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The pros/cons/dislikes/likes of where you live.


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Northeast Arkansas.












My neighborhood is peaceful for the most part.




You can see the stars clearly at night.




It's not extremely crowded.




The cotton is very very pretty during harvesting season.




The cons are so bad, they've inspired me to get as far away from this town as possible when I go to college.




















My school has a rather high dropout rate.




My school also has a drug problem.




Closed-minded Christians, and too many churches.




No opportunity.




Limited job selection.




Crappy hospital. Really. One time, we took my grandfather to the hospital. As we were sitting in the waiting room, this guy walked out, and said to a nurse, "I'm going to go have a smoke." She nodded. I went outside for some fresh air and started talking to the guy. Turns out he had just had a heart attack. And the nurse let him outside to smoke... :?




The landscape is depressingly flat.




There are very few trees in my neighborhood.

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California, USA




(I'm actually going to speak about my particular town in California. Not going to say the exact name, but that's what I'm mainly referring too :P)












- It's a pretty remote town.. Not a lot of traffic, buildings, people, etc.




- I thought that I'd be able to think of more pros, but I guess not, lol.












- Not cold enough for my personal liking. It rarely rains anymore and never snows.




- It takes 20+ minutes to get anywhere since my town is so small (20 minutes to the closest movie theater/retaurants/mall/etc.)




- I live in a very O.C.-like (referring to the TV show :roll: ) community, which I don't fit in with

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Boston Ma












*All professional sports teams within 5 miles of each other, except The Patriots and Rev's stadium which are located about 20 miles away in the -bleep- town of Foxboro.




*Good metro system




*Culturally diverse, and pretty even, not much discrimination




*A lot of malls, movies, etc close to where ever you live




*Top colleges in boston and the world famous harvard and mass.institute technology located in cambridge, another city 5 minutes of downtown




*rich in american history (yippie..)




*Like Florida in the summer, like canada in the winter (except this winter season's average has been surprisingly high, and no snow)












*Your average one family house is $500,000 and up \'




*70+ Murders in 2006




* Cant think of more :notalk:

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[for personal safety I will only give away few details of my locations, I'm paranoid!]








Well I live on the Eastern Coast of The United States of America, Tri State Area. I live in a very nice section, and it is always safe. The reason why it is so safe because everyone is either 6 feet under or really old or they only have friends from school. It is quite annoying because the closest friend I have is like a minute away if I cut through all the woods but it takes about 20 minutes if I walk around (its kinda tick-infested). the nice thing about my town though is there is never really any traffic so you can play in the streets and ride bikes or walk and its VERY hilly, good for sledding. I measured one of the hills and i think it was like 300 yards, pretty good. Another key advantage is although its pitch black at night it always seems if you go down on the ground you can see outside even if its 2pm. Another thing is it always has a UFO siting lol... Lastly, there are weird things in my area that even make it into books, hehehehe.




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Well.. Northern VA, right near Nadril.












Good schools




Nice area




Awesome kids




Good internet connection.
















It's hard to walk anywhere.
















Off-Topic: What the hell is a "chav?"


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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+ Decent. It's like the US, except less worries and better rep




+ Relatively low crime rate (I jog at night during the summer without worry)




+ Easy enough to visit the US




+ Free healthcare




+ Decent transportation (TTC)




+ Decent education




+ Relatively cheap housing




+ Within 10 minutes away from a mall, high school, elementary school, church, hospital, park




+ With the top 10 of the world's livable countries








- Snow




- Short days








- Tax




- Too many Chinese restaurants




- Too cold




- Crappy beach

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I live in Alabama. It is pretty awesome here except a few things. The summers are horrible. It gets to 90+ with high humidity. And where I live there are no girls around. Just old people. :evil:


Life is as EXTREME as you WANT TO MAKE IT!

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Phoenix, Arizona.
















Mostly Friendly people




Great food




Lots of variety in culture




Not to many smokers :D




Great Basketball team




Awesome Tubing river




















Becoming the next L.A.




Other then the Suns, our sports teams suck. Seriously.




Gangsters / Gangster Wanna-be's are starting to show up by the truck full.




Weather changes rapidly.. 115 degrees in the summer, 80 in fall, 40 in winter.




Dust storms stink.




Lots of party kids from ASU, meaning lots of DUI's.




Drug dealers in Downtown, it's ridiculous.




Homeless people in Downtown, also ridiculous.



My Farewell thread. Please post nicely, or die. :^_^:

Yea, I'd vote for him too. But I don't think they let Iraqis vote :P
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Yes my Location to the left is correct. I live in Sydney, Australia.
















