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signature WIP - coin room


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Wow that owns so much!!!!!! I would love to see you do a 600*300 signature then after it is finished downsize it to 300*150 so it looks super detailed!!! :shock:




If anyone could do that I would be in shock!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:


wouldn't work because shrinking would make it loose that detail




the original was amazing and i 2 make it better will be jsut amazing

sig and avy by born2die

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Wow that owns so much!!!!!! I would love to see you do a 600*300 signature then after it is finished downsize it to 300*150 so it looks super detailed!!! :shock:




If anyone could do that I would be in shock!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:




If anyone could what? Use an effect in an effort to make something look good? If you have to do that you fail. You should be able to impress without cheap tricks.

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Nice setup so far. The legs do look a little funny, it looks like she's giving him a twisted lapdance or something. :lol:


A couple things to keep in mind...


- lighting: make sure you keep a consistent and very prominent light source. The last wasn't bad but there were a lot of spots that didn't match up


- proportions: that sword over on the left looks really out of place. Right now it looks like it's at the same depth as the chest armour, which means the handle would be about as big as somebody's bicep. It also seems to be floating a bit, try tilting it slightly so the handle moves deeper into the picture and the tip comes more towards us (using foreshadowing). Watch out for other problems like this


- perspective: watch out for your vanishing point! the table, for example, could be fixed. right now i guess you could get away with saying it's been turned slightly, but the perspective would still look a little off. (specifically, the right edge would cut in to the left more)






Keep up the good work. I loved the last one, especially the soft shading style you have. Hopefully we can see more of that style! :)




Wow that owns so much!!!!!! I would love to see you do a 600*300 signature then after it is finished downsize it to 300*150 so it looks super detailed!!! :shock:




If anyone could do that I would be in shock!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:




If anyone could what? Use an effect in an effort to make something look good? If you have to do that you fail. You should be able to impress without cheap tricks.


That's not a cheap trick at all. In fact, it's extremely common in the world of digital paintings.


Why paint intricate details if they'll be lost after publishing? The key to publishing in a variety of sources (magazines, business cards, posters, internet, etc.) is to paint at a large size, and do the shrinking based on how you wish to publish it. See below, for example. The image in the bottom right is part of a net-published painting by blackeri. The left is part of the painting at a larger size (presumably the original size). Because of this, she still has the ability to print it at a reasonably large without any quality loss.






And to ca2theone, note that downsizing doesn't add any detail. If anything, it removes detail. But often in downsizing things get blended and smoothed which makes them seem more realistic when they are at a smaller size.

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Its not comparable to dithering. Dithering is used to make pixel art. It is a technique used in production. Shrinking is postproduction, and when used removes all pixel level detail in favour of computer generated AA. Usualy, its just people who dont want to put in the effort of AA on a small scale. But really, its just something thats not done in pixel art because once you do it itceases to be pixel art. I have no problems with shrinking anywhere else, but pixelart is meant to be made by a pixel by pixel basis, without editing from a computer.

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Ah even a Ti noob such as myself remembers when you did that sig =D>




I've always adimired your work, I cant wait to see the outcome



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

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Hey terley.




Whoa man, U've improved alot! Im so impressed! I remember when i saw your first sig, some guy running away from begging noobs, it was hilarious.




Keep it up man, looking forward 2 see this done! :shock:

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so text? would that hinder pixel art to become digital painting?




(either way shrinking images looks like crap anyways...you lose half your work)




So text...? What?




Would that hinder pixel art to become digital painting...? What the hell are you talking about?




Are you high?

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lol I have no idea GS, thanks for the comments, I really need to get all the perspectives and positioning right before doing anything too drastic, hopefully my 1st edit will fix everything. thanks a ton venomai. I really hope this lives up to mine and everyone else's expectations. :ohnoes:

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Shrinking a pixelled image to gain the 'dither' just defeats the purpose of pixel art. T__T




If you are truly good at pixel art, you should be able to dither manually - that's the point of pixel art, it's not who-can-shrink-the-best. x.x Anyone can shrink an image to gain the dither; but not everyone can dither manually. It's completely feasable in digital paintings, because the work has already gone into it to gain the lighting/shading/everything else you need to make a good digipainting. But in pixels, the way you dither is a huge part of that, and when you let the computer do it, you may as well have just used the brush tool for it instead of pixelling.




On topic: It looks good so far. The way that woman on the chair is sitting is still slightly strange, it looks uncomfortable and like she's offering herself to the viewer. XD Other then that, and what venomai pointed out, not much to CC yet. =]p Good luck





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Im back in college atm plus I've taken on two other projects as well as this.. I will work on it but keeping it bumped won't make me jump into action. :notalk: . As my comic is updated I'll have a go at starting on the front girl when I get the time, but nothing in the next day or so.

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