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Most fun dream


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I had my most fun dream last night. It pretty much was based on a game called Dungeon Siege II. I was in this forest, with these people, and I had duel-katanas and duel-daggers :twisted:








This one guy pissed me off... i stabbed him with both daggers. He survived, dont ask how :? The enemies were really tough tho... it was like attacking a block of concrete :shock:




But i killed one, and it was fun, because it was like first-person. Oh, and i had a special attack with the katanas. I'd slash an X with both of them, then i'd Slash horizontally with both and then i'd put them parallel, touching the enemy, and pull em away. It owned, i knocked down a tree with that attack :twisted: unfortunately, the dream got twisted and turned into a soap-oprah style thing on two twins. it was... wierd from that point on :|













It's better to keep your mouth shut and have everybody think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


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My most fun dreams don't involve video games, they involve things that would probably get me banned from this forum and/or civilized society.

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My most fun dreams don't involve video games, they involve things that would probably get me banned from this forum and/or civilized society.








id have to go with that one








but the second best dreams involve fast stuf (cars, jets you name it)

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Cleanup in the morning sucks though.








Wait... what?








You clean it up? :anxious:
















my dream involves me with my gf in a lambra 8-)








Viper :twisted:

Think about how boring their job is. All day replying to messages like these: '0mG j0gEx cAn U g1MmÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã 100k 1 w1lL pa1 u bAk 1 swÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâãaR!!11!'


Not sure about you but I would want to liven up my job if I had a job like theirs.

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My dreams are very rarley coherent like that. One I vaguley liked involved watching knights riding past whilst I was sitting on a wooded slope watching them. Then I got up and walked under a telephone pilon into a gaint swiming pool world. Then I left again under the telephone pilon, and when i tried to getback I was too old.



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I have had a few dreams about being chased by a dinasour. Once it was in a city, once it was in a jungle and the other time it was just around my neighborhood. They are scary as hell but at the same time they are fun.








I also jumped off a bridge over the Mississippi river once. That was fun because I just floated down like I was a feather.

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