Just to name a few:








-Our Beaches and Natural Beauty.




-Our friendly and laid-back "She'll be right" lifestyle.




-Our Weather is awesome. Generally always Sunny in Summer and in winter. Great for going to the beach or having a picnic etc.




-Our wide open areas just out of the city. Our city, state and country aren't cramped like most countries/states/cities. Relatively small population and a massive country.
















-Rising prices in Property and prices on houses. Makes it harder to become a first home buyer, largely due to our crappy Labor State Government who put massive taxes on home buyers. Stamp duty etc.




-Our lack of Rain particularly in the South-Eastern regions of our country. Which means a few states have water restrictions. It's not too bad, just means we can't wash our cars with hoses but have to with buckets, and a couple other minor implications.








That's all I can think of at the moment.

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-Rising prices in Property and prices on houses. Makes it harder to become a first home buyer, largely due to our crappy Labor State Government who put massive taxes on home buyers. Stamp duty etc.




-Our lack of Rain particularly in the South-Eastern regions of our country. Which means a few states have water restrictions. It's not too bad, just means we can't wash our cars with hoses but have to with buckets, and a couple other minor implications.








That's all I can think of at the moment.

Stamp Duty isn't the problem; getting rid of it will only put another 10K back into a person poket, if that - it's more the fact that property investment is a band-wagon now and people with the money are buying into it to make a quick buck.




Doesn't help much that Sydney is one of, if not the, most expensive places to own a home in the entire country :P

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-Rising prices in Property and prices on houses. Makes it harder to become a first home buyer, largely due to our crappy Labor State Government who put massive taxes on home buyers. Stamp duty etc.




-Our lack of Rain particularly in the South-Eastern regions of our country. Which means a few states have water restrictions. It's not too bad, just means we can't wash our cars with hoses but have to with buckets, and a couple other minor implications.








That's all I can think of at the moment.

Stamp Duty isn't the problem; getting rid of it will only put another 10K back into a person poket, if that - it's more the fact that property investment is a band-wagon now and people with the money are buying into it to make a quick buck.




Doesn't help much that Sydney is one of, if not the, most expensive places to own a home in the entire country :P








True. And also the fact that our state has the highest cost of taxes on buying a house out of the whole country. And also of the fact that the Government brought in the seller's tax which has stopped a lot of development occurring, which in the end rises the cost of buying a house. Ah well, lets hope it changes around eventually for the good.

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+Our history




+Not too much crime, at least where I live








-Landscape (all flat, 6 meters under sea level :uhh: )




-Weather (almost never a good winter with snow and ice, rainy etc.)








Overall, it's extremely normal. :|


At least, I think that.

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Alabama, United States












- Nice community, everyone is pretty much friends. Southern hospitality FTW




- Very nice weather, year round.




- Everything is just a few minutes away












- Lots of steriotypes




- Lots of people to reinforce those steriotypes




- Very hot summer weather












All I can really think of right now.

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Off-Topic: What the hell is a "chav?"








To quote my good friend Lee -







Though unfortunately some cases of personality shining into personÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s clothes have been bullied rather than encouraged. Does the word neek mean anything to you? Or possibly the word chav? I believe that people are so afraid of being called a chav or a neek that they have to stick to the typical respected clothing among teens. Surely you know the meaning of a chav. I'm sure we all have a basic image in our minds of typical chav clothing. Naturally a pair of unmistakably unflattering tracksuit bottoms, the mandatory and threatening hoodie, heaps of gold jewellery and perhaps most puzzlingly, a Burberry cap.








Chavs tend to be violent, aggressive, unsociable, hang around in large gangs attacking defenceless people, and in general wear tracksuit bottoms, some kind of baggy top, tacky 'bling'. I'm not saying all people who dress like that are violent... it's just a general stereotype.

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:ohnoes: I thought you said "religion" there for a second. :lol:








I live in Brisbane, Australia.












right near Moreton bay and Stradbroke and Moreton Islands.




the Gabba and Suncorp Stadium (sport stadiums) are both pretty ace.




generally nice weather :anxious: (although it could rain more...)




close to the Gold Coast (beaches, hotels galore) \'




the Broncos (Brisbane's rugby league team) rock :thumbsup:




and many more...












water shortage. 'Nuff said. :uhh:








Other than that, Brisbane is ace.

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Off-Topic: What the hell is a "chav?"








