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Rares not so bad after all? How about you take a new look!


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Note: IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m keeping the merchanting I talk about f2p, as I do have a strong knowledge of the p2p market as well I think it is easier to talk about just f2p, p2p is A LOT more.








For the most part, those who don't own rares have a strongly dislike for them. Mostly they are jealous of other playersÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ wealth, or want the attention lots of rare-owners receive. Lots of people say it has also ruined the economy. Sure, it has had some negative effects to the economy-I'm not going to argue against that. But I ask just for the next few minutes you take a new look on this matter and take the time to post your opinion.








Now, what has made rares cost so much? Merchanting. Supply and demand. There is no supply, and high demand. So the merchanters pick them up and because there is no supply, take the opportunity to raise the price and sell it to somebody else.








Without rares what would the richest of players merchant? Arrows, runes, armor, food, weapons, stuff that is always getting circulated through the market. Somebody pks full rune and is desperate for cash so sells it quick, somebody buys it then dies in the wild and now somebody else has it. It keeps going through and through. Yes, most of this circulation is made from merchanters. But just imagine if all those rich players had no rares to merchant. Now the ever-growing rune market has a new batch of people, buying up all they can for the lowest possible price. Ever seen world 1 varrock east side of the west bank? With the current number of people merchanting the screen is FILLED with yellow, white, green, purple, red text all saying "BUYING all rune scimitars 23k each" "BUYING full runes 175k per" "BUYING rune plates 50k each". Basically it's a disaster. Same with the stairs inside the bank for runes, and the range shop for arrows. To the south or west of bank, sometimes the easterly bank for food. It's horrible. The only people who are selling are the merchanters who are selling 10% higher then what all the merchanters are willing to pay.








Now you take away rares and all those merchanters come into this market. YIKES! Remember, the price depends on supply and demand. If the supply stays the same, and the demand skyrockets, the price goes up as well. So now because so many people are buying under priced it's impossible to buy for that much, so gradually people start buying for more and more, each time selling for more then that. It keeps going up and up, until there is a steady price for all armor, runes, arrows, food, etc. This price will be MUCH HIGHER.








Who wants to be paying an extra 100k for their full rune every time they lose it, an extra 15gp per chaos rune while training and 10gp per bronze arrow when they feel like going for that nice 70 ranged. And when you want to use your new rune armor, runes, and arrows while training and you need food-you're now paying an extra 100gp per lobster.








Seeing as those who currently own rares are most likely making major cash from it, they have NO reason to rant about rares messing up the economy. But those who don't own rares still use armor, runes, arrows, and food. Not having a rare takes no effect on them. Rares being in existence makes life a lot cheaper for them!












So I say stop complaining. It does you no good \'
















p.s. I haven't written a post in A LONG TIME so sorry if I did something wrong ::' I just had a sudden urge to post this. It was like a light bulb went off in my head saying "hey rares might not be that bad! Go write a big topic about it!" :-s hahaha








I'm willing to argue my point, if anybody sees something wrong with this. I purposely picked these items that people will always use everyday so that I won't get useless responses like "haha and what happens when so many people merchant it that nobody buys it and the price goes wicked low hahaha IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m smarter then you" It would be nice to see all responses have a positive effect on the post. If you're going to sound like an idiot, just don't post. I think it's obvious, but recently lots of people have been proving me wrong!








Thanks tip.it!








If you actually read all this, thank you. If you took the time to read all that and donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t respond, whatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s going on with you!








Phew just did a word count and its 785 words!








sorry about the size

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That's a great point. I've lost my rune 2 times in wild... I dont wanna pay 300k.

On December 10, 2007, after a long struggle, I finally gave up membership, as the only thing I did in RS, pking, was gone.

Jages, you just bit the hands that paid you.

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Well since you told me to respond :P ya I know this, and of course I agree. I'm a merchanter :D. You can blame me for any price increases on Elegant Clothing >_>, jk.








haha I don't blame merchanters for anything. People get annoyed because they can raise/lower prices, but that's like accusing a miner of lowering the price of iron by bringing more into ciruclation. It's just a completly stupid argument.

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just 1 thing:








if prices go up a lot... Wouldn't it also be easier to make lots of cash for other people?

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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(Your sig) It's hypocrite. There's YOUR spell check. Not much to say about your post, everyone knows this..








I only posted it because lots of people complain, so they obviously don't know it.

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I only posted it because lots of people complain, so they obviously don't know it.




I just learned something =).








But wow never thought about it that way, but your items you said that are increased, what about those items that aren't used often nor in big supplements, but are used, would they go higher? or lower? would more of them be made? or would less? would they be neglected by people cause there's a better market?

