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The solution to abyss pkers? LINK TO FORUMS IS UP!!!


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yeah sign me up for rcing. ill rc there happily. although in my opinion this will only get more pkers there pking the abys protectors as well as the rcers.. we shall see. also, i have a lvl 76 rune pure who is a pker, and i will happily use to clear the abys pkers.




so o0 o0 o0 str for the rcing..




brutas mage for the pking






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I would love to sign up to be a rcer :mrgreen:




pesky pkers I lost like 200k of stuff last time :(


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I got to add some details to the abby pker pker. Sometimes, there are ancients which are freakishly annoying(got me to my first death -.-) So when going in, bring something to be able to go through their ancient, such as prayer or dhide.




Ranged Crave


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I can come and alch at the bank too.




lvl 105 cb now, holla if getting pked, i can make him log but i doubt i'll get a kill.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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can i be part time pk'er because even though im no "pure" i can still pull 21's on my ddp




im on world 99 right now btw








edit: no one ere right now.....

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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I got to add some details to the abby pker pker. Sometimes, there are ancients which are freakishly annoying(got me to my first death -.-) So when going in, bring something to be able to go through their ancient, such as prayer or dhide.




Ranged Crave




Ancients are easy because they can't teleblock :wink: Anyway I hang around edge when I'm not doing anything and I hang around where the pkers wait so I usually warn tipiters about them. (Plus its fun annoying them with whatever little item I take out with me and they can't kill me because of the level difference :lol:)

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Excellent Idea, so tired of those noobs ...erm...annoying pkers.




I support 100% =D> :thumbsup:.




Sign me up for runecrafting.

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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Maybe you can add some clothing that you have to wear when rune craft defending, maybe even team cape 99?


Same goes for the rune crafters, get a light weight uniform (for example white clothes, desert or druid), makes you easily recognisable.


I am neither a runecrafter nor a real PKer but if necessary I can do both :-).


Look at my stats and you will get the feeling what my level 96 skiller can do.

2100+ total 3rd best skiller ever at 99 combat (maybe the best, highest total below 100 cb)

99 Cook 99 Fletch 99 Woodcut 99 Firemaking 99 Range 99 Mage 99 Thief 99 Fish 99 Agility 99 Mining 99 Runecrafting 99 Hp 99 Slayer 99 Smith 99 Hunt 99 Construction 99 Craft 99 Farming

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Why not make an official forum topic?




You can have Crafters, and guardians. That way, you might get a whole range of Guardian levels, all alching/superheating/fletching, and a load of Crafters. It'd work if you publicised enough; there are so many Abyss Crafters.

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Excellent idea RcS89, but that also tells the abyssal pkers where we are, though it could work, and we could expand to our own forum..., switching world like Heart Unit, =p




Also, a little update, I wasnt able to log in yesterday cause the police taped up my street, looking for a fugitive hiding in my expensive neighborhood =/, anyway, Ill update the list...


Also, School started, but that WON'T stop me =p


I tell the truth even when I lie.

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