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F2P Fun Things to do?


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isnt it obvious????? theres one of three things








1.train range you know you want to its awesome




2.go pking its funa nd profitable




3.and most importantly pick KAH BAH GEE!!!! \' \' \'








That third one is just big green spam. Picking cabbage is really not fun. If you truly find it fun to pick and bank cabbage over and over, you should probably seek therapy. That's just my opinion, of course. ;)

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Hang out with the OoC members on world 7 Draynor area, or go in crowded areas and say random stuff.








May not seem like fun to you, but once you lose the P2P in you, you'll understand.












Random things are always fun! Heck cabbage bombs are fun enough to give you a good belly laugh.








Those OOC people are crazy (in a good way :mrgreen: ). Its usually where I go when I want a break from skilling and have no signature orders (I have a siggy shop in Art Bazaar). If you're going back to f2p, I suggest using World 7. Its the Tip.It f2p homeworld, so you can see some fellow Tip.Iters (including me ::' )








And me. :XD:








Et moi!

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I do skilling, hang with clan friends, and talk with friends online.

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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skilling, wanna be 1 def pking (73 def with leather body :XD: :XD: ),


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I used to make random, hard to make food like cake and pizza (anchovy mostly \' ) It would take a while to get the ingredients together and once I had made a few I could never sell them as cake is eaten in 3 portions and no good for training or wildy.



Whips: 3 Dragon Boots: 15


My 99's: Attack & Cooking


Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Goldenjkered

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Did you just use F2p and the word fun in the same sentence?




Seriously though. If you're looking for fun, pking is still the way to go. ::'








And don't forget your food! Whoever said that eating piles upon piles of salty meat when you're sickly was bad, clearly didn't know what they were talking about.

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, your commodity drops in value.
[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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isnt it obvious????? theres one of three things








1.train range you know you want to its awesome




2.go pking its funa nd profitable




3.and most importantly pick KAH BAH GEE!!!! \' \' \'








That third one is just big green spam. Picking cabbage is really not fun. If you truly find it fun to pick and bank cabbage over and over, you should probably seek therapy. That's just my opinion, of course. ;)




psh, what has the OoC ever done to you? It's a game. it's supposed to be fun. and i'm just going to stop there because the rest of the post would maybe be a rant on how nothing in runescape matters really.








Like people said, picking cabbage, skilling, and pking are all fun things to do, and all are things that can get old after awhile, so finding a balance between the three would be nice if you are going to go back to f2p for awhile... but other than that, it's quite desolate and dull... just don't turn to a life of crime, or even one that watches others live their lives of crime.




ah, another fun thing to do, if you had not already, is get the skull staff... i guess.


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Hang out with the OoC members on world 7 Draynor area, or go in crowded areas and say random stuff.








May not seem like fun to you, but once you lose the P2P in you, you'll understand.












Random things are always fun! Heck cabbage bombs are fun enough to give you a good belly laugh.








Those OOC people are crazy (in a good way :mrgreen: ). Its usually where I go when I want a break from skilling and have no signature orders (I have a siggy shop in Art Bazaar). If you're going back to f2p, I suggest using World 7. Its the Tip.It f2p homeworld, so you can see some fellow Tip.Iters (including me ::' )








And me. :XD:








Et moi!












And maybe me. :wink:



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1. get mining to 85 and mine rune (boring but its a major achievment and brings in tons of money)




2. make a pure and pk, or join a clan and pk




3. cut tons of yews to get money (to spend on fun things)




4. join ooc




5. merchant








The making money is for buying a rare, getting tons of stuff for pking getting skills up like smithing prayer, building a great pure or tons of other stuff.








The rare will grow money so you dont feel like you have to keep making money and can just enjoy doing things that are fun to you








Joining a clan is a great way to meet people and to pk effectively, though not all clans are pk clans, some are skill based clans.








Whatever you do its always more fun to do it with friends!








hope some of that will work for you3dbiggrin3.gif

Knowledge is power

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Run through the middle of Varrock Naked! :shock:




You can do that even if you're P2P \'








Well, i gotta do... something... somewhere... near varrock.... see you soon!

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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