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what was the very last f2p quest you did


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I have done all the f2p except one.








I think the one I haven't done is the HARDEST quest ever!








That's right...Ernest the Chicken! I started it years ago and never finished it. And I never will... :thumbsup:

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Wait..wait a second..








*looks at virtual scrying orb*








YEAH! I remember now, I killed that..Elvarg thing. Dragon slayer!








It was fun. I remember it all..I had full addy, my very best addy scimitar..strength potions..lobsters..and doubt I would ever make it out alive. But, I felled that stupid dragon, and now I walk about in my shiny full rune! :twisted:












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Yeah, they were. I remember killing my first lesser demon..my first dragon..everything back from Free to Play. Good times..goooood times..




Hell, I remember killing my first guard. I ko'ed him with a 3-4 combo \' I rocked the f2p world. Prince Ali was my last also, I couldn't find one of the materials.....forget which one, so I went and killed Evarlg and then found it :P

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Prince Ali WILL be the last I do when I absolutely have to do it to get that cape (currently 11 quests to do). I'm currently 99 combat, 1476 total lvl with 207 QP and STILL haven't completed Prince Ali!

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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