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~~~~Wakka Blog~~98/99 Woodcutting~~MY RETURN AGAIN~~~~~

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eww :shame: :uhh:




FRIGGING RIGHT! THAT IS THE NASTIEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SAW!!!! SOME MOD PLEASE REMOVE IT!!!!!! Oh, and gratz on 97 and slayer and sorry to hear about the guitar.

If thats the nastiest thing you've ever seen then definitely search "tub girl"




lol, ew is right jeeze, i wish i didn't know what they're thinking about...


too bad, and good for you on the guitar deal... how much?




also, gl luck slaying ^_^

I already said, it didn't cost me anything.
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eww :shame: :uhh:




FRIGGING RIGHT! THAT IS THE NASTIEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SAW!!!! SOME MOD PLEASE REMOVE IT!!!!!! Oh, and gratz on 97 and slayer and sorry to hear about the guitar.

If thats the nastiest thing you've ever seen then definitely search "tub girl"




lol, ew is right jeeze, i wish i didn't know what they're thinking about...


too bad, and good for you on the guitar deal... how much?




also, gl luck slaying ^_^

I already said, it didn't cost me anything.


that tub girl thing...i never want to search it...it might put me in a coma. :uhh:



Barrows Items(Order)-V brassy,V-skirt,T legs,Guthan WarSpear.


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eww :shame: :uhh:




FRIGGING RIGHT! THAT IS THE NASTIEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SAW!!!! SOME MOD PLEASE REMOVE IT!!!!!! Oh, and gratz on 97 and slayer and sorry to hear about the guitar.

If thats the nastiest thing you've ever seen then definitely search "tub girl"


Personally I found goatse worse. I wasn't very shocked or anything.


(Maybe it's because I saw goatse when I was younger and I first read a discription of this one.)

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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eww :shame: :uhh:




FRIGGING RIGHT! THAT IS THE NASTIEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SAW!!!! SOME MOD PLEASE REMOVE IT!!!!!! Oh, and gratz on 97 and slayer and sorry to hear about the guitar.

If thats the nastiest thing you've ever seen then definitely search "tub girl"




lol, ew is right jeeze, i wish i didn't know what they're thinking about...


too bad, and good for you on the guitar deal... how much?




also, gl luck slaying ^_^

I already said, it didn't cost me anything.


that tub girl thing...i never want to search it...it might put me in a coma. :uhh:

its not THAT bad :-s it just made me laugh and say wtf?
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Wow your doing great!! That musta sucked about the guitar >.< same thing kinda happened to me once when i was younger lol we were messing around on the stage in the gym for fun and i went to do a guitar spin, except mine went across the gym floor lol i almost cred #-o

128+ Combat \\ 1900+ Total Level \\ 85M+ EXP

5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

Draconic Visage: 1+ \\ DK Drops: 169+ \\ GWD Drops: 74+

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Wow your doing great!! That musta sucked about the guitar >.< same thing kinda happened to me once when i was younger lol we were messing around on the stage in the gym for fun and i went to do a guitar spin, except mine went across the gym floor lol i almost cred #-o
ouch lol
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Congrats on the 94th whip!


Oh yeah, remind me to never search things you tell other people to search...that tub Girl things nasty :XD:

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Sell your white unless it has some sort of sentimental value because all i see it as is hundreds of million coins being held for no good use

Arma Hilts-2

Bandos Drops-22

Zamork Hilt-1

Dragon Drops-122

Dk Drops-47

Whip Drops-10




2200 Total in under 100 days played

My Blog :D http://forum.tip.it/topic/301717-jessomephyrexials-blog/#entry5018330

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God, 94 whips :D




Hope you don't run outa cash, it'll be sad to see yellow instead of white :?




Gl again...


My Ranging Guild Mini - Game Guide!

My Warrior's Guild - Melee and Mage XP (What?!) Guide!

Quest Cape Recieved On 2/2/07

Barrows Drops: Torags Helm, Guthans skirt x2, Karils skirt, Torags plate, Ahrims staff, Guthans helm

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