has reminded me about 10/10s too, I might as well blabber my views on this while I'm here.




You can't give 10/10.It's just impossible - 10/10 is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Things can always be improved in one way or another - perfection is just a dream.




So that's why people don't rate 10/10 =S =P

Protect the Light...

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I agree the '+1' crap has to stop. When I post work I always ask for a rating and c/c. I only ask for a rating because I like to know what other think of my work... Also I think there should be a rule that each artist gets 1 topic where they can post all their work, rather than have 5 topics of someone with different peices of art (I'm a member of a forum that does this and it's so much more organized).

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I agree the '+1' crap has to stop. When I post work I always ask for a rating and c/c. I only ask for a rating because I like to know what other think of my work... Also I think there should be a rule that each artist gets 1 topic where they can post all their work, rather than have 5 topics of someone with different peices of art (I'm a member of a forum that does this and it's so much more organized).




i can go months without making anything.....




..these forums are moderatley active...in a few months...my topic would be on page like 30...and it would become quite nuiscance






that is usually for smaller communities



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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I think this has also lead to people taking critique as if we're trying to be offensive.




I actually avoid posting sometimes, because if I state my opinion and critique, the creater will get defensive and ask for sympathy, because it's their first and such.




I absolutely hate it when people post without real reason or value, all 100 and something posts of mine have actually been meaningful not just 1000/10 it r0x!





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I agree the '+1' crap has to stop. When I post work I always ask for a rating and c/c. I only ask for a rating because I like to know what other think of my work... Also I think there should be a rule that each artist gets 1 topic where they can post all their work, rather than have 5 topics of someone with different peices of art (I'm a member of a forum that does this and it's so much more organized).


Ugh... I hate that whole one topic crap. You get much more specific c/c on seperate topics. I have experiences on two types of forums and one uses the whole one topic thing while the other does not and I much prefer the forum that does not enforce that rule.

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if you ask for C+C, DONT yell at the person giving it. another thing... to everyone "i only have ms paint" is NOT a good excuse, since nearly ALL pixelers use it....


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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"i only have ms paint" is NOT a good excuse






A list of free program I can think of off the top of my head:










Graphics Gale




3D Canvas




And these are just a few of what the internet has to offer.. Go get them, use them, and don't use that old excuse..

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"i only have ms paint" is NOT a good excuse






A list of free program I can think of off the top of my head:










Graphics Gale




3D Canvas




And these are just a few of what the internet has to offer.. Go get them, use them, and don't use that old excuse..




true but ms paint is alot easyer to use then most of them, (or at least in my experience)


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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"i only have ms paint" is NOT a good excuse






A list of free program I can think of off the top of my head:










Graphics Gale




3D Canvas




And these are just a few of what the internet has to offer.. Go get them, use them, and don't use that old excuse..




true but ms paint is alot easyer to use then most of them, (or at least in my experience)




Yeah, MS Paint is easy to use although I like Graphics Gale because of the easier color selection (And layers so I can see how bad I'm going to mess things up before setting it in..)

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Guest XplsvBam

The question is how helpfull is this going to be? I mean really. Realistically speaking what good is it to tell someone to be nice? People are obviously going to have bad days and feel the need to be blunt. Or compleatly good days were they feel the need to blunt.




Perfect Tip.iT world- Something is actually gained from these discussions.


Realistic Tip.iT world- People may feel the need to be nice, but after a few weeks of chem. homework (i.e.) they will go back to their dormant ways. I'm not saying people can't change, but there is no incentive on a forum-really.

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The question is how helpfull is this going to be? I mean really. Realistically speaking what good is it to tell someone to be nice? People are obviously going to have bad days and feel the need to be blunt. Or compleatly good days were they feel the need to blunt.




Perfect Tip.iT world- Something is actually gained from these discussions.


Realistic Tip.iT world- People may feel the need to be nice, but after a few weeks of chem. homework (i.e.) they will go back to their dormant ways. I'm not saying people can't change, but there is no incentive on a forum-really.


Please, tell me your point for saying that? Whether Cad's post does any good or not, it needed to be said. The ridiculous spam in the forum is getting out of control and I'm sure someone will learn from this.

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I've seen many people here post some bad work, and some good work. Now usually they ask for comments and constructive criticism. There are people who post very detailed and well thought out criticisms and comments. Then there are others who just quote it and put "+1" or "what he said ^". <.<


And I hate it.


Not only do these posts look spammy, they don't add towards anything. Fair enough if you quote something - just add or reply to it.


Although post count does not increase on these forums, I see it happen elsewhere and it needs to stop!




Does anyone agree with me? I'm sure I can't be alone here.




+1 :wink:




All joking aside, I completely agree with you cad. Arctic is right too. I see too many "rate plz" posts. Ratings, at least to me, seem dependant more on the persons likes and dislikes as art and less on the actual method used to get the effect.






i ask for rates because it shows if people like it or not, and i make the things i make so that ppl can look at it and say 'hey, thats nice to look at'




so rates for me shows whether im on the right track ;o




anyway, just thought id ptu that in





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i just get soo fed up of these noobs (spits the word out) who post their first work then they go and create another crappy account just so they can talk to themself and say oh your work is great 99999999999/10 and all that crap, once i get so fustrated i just told them what i thought of it and well it was rather messy, but the work was crap, simple as, i know i know noone is perfect they cant be expected to produce good work all the time, but they can try and if they arny good then doing [Admin edit: please use a more mature language] post it!




personaly i disagree with the idea that each artist has his own topic for the reason despaxes said, its true of many artists

i can go months without making anything.....




ARGH!!! *spends 5 minutes trying to rip his eyes out, fails*




sorry that was unrelated, just other stress and problems, anyway back on subject.




ARGH!!! *spends 5 minutes trying to rip noobs to pieces*




stuff it, theres just too many noob here we cant change it, they will remain noobs forever and even if they dont there will be more noobs, more little anoying people who dont care for the rules and will ultimatly piss us all off, so in the end theres no point in even trying to change the forum and 'make it a better place' since its just not going to work.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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I have nothing against asking ratings or CC on a serious work


I have things against people who give them but don't know what they talking about or just give a 10/10 and say verry nice for a first... keep up the good work, on things like this












then they say i worked 4 hours on this


If i would have altsheimer,lepra, and be on my deathbed this owuld not take 4 hours omg.




I visit serveral forums ... and mostly i look at the pixels...


I abseloutly hate all these patatoe " Look at my first pixel " " first pixel atempt" works. I seriously think its strange how they even sometimes put "best pixel ever" "my masterpiece" on realy crapy sigs. Can't they see themself its not good




even if the ask CC on a completely "6 year old- drawing" u know what i mean the the circel tool for head sticks as arms and leggs. U just can't give CC on this because quite hounistly they would have to change the whole thing.




I agree with all of u this HAS to STOP.




finaly out of my system

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