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Nihilists HYT List...Back from the Dead FTW !!!!!!!!!!!


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I had a quick search to see if there was a post like this already, and I couldn't find anything.




The basic Principle is that because Tip.It Forums have its own community built around very strong friendships and so on. It has become quite hard to integrate properly.




I only know most of the people I know, as well as I do because I joined the SODB which consisted of HYT people at the time. That was the time I found out how nice these people were. That was the time I wanted to get to know more.




The purpose of this list is for people who leave their private chat ON to post their names and then add the other people that they fancy talking to.




Of course if you are a well known person you could say something like: 'My private chat will be on for 5 days, add me before then'




This gives an oppurtunity for more people to become part of the community as well as welcome others in. Ok then I'll start the list off:




If you have more than one account you will be placed on the same line.




EDIT: Thanks to Sworddude198 for this idea, it would be good to add your timezone to your application too, i will start including them in the list.




HYT List: (in no particular order)


1. I_Nihilist_I and Tenbroya


2. Sworddude198 + (Def Jam Tank)


3. nightwolf06 ('IcedTears' ingame)


4. Uular


5. I_Rule_21


6. Rooneyrules0 Pure = Il-Robin--Il


7. Aquashock


8. Aku690


9. Matthewlock


10. ikzelf100


11. The_Valor (in game HYTs only, generally not through PMs)


12. Idarodo12


13. Baemnt13


14. Zaquier Ming


15. Richpoepaap


16. Soulthresher


17. cashguy1


18. tinyslam900


19. malo2


20. colossus110


21. ktmcf121


22. Ashmad


23. Jake Corsair


24. jiggeryqua


25. Shadorik


26. errr ok


27. Saruman44


28. Flameguy3


29. Robert_Rdam


30. Peronix


31. Cat--Freak


32. TehChekt


33. Ghstkill8


34. aequus tres and ortiz--9471


35. dark_poop0


36. Um Bong0


37. Spams


38. mini193 (fr0z3ncha0s, his pure)


39. bigsword33 and thenewspoof


40. wurmskin1


41. Moopy_M


42. Erk02


43. Mamong - GMT + 10


44. ugafan 2009


45. fearspudgod


46. I Daedra I


47. Dark Alcyte


48. Summoner6661


49. Faitherooski


50. lolipop137


51. Scorpion31r5


52. Kaitlyn2


53. Jesselitton


54. bbq--sauce


55. benbenben41


56. Five for two


57. Restin Lumby


58. Sk4terpunk90


59. Harding 10


60. Ruby__Amulet and Steel Hybrid


61. frab26


62. Spa ins and mitch h5


63. Loveisevol


64. Joeyskoten


65. 11allerb


66. joune (gmt -1)


67. Intriguing


68. Spooferfish


69. zwartenero


70. mcginess


71. Guy The Best


72. C_R_3_3_K_Z


73. greatham


74. protius69


75. Bludragon124


76. game_proffy


77. Deiophobus77


78. omega one2


79. Sir Hartlar


80. Ltje


81. Zodiak Wolf


82. marlin85


83. Petrolhead22


84. Garrgoyle


85. jys072595 tmz: Est


86. Mirrorforced (NOT THROUGH PM, ONLY IN-GAME)


87. queenbee3110


88. Pure1-63


89. justin_m23 or Varquah


90. Moosewalker (Australian Eastern Standard Time, (AEST))


91. D Allster


92. Captianant


93. runescaperuler


94. Legolas8d


95. clifford252


96. Put 2 Death


97. piman1053


98. Sirob1414


99. Xans_ghost or c4su4l pk3r


100. Chemchord


101. Stallion4589


102. Zatrance


103. bflinty1


104. Volkswagen99 (4pm to 8pm gmt usually)


105. edric chia


106. nyyankees588


107. Tyrcian157 (GMT)


108. Gruntoaction


109. Arlom


110. mil_odedra


111. Ghost Knigth


112. "arnie arnie" + "007996007996" + and "atestarossa" (my new noob account)


113. Tanner4560


114. qsbillabong


115. knight10071


116. JimmyD17


117. Skully Sc


118. Rawrdemon


119. h2oman710 - GMT -5


120. Armourboy05


121. Maximiliank


122. coolguy98741


123. hephaistos50


124. olenik2


125. curanir1


126. a lamber


127. eddie lion


128. juanflores1


129. Byyako


130. Himedaph


131. Icedearth06


132. Esper_Jones


133. Cursed_Toast


134. Odlewhiz


135. Juggalo Magi


136. Ltfairy


137. Yeah You Are


138. fremus7


139. CentriX_2


140. jwrm22


141. Dusty668


142. jagid sabre


143. kenshinjapan


144. wilcher


145. Crazyj18


146. Senor Tamale


147. Idarodo


148. Beest1942


149. Fgfuyfyuiuy0


150. oolatuck


151. jade slayer6


152. R O Y A L1 (No Hyting in PM)


153. SirScrap


154. Oreo9870


155. senor_stache


156. Myweponsg00d


157. Xanotex


158. Evil Gizm0


159. HNK


160. Adny miff80


161. for sooth


162. ZammyFTW


163. MisterXMan


164. Flow1315


165. Soul Shadow5


166. BbalKing (Plya_Kila os my pure)


167. KingPoida


168. InTheClubPio




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