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Global Warming


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Most scientists are talking about global warming.




They are saying that the polar ice caps are melting and the seas are rising.




Post what you think about global warming and maybe what can be done to stop it.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Problem with global warming is sunburn and floods because ice takes up less volume than when it is melted into water.








If we keep on going like this the process might be irreversible, but hope that doesn't happen in my generation.








Stop using so much personal transportation(carpools excluded). Try using public transportation. Cut down on using gas. Don't use certain chemical that affect ozone etc.








No one wants to listen because it's more convient to use personal trans, or I don't feel it yet, etc.








Just bunch of procrastination. I hope we get those hydrogen cars running soon and find effective ways to store liquid hydrogen, etc.








But right now, just gota wait and see how fast we die.

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Guest GhostRanger

The biggest problem with global warming is that it makes people want to make topics over and over about it without bothering to search around. Oh - and something about the penguins.

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The biggest problem with global warming is that it makes people want to make topics over and over about it without bothering to search around. Oh - and something about the penguins.








That, and the following:








hope that doesn't happen in my generation.








Why would so many people want to live a happy life, only to know that "heck, I don't care, as long as I can drive my SUVs, have grill parties and use massive cooling systems. Let my kids deal with a crappier life after I die with all the floods and energy shortages and whatnot"

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The biggest problem with global warming is that it makes people want to make topics over and over about it without bothering to search around. Oh - and something about the penguins.








That, and the following:








hope that doesn't happen in my generation.








Why would so many people want to live a happy life, only to know that "heck, I don't care, as long as I can drive my SUVs, have grill parties and use massive cooling systems. Let my kids deal with a crappier life after I die with all the floods and energy shortages and whatnot"




Well, if it happens fro this generation it will probably affect the children too... Still, the later the better. And best if it doesn't happen at all.

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I hope that the ice caps melt and we all drown, but that's just me.








We do not deserve this planet. The planet needs a chance to start over, and it will never have that chance as long as there is a drop of oil in the ground.








Here's a better question for you guys:








How much money can one spend if his lungs have just exploded and he is now bleeding internally from the immense heat of the sun beating down through a destroyed Ozone Layer?








That is the real question. Oil tycoon's are the most blind people on this Earth. They care of nothing but money, and for what reason? To amass it and die, leaving the world with your destruction?








We run Space Ships on Hydrogen. It is possible to run cars on them. Will we ever run on Hydrogen? Not if oil companies have anything to say about it. And an Oil company is the most powerful government in this world, weither you know it or not. Oil companies can't harness all the hydrogen for themselves and sell it for immense profits, so they want nothing to do with it. We will be stuck on oil until it is completely gone, and with the oil gone, the world can finally start to heal itself, but it will be far too late, and it will take thousands of years.








All because of 100 years of burning oil.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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ice takes up less volume than when it is melted into water.























I don't have a problem with global warming. . I don't want to turn this into yet ANOTHER!!! religious discussion, but my belief is that we have no purpose on this planet. So, we get born, enjoy our lives to the full, then die. No problem. I don't really care. Sure, we're ruining the enviroment, but life goes on. I can't wait until humanity dies out.











We do not deserve this planet. The planet needs a chance to start over, and it will never have that chance as long as there is a drop of oil in the ground.








So true. Agreed.

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We do not deserve this planet. The planet needs a chance to start over, and it will never have that chance as long as there is a drop of oil in the ground.








=D> I very much agree.








And to the guy who said it won't happen to this generation: What if you believe in reincarnation like me? :|

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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The biggest problem with global warming is that it makes people want to make topics over and over about it without bothering to search around. Oh - and something about the penguins.








That, and the following:








hope that doesn't happen in my generation.








Why would so many people want to live a happy life, only to know that "heck, I don't care, as long as I can drive my SUVs, have grill parties and use massive cooling systems. Let my kids deal with a crappier life after I die with all the floods and energy shortages and whatnot"








I think it's funny how you didn't quote the context too, here letme bring it up for you.








"If we keep on going like this the process might be irreversible, but hope that doesn't happen in my generation."