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little writing is bad :(












okay, after adjusting the text size and reading it all, your claims are legitimate and well thought out to a point, now we dont know if it would be like this 15gp more per chaos rune, it could be like 50gp more per chaos...
















completely valid point. however... i dont think this would specifically effect me, especially @ this point in the game... previously yeah it would but then... cutting/fletching all that self sustained resources would be more profitable yet again...












its a vicious cycle and analyzing is interesting and really relates to the imagination but, thats it. its imaginative and creative it cant be proven just perceived as what would/should happen.












in a perfect runescape, really rares wouldnt exist i dont think.

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But wow never thought about it that way, but your items you said that are increased, what about those items that aren't used often nor in big supplements, but are used, would they go higher? or lower? would more of them be made? or would less? would they be neglected by people cause there's a better market?








Everything would rise should the rares be removed because the rares absorb a lot of the inflation. Think about it, the supply and demand for most items is fairly balanced for the prices they are right now, but the amount of money coming into the game is becoming more and more. More money means that the money already there has less value because the money itself is becoming less rare because of greater supply. In the same way, if a huge amount of any item was to be insterted into the game, the price of that item would drop because it has less rarity and value. This doesn't happen in runescape though and prices of most items stay pretty constant due to the rares absorbing all the inflation as those are the only items which supply can never match demand.


Free to Player fo' life!

99/99 skateboarding :p

why dont you use this awesome thing i like to call common sense. Its done wonders for me, ive never been hacked, scammed or anything like that.
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I disagree, if rares were removed pseudo rares would take there place and inflation wouldnt increase.




The prices that would change would be:




Dragon armours.




3rd age sets.








Barrows items.




The reason basic material costs havnt changed in years is becouse they cant, no ones going to buy bowstrings or logs at a loss, no ones going to pay much more for runes they can buy at a shop or rc themselves.




No ones going to pay more for arrows they can buy at a shop or fletch themselves.








If the prices are no longer profitable for the skillers they will refuse to buy and price will drop again and the merchants cant do anything about it.

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I disagree, if rares were removed pseudo rares would take there place and inflation wouldnt increase.




The prices that would change would be:




Dragon armours.




3rd age sets.








Barrows items.




The reason basic material costs havnt changed in years is becouse they cant, no ones going to buy bowstrings or logs at a loss, no ones going to pay much more for runes they can buy at a shop or rc themselves.




No ones going to pay more for arrows they can buy at a shop or fletch themselves.








If the prices are no longer profitable for the skillers they will refuse to buy and price will drop again and the merchants cant do anything about it.








You have a wonderful point there... Buuuuut. If the rares were removed it would make an impact on the RS economy. Doubtless a small impact, and certainly wouldn't last long, because as you said, skillers would refuse to buy.








You can't change the fact that the people who want the rares that are now gone are going to wage war on the economy with their many millions to be feared and make merry rich men of anyone who possesses such items and is willing to sell.








But I totally agree. Basic material costs haven't and won't change. Ever.








Unless you remove shops and all sources of them. :twisted: But why would that happen? :lol:



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Sure, it has had some negative effects to the economy-I'm not going to argue against that.








What negative effects do they have?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Now, what has made rares cost so much? Merchanting. Supply and demand. There is no supply, and high demand. So the merchanters pick them up and because there is no supply, take the opportunity to raise the price and sell it to somebody else.








When will people ever learn that merchanting has absolutely nothing to do with rares costing so much money. Rares are Limited Edition items and collectables. They were bound to reach the prices they have reached nowadays from the day they were brought into the game. With or without merchanting.








I disagree, if rares were removed pseudo rares would take there place and inflation wouldnt increase.








I disagree with you (:P) here. Initially I agree that pseudo-rares would probably [bleep]e upwards, as rich people will have to use their money on other things. On the long-term, pseudo-rares remain just that - pseudo-rare - though. They can, and will, only go down in price on the long-term. Therefore they are not really suitable to take over rares role to 'absorb' inflation.








The reason basic material costs havnt changed in years is becouse they cant, no ones going to buy bowstrings or logs at a loss, no ones going to pay much more for runes they can buy at a shop or rc themselves.








Yew longs (s): 570




Nature rune: 320




High alch yew long (s): 768




Loss: 122




Loss / exp: 1.9gp / exp








Steel bar: 600




Steel plate: 1000




Loss: 2000




Loss / exp: 10.7gp / exp








People already do several skills at a loss. Loosing money has never prevented people from buying materials for those prices. However, you'd be right if you said that material prices are relatively stable - changes in prices don't happen quickly/easily.

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Now, what has made rares cost so much? Merchanting. Supply and demand. There is no supply, and high demand. So the merchanters pick them up and because there is no supply, take the opportunity to raise the price and sell it to somebody else.








When will people ever learn that merchanting has absolutely nothing to do with rares costing so much money. Rares are Limited Edition items and collectables. They were bound to reach the prices they have reached nowadays from the day they were brought into the game. With or without merchanting.








I disagree, if rares were removed pseudo rares would take there place and inflation wouldnt increase.








