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what was the very last f2p quest you did


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Prince Ali was the last one that I did too. I saw that it was long and I equated that with hard. I was kicking myself when I found out how easy it was. Could have done it a lot sooner. <.<



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First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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The Knight's Sword. That quest gave amazing smithing experience. :shock:
i was going around telling people my smithing lvl afterwords lol


Everytime I try to get a 99 skill, I get bored and go play Transformers on my 360...

Dragon Drops-1 Barrows drops- 0 :(

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Dragon slayer. Was level 49, and everyone started 'lol'ing when I entered with my rune chain, legs, and longsword, saying I wasn't going to make it. I proved them wrong :lol: (was back in RSC when the dragon was level 110).








Well, actually, Rune Mysteries was technically the LAST one I did, but that one is insignificant IMO.

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Rune mysteries.








I finished all f2p quests before rs2 came out, and the only new f2p quest from the release was RM, so yeah, that's mine, and most likely many others.



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last quest i did was shield of arrav, because i could never find anyone to trade with, but in the end for some reason i never had to trade anyone. I reported it as a bug, but it never came back o well luck for me lol


26M Crafting XP

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210 something qp, and the last one was d-slayer...but i still got one left...








SHEEP SHEARER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ohnoes:

i know.. oyu cant trust those sheeps :ohnoes:


Everytime I try to get a 99 skill, I get bored and go play Transformers on my 360...

Dragon Drops-1 Barrows drops- 0 :(

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Prince Ali Rescue was the last f2p quest for me as well. It was when Legend's had just come out and I needed to finish that quest to get some needed qp's. I'm glad I finally did it, even though I don't go through that gate often








P.S. I actually begged some guy for some ashes who was firemaking instead of going to do it myself. Hehe, I'm lazy.








Edit: I guess technically RM... but that's a lame answer

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Meh. Witches potion. Stupid quest. Really stupid quest. -.-

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