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I'm pretty sure we have all heard this once in our RS career. But when it comes down to it, is the wilderness really ruined? Personally, I would have to say no it isn't but many people disagree with me. They said it just isn't as good as it use to be. They say "Oh, this update REALLY ruined the wilderness". They say "But ... the pures, they hit too high!" or "You can't pk without a team!". I don't think this is true.








On one side, the people who say it is ruined. They say it is filled with scum who pk anything they can get, like abyss crafters or people on clues. They say pures ruin it, able to completely "own" everything around their combat. They say the weapons/magics are overpowered, such as the dragon dagger or ancients. They say the wilderness doesn't fit into the combat triangle: Melee owns Range, Range owns Mage, Mage owns melee.








On the other side, the wilderness is not ruined. They say that it is just what we do, we pk for a living just like you runecrafting/do clues. They say pures were made to do this, but there are many ways to counter act them. They say the weapons and magics aren't overpowered, there is always a way to stop them. They say the wilderness fits in perfectly with the combat triangle, as long as you know what your doing.








So what I'm trying to say is, do you think the wilderness is ruined?












Thank you for all the posts! ::'

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Some parts are ruined, like level 1 wildy north of Varrock. Other places, like level 5 wildy north of Edgeville, aren't really ruined, there is a fair amount of pkers, who are mature.








The wilderness should be a bit smaller, it's almost as big as the f2p world. right now, it's hard to meet others, and if you meet somebody, it's even harder to become friends.








The whip is overpowered, even more with the addition of defenders. Ancients magicks has never been overpowered, because if have it, you can't use teleblock, and loose some of the important spells.




Dragon Dagger (p++) the weapon isn't over powered the special is, hitting fast and high, while poisoining in many cases.








Pures... well, a pure can easily be owned, because they don't have as much defence as mains do. Just be quick! :P








So some places are ruined, some aren't. Blanco here, really.

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It all depends on your perspective of pking. If your a pure with one defense your probably gonna say the wilderness isn't ruined. If your a level 45 def rune pure your probably gonna say the wilderness isn't ruined but the money in the drop against rune pures isn't significant as it used to be, since rune defender, barrow gloves, possibly the fighter torso, and protect whip are not tradeable or dropped, resulting in a rune plate, rune legs, climbing boots, zerker helm, dds. As it once was full rune and a dds and sometimes rune boots. If your a main pker your gonna say no, because i can hit through pures easily, and i can ancient or tele-block anyone my level, resulting in a good chance of a kill, which could be worthwhile. If your a whip pure, you should say no since your high attack does hit through defense easily especially with a whip, and the kill pile is good either way.








But then again its what your looking for when your pking, is it for the money of the loot? Good times? A honorable fight? Most imo are looking for the money area, and with the non-tradeable items being brought into the game and are being used, I'd say this aspect has been ruined in p2p and not that much in f2p.




Good times are always to be found, whether it be your soloing or your in a group, the wilderness always carries good times, doesn't matter how your pking here. The way the wilderness works contributes here, the wilderness hasn't been changed in the attack system in ?forever? if I'm correct, so this aspect hasn't been ruined.




Honorable fight, well back in rsc, wait no, back in rsc in the beginning of rs you'd get a good fight in the cabbage patch, in the beginning of the wilderness you'd get a good fight, but somewhere in the middle of rsc people started to tele, run, tag and such. Not to say these didn't exist, they weren't widely used and no one really looked as pking as a profit maker as many people do now. Honorable fights still may be found, but a very slight few still stay for death. Many do not tele as much as it used to be, tagging still exist but its easy to counteract. This aspect hasn't been ruined but it is on the verge of it.








About things being overpowered, nothing is ever overpowered in rs. Everything can be beaten one way or another. A single individual can fend and possibly win against a team of four in p2p, and especially in f2p. And being pure or defense pker doesn't matter here, the skill of the pker matters. The only thing that matters in actual fact is the pking skill and the knowledge the pker has.








In my opinion no, it isn't ruined, people only claim it is for they're upset they're losing hundreds of thousands of money in pking armour, but you to can use this armour, so don't complain. although i don't blame them for complaining about such a thing, but they really need to learn that everything is fair armour-wise.

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The wildernis has become a group event now, it's very hard to PK solo at the high levels of the wild in F2P.




Pures aren't much of a problem, most pures are around lvl 60 tops, so anyone with a decent main can win, it is a problem for lower levels, but this has been the wase for ages, so I think people should be used to that by now.

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I have very little experience with the wilderness, but I would expect that the rough bits would be around the edges, especially 1 to 5. It's the shallow end, the kiddie pool, and people who are afraid to swim will congregate there.








As for the teaming, that's definitely a problem. I don't think Jagex would have created multi wild if they had meant for people to team. I made a suggestion back in rants, lemme see if I can go find it.








I don't particularly care for the prayer/teleport debate, as Jagex has explicitly allowed both of those in the wilderness, with exceptions.