I disagree with you (:P) here. Initially I agree that pseudo-rares would probably [bleep]e upwards, as rich people will have to use their money on other things. On the long-term, pseudo-rares remain just that - pseudo-rare though. They can, and will, only go down in price on the long-term. Therefore they are not really suitable to take over rares role to 'absorb' inflation.








The reason basic material costs havnt changed in years is becouse they cant, no ones going to buy bowstrings or logs at a loss, no ones going to pay much more for runes they can buy at a shop or rc themselves.








Yew longs (s): 570




Nature rune: 320




High alch yew long (s): 768




Loss: 122




Loss / exp: 1.9gp / exp








Steel bar: 600




Steel plate: 1000




Loss: 2000




Loss / exp: 10.7gp / exp








People already do several skills at a loss. Loosing money has never prevented people from buying materials for those prices. However, material prices are relatively stable - changes in prices don't happen quickly/easily.








Steel plates are 1200. Just letting you know ;):)

Currently: Quit Ages Ago

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Steel plates are 1200. Just letting you know ;):)








Not on the market, and if you want to alch them you still need to add a 320gp cost for the nature that you'll need. ;)

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I agree with 123Yourgone. If the rares wasn't in RS the semi-rare items would just raise in prices. Like he said.




Maybe the materials would raise a bit, but not that much.

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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I disagree, if rares were removed pseudo rares would take there place and inflation wouldnt increase.




The prices that would change would be:




Dragon armours.




3rd age sets.








Barrows items.




The reason basic material costs havnt changed in years is becouse they cant, no ones going to buy bowstrings or logs at a loss, no ones going to pay much more for runes they can buy at a shop or rc themselves.




No ones going to pay more for arrows they can buy at a shop or fletch themselves.








If the prices are no longer profitable for the skillers they will refuse to buy and price will drop again and the merchants cant do anything about it.












SOO many whips are coming in, they will never rise (that much) again I think.




Also A LOT of barrows items are coming in those will always be up and down due to merchanting but nothing to big.




And basic material costs have changed LOTS in the years. That's due mostly to autoers supplying endless yews, ess, things like that but still lots of new players that aren't autoers bring in a lot of things.




And people do buy arrows constantly for more then they can fletch them for or buy from a shop. Bronze arrows cost 6gp in the range shop yet I see people buying up to 100k bronze arrows for 10 gp each.




And yet you are wrong again... not all skillers are on budgets. Some people are just amazingly rich and will always be going for 99 crafting no matter what they lose on hides and such.









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I disagree, if rares were removed pseudo rares would take there place and inflation wouldnt increase.




The prices that would change would be:




Dragon armours.




3rd age sets.








Barrows items.




The reason basic material costs havnt changed in years is becouse they cant, no ones going to buy bowstrings or logs at a loss, no ones going to pay much more for runes they can buy at a shop or rc themselves.




No ones going to pay more for arrows they can buy at a shop or fletch themselves.








If the prices are no longer profitable for the skillers they will refuse to buy and price will drop again and the merchants cant do anything about it.












SOO many whips are coming in, they will never rise (that much) again I think.




Also A LOT of barrows items are coming in those will always be up and down due to merchanting but nothing to big.




And basic material costs have changed LOTS in the years. That's due mostly to autoers supplying endless yews, ess, things like that but still lots of new players that aren't autoers bring in a lot of things.




And people do buy arrows constantly for more then they can fletch them for or buy from a shop. Bronze arrows cost 6gp in the range shop yet I see people buying up to 100k bronze arrows for 10 gp each.




And yet you are wrong again... not all skillers are on budgets. Some people are just amazingly rich and will always be going for 99 crafting no matter what they lose on hides and such.









If by "LOTS" you mean 50-100 gp then id agree rofl.




Autoers autoed the hell out of ess, price didnt change at all after pure ess came out.




Your missing the point, sure you lose money buying broze at 10-20 gp each BUT you make it back in item drops and its not that big of a loss, at that price you can buy 99 range for about 7 million, along the way you are likely to make about 15m back in item drops.




And yes certain skillers will buy at a loss, but not much of one..




Blue hides current market price 1.8k - 200 gp loss, green hide current market price 1.6k - 200 gp loss.




yew long bow current market price 550gp - about a 100 gp loss.




Prices for basic materials have not changed since early rsc, and they wont if rares are gone, most people will just put a lot of money in construction, buy full 3rd age sets ect, right now 3rd age sets are rarer then rares, and at the current drop rate i dont think that will change for a long time, i did 27 lvl 3 clues, best drop was a zammy plate.

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Well 3rd age is like any new item, costs a lot at first and as SUPPLY is greater and the DEMAND lesser, the price will go down. You do remember when whips were over 30m? And mauls 10m? I saw a dragon 2h go for 50million, and dragon chains used to be in upper 30s (probably higher I just don't remember).








Sure, 3rd age will be slower to lower in price because of it's rarity but it will eventually go down a lot. Just give it time.

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