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Are noob callers worse than noobs?


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Well, I was playin on my new pure, he's only lvl 35 right now, and a lvl 58 starts followin. He says, "buy your ammy" I say,"nfs, sorry i only have 1"




Then he called me a nooblet.








I think sometimes we have more problems with runescape because of people calling lower lvls noobs, and not the noobs!








I mean im not mad or anything just an observation.








Post your oppinion.

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This happens to everyone. You aren't a noob. They call everyon noobs when they don't get what they want. And sure, I've called someone a noob back because I said I didn't have coins and they wanted me to buy it... <.< noob.








But the situation needs to be assessed before you should say "noob" to someone.

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Off Topic : I wonder how many of these "noob" topics have been posted within a month or so..




On Topic : I think people who call other players ""noobs" are just noobs themselves, quite often some Miniclip-kids..

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The word noob should be banned from the internet. It's annoying because it's gone wayy too far... nobody can be bothered to be creative with insults anymore. It's just "noob" this and "noob" that. :/








The word no longer holds meaning to me and I'm sure anyone with an ounce of intelligence will agree.

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I have to say that when some one calls me a noob, I just say that we are all noobs in one way or the other...




Zezima is a noob cause he plays so much, ect.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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If someone calls me a noob for doing something that doesn't suit exactly what they want, I usually just ask "How so?", they usually don't answer after that, so if they're still there a minute or so later I go on to say "Oh I see, so you can call me a noob, but to expect anything that could even be considered close to a rational thought from you is out of the question."








Usually does the job :lol:


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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I would have to say that I do think that people who call other people noobs if they dont get there own way are noobs them self because there getting mad because they can not obtain things their own way but people who call other players noobs because the other players are acting like noobs i think they are in the right for example I'm level 85 and I was selling my full guthix and I said 1.3m cash only!!!!! and a lvl 97 came up and offerd me 6 coal so i declined and called him a noob <.<

put the lime in the coconut spin it all round

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Usually, the person who is the noob is the one being the most stupid in a given situation. Normally, that's the person calling the other one a noob. Extremely rarely would it be that the person being called a noob really is being one.








Sadly, I ended up with at least one moment in the last 2 months (limit of my memory that carries dates in short-term, I think) that I had to call someone a "noob", and they really were doing something totally ludicrous.








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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im a lev 92 and i still get called a noob by some little lev 50

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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The word noob should be banned from the internet. It's annoying because it's gone wayy too far... nobody can be bothered to be creative with insults anymore. It's just "noob" this and "noob" that. :/








The word no longer holds meaning to me and I'm sure anyone with an ounce of intelligence will agree.








The internet? I don't know if you've noticed, but not everyone goes yelling around 'OMG LOLS U R NOOB LOLSOELEOLSOLES.' I can see it being censored on RuneScape because it's used by nearly every player as an insult.. But I don't see why it should be banned on the Internet.. Not many people use the word noob, atleast from most games I've played.








True that it's used in a degenerate fashion mostly in RuneScape, but don't forget it's the people that play RuneScape that overuse it and I've seen some of those sort in other games too.




I don't know about anyone else but the word is ruined and meaningless for me now... I've grown to seriously dislike it, no matter who says it, in what context or where.

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The word noob should be banned from the internet. It's annoying because it's gone wayy too far... nobody can be bothered to be creative with insults anymore. It's just "noob" this and "noob" that. :/








The word no longer holds meaning to me and I'm sure anyone with an ounce of intelligence will agree.








I've screamed "eejit" about 4 times in the last week. (No, I didn't type it into the game. Yes, they deserved it.) You're right, noob's an empty word.


Thank the world for spell checkers.

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I don't really care these stupid comments. I usually just ignore them, if they persist, they are entitled to a slot in my ignore list. Jagex should make the ignore list unlimited so we can dump all these idiots into the list. Seriously, i wish that word would be censored once again... FOREVER

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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If it were censored, the noobs would definitely think up of hundreds of other variations of the word that could evade the censor.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Here are some recent threads that have "noob" in the title somewhere:








ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ Have you ever called someone a noob?!?!?!




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ Noobs say the funniest things!




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ Not Noobs?




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ Are noob callers worse than noobs?




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ Noobiest Way You Made Money As A Noob?




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ noobs?











Third player in RuneScape to 99 attack, strength, defense and hitpoints.

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ahh, gawd i hate the word noob, they shud have like, 24 hour mute for ppl over lvl 10(so that real noobs arent "tricked" into saying noob) who say noob








its a meaningless word and just gets soooo annoying...








and on-topic, ya most of the time the name-callers are the nubs(see, didnt have to use "noob" rite there) themselves



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Hmm, if that word is really going to be banned, half the rs population will be gone. Seriously, it's not much of a hassle to be called a noob, you can well give an intelligent response, both showing your maturity, and at the same time making the player speechless.








What I often do is, I would give a reply like "If what you said is true, then we are all noobs, since we are all players." Trust me, it works like a charm. ::'

RS Player Since 2006



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That kind of people are worse.




But people call it someone because they are jalous.




When someone deserves it...




Why do people just call him a noob then?




Just ignore it!




People to it, mosly because they hope their will be a reaction!




When those people don't get a reaction, they don't have fun in it and will stop.




So it's a chain of Noob-callers and things!




Why don't people get this :(




Guess most are to young and just want to make themselves "cool". Or what they think is "cool"...




Ohwell, say nothing, do nothing!




Ignore it people, and it will stop.




Be friendly.

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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Yeah you are right. I beat a dude 2 times at duel arena and I'm a poor noob. C'mon I just beat his noob butt two times. He has Dharoks and Full D and thinks he is better. I spent time training instead of money making.












That is a true noob.








Also some new member tried to buy a robin for full rune and 84k(notice new member) then gets called a noob. Did anyone know prices when they were new members?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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