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If you could go back into History?


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Invention of the Printing Press might have been nice to see too :P








4. Canada would rule the world








Alrighty. Elaborate. I just can't believe this one :roll: :lol:








You have two options:




1. Take my word for it because you know I am right.




2. make me write out an essay 20 pages long that explains why Canada would rule the world. This, however, would make me extremely mad, and I would not do it making you automatically switch to option one. Thus, proving Canada would rule the world if it were not for Hitler... Hitler cannot even stop Canada! We will...take over. You watch. :ohnoes:








I can imagine it, I think an atomic bomb would be launched by a common'er going crazy. :lol: ..I think pretty much all commoners would go crazy :D

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The obvious choice: Kill Hitler, save a few million jews. :)




(Europe could really use some)








What if you had to give up your life in order to kill him? Would you do it then?




If it was before he did his damage, yes, I'd be willing to sacrifice my life to save millions of others, obviously.

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probably go back and time and "accidentally" slip a little arsenic in hitlers food. of course this would all be an "accident" Imagine me doing the two finger thing while usin the "" symbols.

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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Go to 10BC or so, find out who cool Jesus really was. Then kill him. Well, maybe not kill him. If he was a faker, I'd write my own books and disprove him.








I'd like to really see the dinosaurs aswell. Find out what really did kill them.

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I'd go to adam and eve and bust their face in before they could eat the fruit that damned us all lol








Wouldn't beating Adam and Eve be a sin?








Not to mention if you take the Bible literally, they are your first parents. Way to respect them by showing up in jeans chewing bubble gum and 'busting their face'.








You could replace the apple with a wal-mart apple though. I wonder what God would say since technically it's a different apple even if it's on the same tree. My guess is that he would be confused.








Or save mankind from all the misery of wars and plagues and sneak a bomb in the apple so they can't reproduce, and have their own children reproduce with each other, and so on. Then live your life to the fullest in an empty world millenias later (with no inventions, technology or buildings though...)

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Why do so many people want to go back to the middle ages? You wouldn't want to actually live in them...








Poor sanitation, slipshod medicine, sweet bugger all to do besides till the fields or get yourself killed...

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I would go to Ancient Greece, Athens of course, at around 80 AD. I'd like to just enjoy their lifestyle, their food, their clothes, their architechure, their whole scoiety, more than anything. Though of course, not if I was a slave... :uhh:

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I wouldn't go to Ancient Greece, with their intercrural rites of passage. Considering that 'inter' means between and 'crura' means legs. Old men chasing boys :shudders:








I'd like to see the battle of Agincourt first hand.








Incidentally, apparently a Jewish doctor convinced Hitler's mother not to have an abortion when she was pregnant with him. I, however, cannot remember the source of this nor do I claim it as true. I just remember reading it somewhere.




Also, apparently a car bomb was placed in Hitler's car. All it managed to do was set his pants on fire. Apparently he left a bar in Munich 15 minutes before a bomb meant for him went off. I do not claim these to be true either, but I read them somewhere.

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I wouldn't go to Ancient Greece, with their intercrural rites of passage. Considering that 'inter' means between and 'crura' means legs. Old men chasing boys :shudders:











At the time (2500 years ago) this was not seen as bad more an intimate moment between a man and boy, you'd be wrong to think it was all lust. The Athenians especially were very cultured people, don't look back in time with modern eyes because you will not find anything you can apply to modern day .

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Like some people said, I wouldn't go back in time to change things so much as to observe them to find out the "truth". One could go back to the day Kennedy was assassinated and find out who did the deed and why (though I would like to prevent that one and see what would've been different today).








I'd like to go back to biblical times and see if what is written really happened (I could debunk religion as we know it, that would be a very sweet day for me).








I think someone's idea about getting Trotsky the nod for Lenin's successor rather than Stalin would be an interesting idea as well.








Finally, I'd like to go back to Roswell, NM in 1948 and find out what the heck actually happened.




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If could go back in time I would:












Steal the recipe of sushi and say I invented it.












I'd add another commandment, 'Thou shalt not idolize anyone except me'




11 is soo much better than 10.








Or, I'll try to find out who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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I wouldn't want to alter anytihng or kill anyone; in fact, I wouldn't even have to exist in the prior reality, I would be perfectly content as an omnipresent 3rd party viewer, not unlike the point of view of some novels and movies. However, I'd like to view the life and times of Jesus of Nazereth...see firsthand, what happened. That sure would clear up alot. Obviously the same for other folks who managed a religious following after them...Siddhartha Guatama, etc, etc.

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