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how would you feel if you became a player mod ?


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The lvl 5 mod (Who uses these forums) and I are friends.








I'd probably cry. Literally. I know it sounds... lame, but it is a privilage. I cried when I got my first mime event after 3 yrs. of playing, and me never having one never since they came out. If I got my first mime event a week ago, I'd be lucky to get accepted as a mod in 6 yrs. from now. But all I know is I'd take the responsibility, and take down the autoers/rule breakers I see when no mods are around, and can't do anything about it.








But the good thing of having a p-mod as a friend is you can pm them and they can take care of it.


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The lvl 5 mod (Who uses these forums) and I are friends.








I'd probably cry. Literally. I know it sounds... lame, but it is a privilage. I cried when I got my first mime event after 3 yrs. of playing, and me never having one never since they came out. If I got my first mime event a week ago, I'd be lucky to get accepted as a mod in 6 yrs. from now. But all I know is I'd take the responsibility, and take down the autoers/rule breakers I see when no mods are around, and can't do anything about it.








But the good thing of having a p-mod as a friend is you can pm them and they can take care of it.








:XD: :XD: :XD:








Sorry, but that sounds so funny. If I got accepted as a player mod, I'd be pretty happy, but I wouldn't cry :XD: .




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I know atleast 3 pmods under the combat level of 85. And theyve all been f2p when they got pmodded. So there.




And I think itll be cool at first, but rather anoying later.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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It was cool at first, then it got annoying when people freaked out when I talked :|








Now I rarely talk in-game because of it. I only really respond to HYT's.








+1. you feel honoured at first, then you have to get used to playing with the crown. it alters the way you play significantly.








and i was modded at level 70. as a f2per. and ltfairy is the lowest mod ive met in game.

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I don't know.




I'd probably accept it, but I'd hate being constantly pestered and being a lower level would make it worse. I know a level 3 player moderator, that is F2P. He's usually the center of attention. :|



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Probablly wouldn't effect me much, so I wouldn't care that much. It defintely has some perks being a player moderator thogh.








I don't talk much in public chat in-game so people wouldn't see the shiny crown and pester me. It would make selling/trading/merchanting in World 2 easier. And it would be nice know that JaGEx is listening to your reports (right? they are right?!).

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if i became a mod i would mute spammers e.g the post above me




I didn't think he was a spammer.








I thought he was displaying his feelings about how he would react if he became a p-mod, through a series of emoticons

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When I was modded I was quite excited, and accepted without any hesitation. Since then I've quite enjoyed it, but it can be quite a hassle always answering questions recieving extra attention. I used to hang around Varrock, but now I avoid the place like the plague due to all the attention the crown draws around there. I prefer Draynor where it's fairly calm. :3>


taking a break

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I would be honoured and I would probably accept it. On the other hand... all that attention, all those people watching your every step. Some people jump at the chance of being able to report a mod. Sometimes I have bad RS days, when I don't help anyone out and 'snub' people. Other days I don't mind taking lower levels to places, helping them through quests or rogue's den or whatever... As a mod, you don't have the kind of liberty to say "go away" just like that.








I'd rather they never ask, so I won't have to accept :D

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