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The solution to abyss pkers? LINK TO FORUMS IS UP!!!


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Got a new host, thanks to Pure_Mageuk, starting the editing process.


Still working on it, not perfect atm, just get yourself registered.


Big thanks to Tallest1 for helping me with some things on the board, because frankly, I'm illiterate when it comes to CSS styles. :P




We will now be wearing team capes, so you dont think we are teh noobs.


Just gotta figure out which is the most reasonable...


Im also considering the idea of posting this on the Official forums, as well as starting a forum, SO SUPPORT OUR EXPANSION






Update: Im Pursuing 82 mage, and will be high alching in edgeville world 99, Meaning, If there is an abyss pker bothering you, I'll be on standby whenever online. CMB level of 93 :twisted:




Everyone here on tip.it knows how those pesky abyss pkers go after out precious glory amulets everytime we go runecrafting. Some argue it's the wilderness and anything goes, and some say it is morally wrong. I agree with the latter, and is why I have come up with this solution.




Here on tip.it we have 2 broad groups... Those who PK, and those who DON'T. For those of you pursueing those runes, worry no longer. All of you who HATE abyss pkers, now is your chance to do something about it.




On world 99, our new tip.it home world, those among us who PK defend those of us who decide we prefer to make our cash RCing.




The PKers among us clear the RCers path of those noobs... erm I mean abyss "PKers", while the RCers get to RC.




Both groups are able to pursue what they love, and those noobs DIE!, erm... I mean spawn in Falador...




Here are 2 Lists... One for the RCers, and One for the PKers.




Those RCing must understand there wont ALWAYS be a PKer there to defend you, but it wouldn't hurt to have a service like this available.




I'm well aware that it would take a few days to coordinate, but well, it wouldn't hurt to try right?


I'll try to contact some of the Pkers via Tip.It pm, and see if they agree.




Now, for the lists, If you agree, post here, and which list you would like to be in.




RCer - Say this in your post if you want to be in the RCer list










Tsukasa x12




rctycoon fan


o0 o0 o0 str


















Lucas x












2much rune










List will get bigger =)




Pker - Post this if you want to be int the PKer list








Red Ftk Bolt


brutas mage




















Ty for your time, and please support this cause, hopefully we will be able to rid the wilderness of these Noobs, erm... Pests...


I tell the truth even when I lie.

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If you could get this to work, this would be EXTREMLY helpful to runecrafters, ~and~ the pkers still get there dailey dose of violence.




I myself, won't be apart of it, because I don't pk unless i'm on my pure, and all I do is kill green dragons on my main. But nevertheless, I give a million thumbs up for coming up with this idea, well done! :thumbsup:









|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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you make tipit rcer defense world


rcers who read tipit go to your world


rcers who dont read tipit forums stay away(probably most of them)


rc defenders get no action because:


rc pkers stay away from tipit rcer defense world




aduh :roll:




Which make our trips safe. Which is 99% of the reason why we need this. The 1% is to kill the runcrafter pkers just for the sensation.




Ranged Crave


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ranging_beast didn't I see you just get to 44 last night, so I know why you want protection, the same reason I do since I also just got to that plateua.




Oh yeah ranging, since you were gone before I had a chance last night Congratz








Hope this thing works, Still need 3k nature to be crafted...Shame on pker pl0x?




Ranged Crave


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finally someone made this topic..i was actually about to make one myself :D i will be a rc'er since i still got 13k nats to make which ive been meaning to do but keep getting distracted :wall: (well i started out with 21k nats to make, and somehow managed to make 8k nats)


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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i dont use the abbysal i use zanaris bank and its fairy ring to tele to karajama to make nats its pretty good... (note: you dont need to have the high farming /herblore lv to use the fairy rings) so i dont have to worry about pkers.

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i dont use the abbysal i use zanaris bank and its fairy ring to tele to karajama to make nats its pretty good... (note: you dont need to have the high farming /herblore lv to use the fairy rings) so i dont have to worry about pkers.




I rather have a little risk rather then my finger killing me for clicking. If you see a pker, just dds them and they run =).




Ranged Crave


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Problems: This won't be 100% secure, as when there are no abyss pkers, there will be no 'defenders' -> 'defenders' will leave, and abyss pkers can come.


I like the base idea, but someone would need to stand there all the time. And because you can only attack people +-~6 cb levels from your lvl... I really doubt this will work.




But this shouldn't stop you from trying :)

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Thats the spirit, Although there are some kinks involved, it WON'T stop us from trying. I just check our home world of 99, most of the time there are NO abyss pkers, because edgeville is swarming with Tip.iters, and when there IS a pker, he usually gets owned


I tell the truth even when I lie.

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Pker - Post this if you want to be int the PKer list








- fubai - lvl 63 combat

















I know, I know, lvl 63 cb doesn't get many rc pkers, but I just got 70 str and 82 mage on her, so I like to pk :)



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ill like to be a rcer.. i dont rc much but well.. meh..




pm me via chat when there are like 3 lv 105-110 pkers to defenc me =)

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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I'll drop by when I'm bored, together with my little friend "ddp++". Hehe I sound like Toyn Montana :P .


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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