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When i saw the new interface update, i though, oh dear, i thought jagex were meant to be improving the game? Well some people like it, maybe it's just i havn't got used to it yet, anyway, from this update spawned my idea, a new interface.




Note: I only had simple paint to hand to create this.


Some parts like borders and distortion are not brilliant.




So here is my idea, we start with a overall layout to the new interface and a larger screen area to see more of the world around you...








So, you get the gist of it there, all your usual buttons but aranged much more friendly and an added "quick-click" run/walk button.




Next, we all know the interfaces that pop up when you click one of the buttons around your invent, so i won't tamper with those, but i will show you an example of where they will pop up and introduce a new button.








So, i bet your all wondering, what the heck is that red arrow? well, sometimes it's nice to compare your invent with your equipment etc. and also (no pic) when you trade with someone, your invent will automaticly pop up beside the trading window.














But then your wondering, OMG, what have you done with the chat screen!?!?, well you see that little white arrow above the buttons at the bottom, click that for your chat screen, then click an [X] to revert back to a clean screen. I added this because sometimes people want to remain private and would rather have more screen space than an empty chat screen.








Thanks for reading.


I welcome comments and questions.



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dont be so hard on him. I think its a good idea that just needs a little work. At least he put the effort into making pics. The primary thing I would add is if you dont like it, you log into a world without this option ( there would be no new worlds, just a old screen, new screen option before the low detail, high detail)




I think the minimap should be bigger too.

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Nope, the screen is bigger, probably nearer full window in internet, and the mini map looked really stupid bigger, ty for compliments on pics. But it will never catch on XD

Ever wondered if your character is "Good"?

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hmm... it is a good idea but ther are sum things that dont look rite like the inventory screen.. it fills the whole screen so if u want to eat in a fight u need to click the butten click food omg owned u get what i mean :wink: nice idea only it needs some work :D =D>


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I'm sorry, but that looks confusing and disorents me.




The item box in the middle of the screen may block out would-be attckers, and futhermore, the chatbox being down may cause you to miss an important message.




But I do like the Quick run Button! :thumbsup:


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"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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i like ur idea, maybe we should start a generaly rejected ideas club? theres jackets lol




i think the things should be roughly in the places they are now (in rs)... but that you should have buttons to bring them up, and or be able to move them your self?

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Not bad, but you could keep the chat screen in game. That would be better.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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They made the minimap bigger? (that sucks, I'd have made it smaller)




It seems that 90% of these people dislike this ide, abut I'm one who dosen't. I never use the chat window (well, rarely) and would appreciate the larger area.




the issue is that this is very much like many other games, (as someone said) but maybe that's because they had the right idea there?




andyway. I'm sure this will get flamed for awhile (gotta have another 10 minutes on the other side to make sure it's cooked through), and I might be in the cookpot as well, but that 's my thoughts and I'll stand by them.


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i think this is a really great idea, and it looks pretty friggin' sweet. just be prepared to have plenty of people flamin' you about how "People always try and think they can take JAGeX's idea and make it better within a few days after its release.


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You basically removed all the advantages of the new system and reintroduced all the disadvantages of the classic system.




and pop up blocks off your screen like WOW.







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  • 3 weeks later...

People have mixed views on my idea, but seeing as i went to the trouble of making the pictures, i don't see why i should let it die easily. :shame:




Bump! :P :D

Ever wondered if your character is "Good"?

D chain on dusty number ~174~ 3 D drops

Prive is ON FRIENDS ~ Tif pm to be added

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