If you read it over, you'll get what I'm saying (though you should have read it over again before reacting)








I hope that the ice caps melt and we all drown, but that's just me.








We do not deserve this planet. The planet needs a chance to start over, and it will never have that chance as long as there is a drop of oil in the ground.








Here's a better question for you guys:








How much money can one spend if his lungs have just exploded and he is now bleeding internally from the immense heat of the sun beating down through a destroyed Ozone Layer?








That is the real question. Oil tycoon's are the most blind people on this Earth. They care of nothing but money, and for what reason? To amass it and die, leaving the world with your destruction?








We run Space Ships on Hydrogen. It is possible to run cars on them. Will we ever run on Hydrogen? Not if oil companies have anything to say about it. And an Oil company is the most powerful government in this world, weither you know it or not. Oil companies can't harness all the hydrogen for themselves and sell it for immense profits, so they want nothing to do with it. We will be stuck on oil until it is completely gone, and with the oil gone, the world can finally start to heal itself, but it will be far too late, and it will take thousands of years.








All because of 100 years of burning oil.








I have absolutely no idea why they want to leave behind a rich corpse. What's the purpose? They probably have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, and their children.








Please look up research on hydrogen, you'll find the answers to your questions.








Well seperate research is being done on hydrogen cars, not by oil companies of course, but by certain car companies and places with limited funding.









ice takes up less volume than when it is melted into water.























I don't have a problem with global warming. . I don't want to turn this into yet ANOTHER!!! religious discussion, but my belief is that we have no purpose on this planet. So, we get born, enjoy our lives to the full, then die. No problem. I don't really care. Sure, we're ruining the enviroment, but life goes on. I can't wait until humanity dies out.











We do not deserve this planet. The planet needs a chance to start over, and it will never have that chance as long as there is a drop of oil in the ground.








So true. Agreed.








Oh yes right, I forgot. I was thinking of general liquids when refering to water. Usually a liquid's volume is reduced when frozen, but water is special in that it expands instead.








All the oil one could ever need would be on a planet, but if you care for your environment, people, and less about money, then oil amount would not matter.









We do not deserve this planet. The planet needs a chance to start over, and it will never have that chance as long as there is a drop of oil in the ground.








=D> I very much agree.








And to the guy who said it won't happen to this generation: What if you believe in reincarnation like me? :|








Who said it won't (quote please)? It's actually highly likely something huge involving global warming will happen within 50 years, if we don't change our habits.








And again, oil does not matter, it's all about your conscience, feeling, and what you put in front.








Don't place the blame on the oil, place it on the greed of humanity.

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To be honest, i don't care about global warming as im goign to be dead in a jillion years when it actually starts having a serious effect \'




Funny that its gonna affect in 20-50 years? :roll:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If you ask me, Global Warming is the biggest problem in the world. Especially my country, Holland, has much problems, because 2/3 of my country lies under sealevel, okay, we got some nice dikes, but they'll need to get higher and higher. A raising sea level isn't the biggest problem, but the problem there will be much more desert. Spain is already a desert, and France will be a desert soon too.. and with that.. famine. :|


At least, I think that.

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Canadian government has an action plan in reducing greenhouse admissions! - effective 2050, maybe a little too late?



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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To be honest, i don't care about global warming as im goign to be dead in a jillion years when it actually starts having a serious effect \'








This is the problem in the world. Knowledge.








People think "Oh, it's not going to happen anytime soon, it's just overrated." and they don't bother to do ANYTHING, seriously, they don't bother to change habits bad for global warming.








They (the people who do not educate themselves on the matter) don't know that the effects of global warming WILL produce serious consequences in less than 50 years if we keep on going like this.








Again, the best thing to do, is to educate people about this issue, then with their knowledge and support, we can get more people until we have a majority to CHANGE the ways we operate.

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To be honest, i don't care about global warming as im goign to be dead in a jillion years when it actually starts having a serious effect \'









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To be honest, i don't care about global warming as im goign to be dead in a jillion years when it actually starts having a serious effect \'








On the news it said that it could hapen within 5 years if nothing is done, and so far, hardly nothing is being done.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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