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If you could throw something out of RS, what would it be?


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If we got rid of randoms there would be no Prince Suits, Princess Dresses, Frog Masks, Lederhosen, Zombie Clothes and Emotes, Mime Clothes and Emotes, or Camo. Also without Randoms, there would be nothing in-game to stop the autoers and macroers :ohnoes:








very true. but keep in mind that autoers don't always die or get teleported away by those randoms. somehow, they just keep coming back <.<


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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The people that play the game. Exept for those who type in complete sentences, know the different types of your and there, and have an IQ greater to or equal to mine. :P There would be no scammers, autoers, tokin lyk dis, abyss pkers, dragon pkers, or jerks. It would be perfect.




By the way, what is your IQ?








And macros - they make yews hard to cut.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium

Philly Eagles all the way!!!

Rock kills rap!!

"Are you gonna live before you die?"

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Everyone under 13.








Or quests :evil: Execpt for the important ones.
















People who take the game so seriously that they scam and hack and macro to gather more pixels to be "King of the Moutain" or something like a higher rank becuase they are rich.












I read 5 posts and here it is..








WHAT do you people have with young people, i'm 13, playing since 12 and i'm smarter then some 18-years old..
















all right, but people younger than 13 are not allowed to play the game :twisted: :shame:








If i could choose, i chose macroers and hackers!!!!




And why not scammers: who gets scammed, has not checked the 2nd trade window!!!

Currently hunting for clues. Any advice? PM me please =)

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I read 5 posts and here it is..








WHAT do you people have with young people, i'm 13, playing since 12 and i'm smarter then some 18-years old..








They must pretty dumb 18 year olds and the reason i personally dont like young people is because you are immature and make it so the game blocks out all the good words like damn and others.








Off topic: Tbfgraphx14 in your sig you got one hunter from tears of guthix? That could be because a) not many quest points, B) didnt collect many tears or c) less exp cos its a low level




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hmmmm, probably not autoers since they make prices go down wich is actually good for me. Also not scammers cause if you check your trade screen very carefully it's impossible to get scammed.




Then i'd go for noobs (noobs in the meaning of: begging, annoying, folowing, do emote!!!, ...)


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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I read 5 posts and here it is..








WHAT do you people have with young people, i'm 13, playing since 12 and i'm smarter then some 18-years old..








They must pretty dumb 18 year olds and the reason i personally dont like young people is because you are immature and make it so the game blocks out all the good words like damn and others.








Off topic: Tbfgraphx14 in your sig you got one hunter from tears of guthix? That could be because a) not many quest points, B) didnt collect many tears or c) less exp cos its a low level








To everyone against me out there, I pretty much meant just the imature people, and the majority of those people are under 13. I wasn't going at people on Tif for the most part, you guys are rather smarter :) And if I recall, you need to be 13 to play Runescape anyways, but I think you can play under 13 if your parents accept it.








And about my sig, I wasn't really thinking when I did Tears of Guthix, and didn't realize it would go to my Hunter level yet. I was trying to keep it at 1 lol. It would have went higher if I had more QP yes, becuase yes I would have collected more tears.


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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The rocks that defend rangers from being attacked by Hill Giants in Edgville dungeon :twisted:








Even though I use it too, it's about time rangers get their defence up and brave the Giants <.<








Other than that, I'd like to get rid of Pures, Macroers, etc... Don't we all hate them?








I don't so much hate pures I just hate the 1s who lure you and lie and cheat to win like getting tons of macros to attack you always attack them other than deleting my bro from the game... uhh... macros deffinetly...HELLO AGAIN ECHO im not stalknig you just trying to get my post count up anyway im EXTREMELY bored

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I'd take out English people who fail to grasp their own language. I'd understand somebody foreign who could not use proper English, as it would be hard for them (same way it is hard for us to use, say French or another language), but for someone who is from England and cannot even spell simple things such as 'laugh' is preposterous. I really do think 6 year olds play this game. :shame:








Oh, and I'd also take out rule breakers. I want them out even more than the people I have just mentioned. Sadly, there is always going to be someone who wants to spoil the game for everyone else. :(

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ok people, as i read around page 3, i was furious at the no under 13 years of age thing, but it got better. i know most kids my age (12 btw) are just plain stupid but i'm not ok? my parents also know i'm playing runescape and are fine with it.








back to the story, i'd kill all the rares and reset time to right before andrew gower made the christmas update and beat him senseless until he forgot about the phats: the whole economy is based on them and once they disappear every1 with a rare will be all "phr33 st00f pl0x" and the skillers will be like "muahahaha finally!"

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2 things i would throw out or put into runescape....








1. NO MORE PURES! they ae stupid annoying and try to insult your intelligence when you see a lvl 3 with a rune pick and you do a double take, say WTF! like 3 times, then quietly express your rage by cursing him out!








2. i would expand the wildernes... like REALLY expand! like only 3 towns are not in the wilderness!! and allow ppl to play as monsters... i would let places be barricaded and destroyed so it adds a OMG WERE UNDER ATTACK feel to it... and i would multiply the zombies to out of control levels and population making the game a zombie survival game... oh yeah... awesome.....oh and add a musket 8-) yeah a musket

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The people that play the game. Exept for those who type in complete sentences, know the different types of your and there, and have an IQ greater to or equal to mine. :P There would be no scammers, autoers, tokin lyk dis, abyss pkers, dragon pkers, or jerks. It would be perfect.




By the way, what is your IQ?








And macros - they make yews hard to cut.








You know how much yews would've costed without all the macroers?!

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Off-topic: Every reply I make about autoers gets hidden/deleted by mods... Are there any rules typed in size 1 font that I missed?








I'd get rid of the anti-autoing rule, and random events... Isn't it hard enough to have to make a autoing progam either recognize bitmaps, spiral the mouse forever looking for the "Cut" or "Mine" text, or memorize the locations of the trees/rocks? Progammers also have to put in wait(random(5)) commands to act more like normal players and throw off the jagex autoing detector (unless jagex's detector actually looks for pseudo-randomized wait times...), and code in random checkers (which take forever)...








The people that play the game. Exept for those who type in complete sentences, know the different types of your and there, and have an IQ greater to or equal to mine. :P There would be no scammers, autoers, tokin lyk dis, abyss pkers, dragon pkers, or jerks. It would be perfect.








Umm... some if not most autoers either have an I.Q. way higher than yours, or waste their money on autoing scripts that might get outdated really fast...




My I.Q. is 144ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ4... If yours (the reader, not moopy) is higher than that, ignore my sig and pm me for a lot of free pixels if you want them...




I didn't use any helping buttons on this website, like "quote", "font size", etc... I didn't even use my mouse, not even to open this topic...


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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Just to clarify for all those who say RuneScape isn't ment for people under 17 or so. Why would jagex make it a G rated game? Because everyones allowed to play it and also if Jagex did make the game for older teens/adults im going to be really annoyed that they got that damn chat filter.




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