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Some Long-ago planned updates that have not come... Yet.


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In the news, some years ago, Jagex said there would be many great updates for us...




Summoning spells...




More Pets and other followers...




Clan Support...




And, The one I still look forward to: "Randomly generated scenarios, where a new adventure is generated for you and your friends each time you go on it. Form an adventuring party and go on your own personal quest."










All these, promised to eventually come, on 31, March 2004




The link is here:


http://news.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/w ... .ws?id=208






So, When will they come? Discuss here. :|


(Also, Wildy Tag was canceled, was it not? Just wanting to know. :wink: )

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Oh, it's ok. We'll just keep pumping out 5 dollars a month til those updates finally come out.


See where I'm getting at? Jagex can promise anything to eventually come out - even if they haven't started it - to keep members interested, hooked, and continuing their payments. Smart business.

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ya posted before but clan support wouldnt that be the team capes? well i dont know if it came before then or after :oops:




and summoning and stuff theve been planning maybe its like POH's? they dont have a good enough system to do it yet except they done a bunch of updating....

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lol yeh i remember that


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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well, a couple of the stuffs they said did happen like:




enchantable rings




more rare stuff




armored boots








prayer books (teh ownage)




player owned houses (2 years later lol)




pyramid quest (desert treasure)








lol, a lot of the stuff they didnt even make or are planning to make




and i think wild tag is the teleport oblisks....or is wild tag something different?



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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and i think wild tag is the teleport oblisks....or is wild tag something different?




Thats the portals dotted around the wilderness in random places. they call it 'Portal Pking'

actually its not that was going to be included with wilderness tag instead wilderness tag got held back because of some glitch and they put in the portals anyway.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Please change the word *promissed* to *planned* in your title.




I can't find anywhere where jagex actually said they would promiss us all the updates on the list.




They said these were the updates they were PLANNING to release at some point in the future.




I also think many of you forget that ALOT of other updates not on the list have been released, some of the updates on the list also may have been scrapped because of many different possible reasons.

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I'm pretty sure that they'll eventually install these updates.


Just give them time.. They have been giving us some really cool updates lately, and they might forgetten a little bit about the "promised" ones.




You do got to admit that they already installed the majority of the planned updates..

Why do we bake cookies, but cook bacon

99/99/80+ looking for monster hunting group

RS07: mb nb

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I hate how everyone bashes Jagex because they didn't release a update they planned. Guess what? Plans change! Look at the updates we have got before bashing Jagex and I believe there is enough there to keep most players happy. If you are bored with the game and not happy with updates being thrown your way - quit, it's your money, nobodies forcing you to pay.

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been posten 1000000000 times... (s34rch pl0x)


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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In the news, some years ago, Jagex said there would be many great updates for us...




Summoning spells...




More Pets and other followers...




Clan Support...




And, The one I still look forward to: "Randomly generated scenarios, where a new adventure is generated for you and your friends each time you go on it. Form an adventuring party and go on your own personal quest."










All these, promised to eventually come, on 31, March 2004




The link is here:


http://news.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/w ... .ws?id=208






So, When will they come? Discuss here. :|


(Also, Wildy Tag was canceled, was it not? Just wanting to know. :wink: )






can't you read.. it said those was the plans "AS OF MARCH 4, 2004" which means thats when they came up with the plan ..not when they was due... jesus dude you need to learn how to read and must of the stuff on that page has been put into the game.. i bet someone has already said this but i dont feel like reading through all the pages

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http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=477 ... c&start=51




Heh, I just bumped it not long ago.




Anyways, Jagex plans things years in advance. Recently they went through how POH's have been being worked on SINCE RSC. It's a huge project to do anything in the worlds largest Java based game.




Think of it this way, Jagex is a factory making machines. The machines are made of many parts, not just one person each part, it requres multiple people on an assembly line to put everything together, if one person alone was doing it it would take even longer. So Jagex is a factory and their employees are putting together their machines one piece at a time BUT they each have to do something or it wouldn't be made. Understand?

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Do you wanna try programming this type of stuff? Give them time.




they "PROMISSSED" it 2 years ago who cares about "LUNAR DEPLOMACY" or some other crapppy members queast were u have to be lvl 100+ to complete we want more pets and summoning skills!!!!!!!!!

PS: I think the pets were either cats or fish, or maybe stuff in your POH, so stop complaining, because I know when you are level 100, you'll be saying OMG Jagex release more high level quests! Stop giving the lower levels more pets and summoning skills! We high levels should get the summoning skills with the magic level we worked for and deserve!
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