To quote my good friend Lee -







Though unfortunately some cases of personality shining into personÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s clothes have been bullied rather than encouraged. Does the word neek mean anything to you? Or possibly the word chav? I believe that people are so afraid of being called a chav or a neek that they have to stick to the typical respected clothing among teens. Surely you know the meaning of a chav. I'm sure we all have a basic image in our minds of typical chav clothing. Naturally a pair of unmistakably unflattering tracksuit bottoms, the mandatory and threatening hoodie, heaps of gold jewellery and perhaps most puzzlingly, a Burberry cap.








Chavs tend to be violent, aggressive, unsociable, hang around in large gangs attacking defenceless people, and in general wear tracksuit bottoms, some kind of baggy top, tacky 'bling'. I'm not saying all people who dress like that are violent... it's just a general stereotype.








chavs are by my definition, the scum of the earth... [developmentally delayed]ed teenagers who hang around on street corners drinking bottle after bottle of white lightning and smoking. Beating up innocent old grandmas and feeling hard for doing it. they have a vocabulary equal to a lobotomised maggot and should be shot on sight.... Me and my friend did a short film in a 'nature channel' style about the chav and it got lol'ed at for weeks...








I also have a 'guide to chavs' laying about around here somewhere that i got from a mate a while back.. Its hilarious

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+ Lots of shops.












- Lots of crime compared to Cumbria and, to a lesser extent, Leeds.




- Still not much culture.




- No nice country
























Edinburgh is full of yahs and lager louts, but it has lovely stone buildings. It's small enough to be able to walk anywhere I want, which is nice too.

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Isn't that just the American accent? :?








I've always pronounced it that way. I don't see how you could really pronounce it wrong? :?








I've always said it. ..












All in the accent really, I pronounce it "Nerr - varr derr".








But if you want a basic description of a "chav", it's someone who thinks they are what they're not. They try to look rich by buying for label not clothes, they buy because it has NIKE written across the front. They'd probably wear a leotard if it had "THIS IS NIKE PRODUCT WORTH ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã500" across the front of it. They also feel the need to muscle everyone, regardless of whether the person has done something.

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United Kingdom:
















Lowest jail sentences per crime (i.e. 5 years for murder now, community service for slashing a face)




Increasing racism




Highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe




Highest underage pregnancy in World




Reality TV (Big brother, celebrity love island, pop idol, xfactor etc...)




One of the highest recreational drug consumers




Second highest in world for average weight of a citizen




We pay more for petrol than any other developed county (despite producing it ourselves)




Third highest tax in developed world.




Highest ratio of reoffending crimials (because we let them out too early)




Highest spender of money per prisoner in the world




Average criminal consumes three times the government finances that a school kid




You can be sent to jail for physically attempting to stop someone from robbing your home.




I could go on forever.




Essentially, we're a degenerating culture where our criminals are treated better than law abiding citizens.
















Erm... thinking... thinking really hard.... wait, I'm sure i'll think of something....




Ah, got it.... we've got the best wellfare system in the world... no wait... that's a bad thing, darn.

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United Kingdom:
















Lowest jail sentences per crime (i.e. 5 years for murder now, community service for slashing a face)




Increasing racism




Highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe




Highest underage pregnancy in World




Reality TV (Big brother, celebrity love island, pop idol, xfactor etc...)




One of the highest recreational drug consumers




Second highest in world for average weight of a citizen




We pay more for petrol than any other developed county (despite producing it ourselves)




Third highest tax in developed world.




Highest ratio of reoffending crimials (because we let them out too early)




Highest spender of money per prisoner in the world




Average criminal consumes three times the government finances that a school kid




You can be sent to jail for physically attempting to stop someone from robbing your home.




I could go on forever.




Essentially, we're a degenerating culture where our criminals are treated better than law abiding citizens.
















Erm... thinking... thinking really hard.... wait, I'm sure i'll think of something....




Ah, got it.... we've got the best wellfare system in the world... no wait... that's a bad thing, darn.








Yes, all of that but....
















Wales is pretty :wink:


The Poison Fairy

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Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA








Pros: Very mild winter (right now it is 65o outside), very little rain (last year we got 6 inches).




Cons: Very hot summers (normally gets up to the 100s in the afternoon), and very windy springs (most afternoons in the spring get into the 40-70 MPH range of wind)

91% percent of the people polled said they were liers. The other 9% lied to us.

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Well, the state I live in (GA) is slightly stereotypical for white trash and rednecks [but yeah, there are quite a few rednecks around here :P], but the city/town/area I live in, everyone is spoiled little wanna-be Laguna Beach kids..








I live around Metro Atlanta so everything is slightly getting more urbanized and I can't stand it, it use to be decently small, and now construction everywhere.








Ah well, places change just like people.


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