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The solution to abyss pkers? LINK TO FORUMS IS UP!!!


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Soon Ill be RCing for awhile, trying to get XP and make $$




(Jagex has ruined everything else, no ways to make money except merchant which sucks)




Im an RCer

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99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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the solution to abyss pking is not to get pked. If it wasn't for all the noobs who got pked, there would be no pkers




If you're saying you've never been pked you're either incredibly strong or you don't rc much anyway.




On Topic - Don't add me to the lists, but I'll rc on world 99 from now on and attack any pkers I can in the most annoying way possible. I'll 1-item, use prayer, speak 1337, the works if it'll make them leave.




And yes, punching them continuously and speaking 1337 has made them leave before. I also wore my nurse hat. :P

- Pfft, my goals are FAR too "fluid" (ie. I have ADD) to be recorded in my sig.

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i rs alot but also barrows, so pk'in a few rc pk'ers might be fun.




u still alchin in 99 i might come to help out in my spare time.

we have all done this before

one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:

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A simple solution is to not even bring a glory tele...and an easy way to mage train and get the rcing done faster than with the ancient tele would be to Use a home tele (or home tele tablet) with energy pots, and a glory pratically right by the home entrance portal.




Past that just hop worlds when you see a RC pker...I'm sure there are a whole lot less of them now than there used to be.

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thnx for the tip.


Now I will gather my team and sluahgter both your apprentice "abyss pker" pkers and your RCers :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


















ok just kidding :P


But seriously some others might do this, and this being a common rcing world could mean free glories for anyone who needs em....

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