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~~~~Wakka Blog~~98/99 Woodcutting~~MY RETURN AGAIN~~~~~

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Gratz on 80 then and good luck on 99 slayer i might even see u at abby demons :)



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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I was going to post to this topic well before your 99 agility, I even came to train with you for a half an hour, but forgot to post. You were very fast :thumbsup: Grats for agility 99












 @compare slayer perakp wakka102

*** [ COMPARE ]: perakp is 1 slayer level higher than wakka102. perakp has 711,037 more slayer exp than wakka102.








I passed you in slayer while you were running in circles, but I bet you'll get 99 before me! 179 bloodvelds next :arrow:








Good luck with slayer, may the abby tasks be with you!

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gl with slayer...get the hawtest emote and cape in the game 8-) <3:
personally I think the emote sucks. Agility owns it badly but I love the cape itself.








I won't be using magic, magic will come later (whats with everyone's obsession with me rushing 99 magic? I'm getting them all, theres no need to rush...)








This will take me a while, few months probably. I've got school and real life and not as much time to play. However that's ok because its my favorite skill.








Currently on an aberrant spectar task.

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99 Slayer? Ha! Still 1 Level from being able to hunt poddys!




Good thing his cape gives him 100/99 slayer. :shock:

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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When I first saw you switched to Slayer I thought dang, I knew Hunter was fast but Wakka got 99 in liek 3 days?! Then I saw you are at 80. :oops:




Once again I shall look forward to seeing all the latest updates, 99 Slayer won't be the fastest leveller but I reckon it is going to be one of the most exciting. Good luck. :D

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Do magic!








No wait...fletching!
























Woodcut, do it!!!!








I got it, firemaking!!!!!!
















Just kidding, nice whip! :XD:

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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ok... i wont see u slaying now u go to them abbys i like the tower abbys people talk lol



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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Nice job on all those 99s! I KNOW you can get all 99s! You could easily be the next Zezima, dude!


^ Going for full 3rd age Ranged, no coif, with about 10m to spare. Merching ftw.^


TIF vs KWD=Tif scared

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