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Should the tradeable items of the past be taken out off rs?


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I have been thinking. Should they take off the RSC holiday items? I mean not everyone has a party hat. And what the heck wrong with people selling a stupid easter egg for 2 mil? Its just some cruddy imtes that heals 2 hp. Selling these items a high prices is exactly what were doing in real life. Were even commercializing the holidays in MMOs.


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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so someone who spent his entire rs career saving up for a phat should get his entire wealth taken away simply because you say so?








no one sells easter eggs to eat. Your missing the principal of a rare item, people buy these things because there will never ever be anymore of them, they will just keep getting less and less, the more rare they are the more money they cost, its an investment

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so someone who spent his entire rs career saving up for a phat should get his entire wealth taken away simply because you dont like them?








no one sells easter eggs to eat. Your missing the principal of a rare item, people buy these things because there will never ever be anymore of them, they will just keep getting less and less, the more rare they are the more money they cost, its an investment








If Jagex really wanted them out of the game, they could substitute each item for their market worth as of now - it would dull the upset. No one is saying they need to just be plain destroyed.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).








your just being ignorant to assume that, these people have been playing for as long as this game has been around, just beacuse you have onl yplayed for a short amount of time and think its impossible to get that kind of money doesnt mean its true

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so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).








Just pulling facts out of your [wagon]? You have no idea of "most" people got their money that way. And what the hell is dishonest about wildy? Lol.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).








Just pulling facts out of your [wagon]? You have no idea of "most" people got their money that way. And what the hell is dishonest about wildy? Lol.




if someone makes 1mil in the wildy id say the desrve that maybe more than an "honest worker", i mean pking takes way more skill than clicking a rock or tree to get money

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No, they've become so much a part of the game now, that even if Jagex were to replace with money, it would disrupt too much of the game. Some players have set goals to get these items, and if Jagex were to remove that, might lose them players/customers.








It was never Jagex's intention to commercialize the holidays, and it's not the intention of the people selling the rares. The rare items, for the most part, just happen to be from holiday events. Disks of returning and Half Wines being the only 2 items left in game that aren't holiday related.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).








Just pulling facts out of your [wagon]? You have no idea of "most" people got their money that way. And what the hell is dishonest about wildy? Lol.




if someone makes 1mil in the wildy id say the desrve that maybe more than an "honest worker", i mean pking takes way more skill than clicking a rock or tree to get money




Clicking so many rocks and trees takes more determination though.

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I have been thinking. Should they take off the RSC holiday items? I mean not everyone has a party hat. And what the heck wrong with people selling a stupid easter egg for 2 mil? Its just some cruddy imtes that heals 2 hp. Selling these items a high prices is exactly what were doing in real life. Were even commercializing the holidays in MMOs.












shows what u know about rares.




Easter Eggs heal 14 or 13 im pretty sure, and they're around 12m atm.




and ppl buy them because their RARE! RARE! RARE! its fun having rares since they dont come into the game at all anymore, just go out.

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If you take away rares, or even replace them with their market value, the RS marekt would go tru a crash... Semi-rare items would raise alot, making it harder for people to get dragon chains, barrows, ... .




I agree it is somewhat unfair that people that were lucky enough to get a party hat back then have so much money now, but taking them away would cause more harm then good.




If you don't like party hats, easter eggs, ... simply don't buy them, spent your money on other stuff.

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It's still possible to get rares. There is no reason that rares should be taken out of the game.








Easters heal 12 hp.








And where do you get off saying that most people got the money for a rare in a dishonest way? :roll:




hes mad beacause he doesnt have enough money for one so he automatically assumes if he cant get the money no one can without cheating..... :roll:

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Even if Jagex wanted to, the time to do it has long passed. There'd be an gigantic fallout if they made them untradable. People have spent all their time in RS just trying to work up to a rare item. It would be completely unfair for the peopl that want to make money from them. I would personally still try to get a rare before they got discontinued if they ever did. To the people that just like them and don't care about the cost, it wouldn't really matter.


im level 76 and IM NOT A NOOB 30- is a noob
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so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).








