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Proselyte tasset. F2p?


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my bad :) :oops:

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so you wore a skirt and went to f2p... big deal...




stop beign such an attention-wh***




Are you that big of a fool? Check the buglist on runescape.com under quests, this bug is listed. "The new skirt reward armour for Slug Menace is currently classed as a free object, this was not intended and will be changed with the next update.". You can trade them to F2Pers.








my bad :) :oops:




No problem ::' , but just remember, don't go calling people attention-wh***s. You never know when you'll make a mistake like this and that comment making you look even stupider than the mistake would have. :shame:

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It really is F2P! I've just tried it!




Look at the picture:




Look on the chat screen. It says: "You need to be on a members server to use this gate." Thats proof that i am in a F2P world!




Then look in the up- left corner. It says "proselyte tasset", not "members object". Thats proof that it is F2P item!

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so you wore a skirt and went to f2p... big deal...




stop beign such an attention-wh***




Are you that big of a fool? Check the buglist on runescape.com under quests, this bug is listed. "The new skirt reward armour for Slug Menace is currently classed as a free object, this was not intended and will be changed with the next update.". You can trade them to F2Pers.




Can you tell me the directions to get to the buglist?

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so you wore a skirt and went to f2p... big deal...




stop beign such an attention-wh***




Are you that big of a fool? Check the buglist on runescape.com under quests, this bug is listed. "The new skirt reward armour for Slug Menace is currently classed as a free object, this was not intended and will be changed with the next update.". You can trade them to F2Pers.




Can you tell me the directions to get to the buglist?




On the frontpage under the heading "Knowledge Base", the last option is "Report a Bug/Fault". Then choose "Quests" as to report a quest related bug, and it will show you all of the bugs related to quests that have been reported and put on their list. You'll find this bug listed there (it's the only one, actually).

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wow, it is f2p, i checked and... its weird definately giving 1 to a free world character of mine and going to walk around world 3 showing every1








well i had my fun noobing it up, lol, i gave it to some lvl 35 after i played with the new skirt on f2p.

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so really the only point would be if you were loseing members like tomarrow and you had done the new quest and you wanted to wear a skirt that has the stats of monk robes mixed with addy? \' :-$

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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Is it still this way now, or has it been fixed?




Jagex said they would fix it with their next update. So it'll stay like this, with it tradeable in f2p, until sometime next week.




And psykick, in less than a week it'll be fixed and have no stats at all.

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