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Revive Old Stat Display + Room for 6 More Skills!


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EDIT: December 24th 2006






I don't know about anybody else, but when construction came out, I was not too fond of the new display. I miss seeing my combat level and skill total on the same page, especially when showing pictures of levels when you get them (I've seen others share that same sentiment).




I also miss being able to look at a certain skill's XP in that box, instead of waiting for a popup that covers up your other levels, and takes longer to load. So I played around with the interface a little and came up with this:




(old pic I used)






Updated pic (shows both black/yellow bars on 5 second intervals):




help by tru_vampire0




I used his image to make a .gif that would show both yellow and black bars, since some seemed to have a preference




EDIT: December 24th 2006


To the responses about being overly crowded, I extended the image about as much as possible while still fitting within the current space allowed by the interface. Of course, in this picture it is not pretty to the eye, but that's for the people at Jagex (who get paid for doing this) to take care of. This is just to demonstrate how wide I could make it without increasing the current space used for that part of the interface:








End edit




I know it's not perfect, but I didn't want to be over-elaborate, but with a minimal resizing to the side of the surrounding 'box' this would fit just fine. I'm sure Jagex could make it a little prettier than I did too. Other benefits of this would be allowing room for 6 additional skills, should they ever come, without needing a scroll bar, and maybe even get the "Current XP" and "XP to next level" to be alligned, instead of the old frustrating way it was before:







Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


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i don't mind the new interface much, but construction does look a bit stupid (if not a bit lonely :wink: ) down there at the bottom.


So i think that the interface you designed is better than the current one =D>




Bring on the new skills \'

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That is a very good idea! So good i think it deserves it should be added tot he lets fix Runescape signature thing!




That would really clean up Jagex's mistake when redesigning the skill area for construction. IMO, you should have to move you mouse over to see your current xp, like the way it is now. To add on to that, you should also have an xp toi next level, which would make levelling up so much easier!



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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i have an idea but arnt clever enough to make a pic for it




have the picture of the skill without the level, but when you put your cursor over it, it comes up with the extra stuff.... level... xp




just an idea, because otherwise your going to start getting things people cant read




if you need me to explain any more just ask lol

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just a few comments. I like it, but its a little cramped imo...maybe start with 3 new skill spaces just to give us some room till then. I've seen this idea before and haven't minded it, seems like it could do no harm. Btw, nice to see ya back odd :o

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Seems a little cramped, and I doubt we're ever going to have 6 new skills anyways :? . If we did that'd probably be overkill.




The alignment though- GREAT idea. I'm so sick of counting how far my numbers are from the decimal, and that'd make things much easier.

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I like the idea of putting it back to it's old look. It was so much easier to use then but I don't think we need 6 more skills. Can anyone actually come up with 6 new skills that RS needs? I think not. There might be one or two ones missing but not 6.

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Uhhh.... This exact idea already exists:






It has been around for much longer too.




well hell... that would've made my paint job a lil easier. lol.




I didn't go looking before I posted, but it doesn't surprise me considering I've been thinking this since the day of the update



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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-bah this is only here for historical purposes now, I got 20m+ already


"fail,well atleast the title,i wont read it with that colours"

"If you hadn't posted in rainbow I would actually give this a proper read"

"Colours suck."

*I remove colours*

"Where did all the colors go!? This is now 40% more likely to be tl;dr'd due to the lack of colors."

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I don't like the horizontal bars, but that's JaGEx's job to fix. Other than that, I loved the old interface and the old way they displayed the stats (after construction).




I can only hope they will change back. I miss the old amount of text.


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