Just pulling facts out of your [wagon]? You have no idea of "most" people got their money that way. And what the hell is dishonest about wildy? Lol.




if someone makes 1mil in the wildy id say the desrve that maybe more than an "honest worker", i mean pking takes way more skill than clicking a rock or tree to get money




Clicking so many rocks and trees takes more determination though.








Determination != skill.












If Jagex decided to take out rares the bigest problem would be the influx of money that entered the game. Lets look at two different situations:












A. They decide to delete all rares, no questioning it and no refunds. Many people quit.








B. They decide to delete rares, but compensate everyone with the current market value they hold. Not only would people quit, but the economy would be INCREDIBLY inflated. Think about it, billions of runescape GP entering into the economy at once and, to make it worse, what would people have to spend their money on? Certainly not more hats, meaning the chances that other items would increse in price is high.












Honestly, they don't hurt the game. If anything they give the high levels something to do.

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They decide to delete rares, but compensate everyone with the current market value they hold. Not only would people quit, but the economy would be INCREDIBLY inflated. Think about it, billions of runescape GP entering into the economy at once and, to make it worse, what would people have to spend their money on? Certainly not more hats, meaning the chances that other items would increse in price is high.












Honestly, they don't hurt the game. If anything they give the high levels something to do.








He has got a point, if you had 500 millions gp in your bank, what'd you spend it on? All on skills? Skills don't need that much money...Full dragon, barrows, 3ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâú age and whatever you want to fight? Meh, you still didn't spent it all. Now what about buying a party hat? It looks nice, you can sell it any moment for what you paid, or even for more, it increases in price over time so it's an investment, and if you were smart you would still have a few millions to spend on whatever other things you need.








You said that not everybody has a phat, not everybody has 99 in a stat either, should their stats dissapear to be equal to someone else that is just starting? Nice reasonement there...












so ur saying survival of the richest is good? every player should be treated equally(except the members they need to have more rights).




Most of the people buying these things got their money in a non-honest way(scam, scam friends, steal accounts, lie or wildy).








Rich players worked for their money, it wasn't easy at all, or everybody would have that kind of money and you wouldn't be complaining, And everybody is treated equally, everybody has the same chances to get anything in the game starting at any point, it wasn't easier for them that it'll be for you (Actually, it'll be easier for you because Jagex keeps releasing stuff ingame that makes playing easier, like POHs and their armour stands, portals, Pest control, Cook-X, etc...)




Also, you say most of them got their money illegally? Where did you get your facts boy? You are the one treating them bad there.



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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Jagex used to disapprove of the commercialism involved with holiday items, but since then they've come to realize that the rares market is a very significant part of the game. Runescape has one of the most complex economies in online gaming, and there are people who play Runescape only to buy and sell items. Other high level players also use rares as a goal to reach; once they've reached the level cap, they can still play to earn the elusive party hat set. So, if Jagex removed rares, they'd lose countless customers.








I'll let you all in on a secret. There's a hidden skill: merchanting. At level 60, you earn the ability to buy a santa. At level 80, you can buy a party hat. There are thousands of players out there right now, working towards level 99.


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I think your halfly rite but not completely.I think if you have the money buy santa hat or halloween mask, maybe a phat although there very overpriced. but an easter egg all you can do is eat it.You cant show it off accept on trade but why would you go around trading people and showing them and easter egg.








Roughly I think there should be only wearable holiday items.








~Dark~ :twisted:

Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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Firstly rares SHOULD NOT be taken out of the rs economy, because since it is such a huge part of said economy it would cause for a recession in the world of runescape. A recession that could only be brough out of by bringing back the tradeable rares. Face it, the rares have kept the economy stable thusfar, sure it is at risk of falling apart, but for the time being the extreme prices of party hats have enabled the prices of many other items to stay the same or even become cheaper, thus making it all equal and fair.

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They didnt throw away the Mona Lisa because it was old...









It just goes to show that, though there's an age requirement, there's no IQ requirement to play RS.


Wait, my friend said he got a keylogger and lyke he coudln't type, so I assumed it messed up his hands?
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