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Free-to-play wilderness levels 1-20 are, in my opinion, rather pointless... 96% of ALL free-to-play carry tellies... They telly as soon as they see a team, someone higher level, or they'll fight, eat when they hit something like 36hp, and then telly with about 5 food left... Its... ruined :|








Members wildy... Still about 60% carry tellies But with the amout of Green Dragon Trainer Killers, Rc Killers, Clue Scroll Killers, and in general, all other types of killers it is profound... So many people kill trainers, which then results in them never going back. When a Pker kills a trainer, they're doing it out of spite... Most of them carry 3 items, or 4 and protect.. What does the killer achieve?... Nothing...








The wilderness, in terms of unrespectable killing, is dead...

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Well, if you would imply that there are a set of rules for the wilderness, then yes it would be ruined, what with abyss pkers, pjing and so-on. But the word wilderness is supposed to be un-tamed, not applying to human civilization ( :roll: ).




I know this is an old line, and one used against people who say abyss pking isn't fair, but when you go into the wilderness, you risk your stuff. Now, I used to do alot of abyss rcing, so I found it just as annoying when i got pked, but I understand that I chose to be defenseless, and the pker just took advantage of that.




Ok, my main experience of the wilderness (don't laugh) is through the 60+ pking videos I have in my collection. I like to be entertained, but I also try to watch more un known pkers, to see how different it is.




My basic stance is that the wilderness is not ruined, its called the wilderness, its not tamed, not static, it can change.

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Yes, I would have to say it is ruined. The point of the wilderness is that it should be dangerous, but not 100% deadly. Going into it should give you a rush of adrenaline, because you might lose it all, or you might find a death pile at rune rocks with 200k worth of ore.








With pures, however, to go into the wilderness and not be instantly doomed when another player comes along takes hours of training to get your pure (if you have one) to a level that lets it compete with other pures. Almost no mains go into the wilderness, and it's not fun when you can't go in with your own main account.








I'd like it if pures stuck to the duel arena only, it was made for them! A place where you can fight other players 24/7, a place where those that like making pures for combat or profit can go and gamble their fortune on the outcome of a battle. Let adventurers roam in the wilderness, looking for anything, and if two adventurers meet, they might fight one another, for claims over the territory that they have discovered, or they might walk together, finding demons and dragons and other great beasts.


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I like to pk on f2p whenever I pk, rarely members but I wouldn't say the wilderness is dead. I love killing people that are defenceless explorers of the wilderness and fighting people at the castle. I don't whinge when I get teamed or pile jumped because that is the wilderness. It's a place to actually kill someone on Runescape so obviously there is going to be verbal fights there (its the only place you can do it). Seriously, there are so many people on Runescape that irritate me its so good to kill some defenceless level 70 at the mines or something.








Take just a minute ago for example some guy comes up to me and tells me to help him (i'm at ice giants on a free server). So what do I do? I kill him of course and take his food. I was a little low on food and decided I needed a bit more. He then pms telling me and I quote "I hate u". People take this game to seriously and I know that in the wilderness power corrupts us all but I like to keep the wilderness as an area of fear, its so hard to die in game and when people do they throw a hissy fit. I implaw you if you fight honourably however don't expect me to if you're wearing full rune and you're skulled. The only people that I do mind entering the wilderness are pkers that bring tele runes, if it was up to me there would be no teleporting in the wilderness making it a place of pure, raw, danger :twisted:








I advice you all to go to the wildy today and kill anyone you see, its such a great feeling.

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the wilderness is not dead, its never been more alive. But it is ruined. And not because of any particular updates, it's because of the people. The level 120s who leveled from 80 to 120 in a month through pest control and the 278543 pures you get in every world cussing each other and everyone else off.








If there were a few reasons why the wilderness just isn't fun anymore, my reasons would be: abbysal whips and pest control. Mainly pest control though, it just made leveling too easy and consequently the idiots who couldnt be bothered to train over a period of time were given all they needed to get strong and think they're special coz they step into the wildy with 4 mates and leveled in a month or two.

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the thing about the wildy is its all about killing others their are no set rules








pjers cant be stoped pjing








rc pkers can be deterd by fighting bk not stoped








other points:








teams are good fun. a solo pker tends to get teamed buy 2 or more cant complain if he get killed he was in multi for petes sake








if ur going to solo stick to low lvl wildy/ single combat




and pures are dang easy to kill if u know how on members its a case of dds specs KO them on non its more tricky and requiers fast reactions












dds isnt over powerd only ppl who say that tend to be people in black dhide (no slash def duh)

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I think the wilderness is ruined personally, but i never really got used to the change from the 3 hit system.




Its so pathetically easy to escape from certain death now its lame, you got shark, teleports, entangles, protection prayers, ice spells, as ways to make an easy escape.




On the other side of the coin however in sigle wild its pathetically easy for teaming losers to ko you by tagging in using specs then running out.




The only pk hotspots these days are places like green dragons , rune rocks and the abyss, yeah training spots, these days pkers dont target each other they target helpless trainers, the only way i can find a fight with a pker is going for a training spot and attacking some one who is targetting a trainer ... these people ALWAYS run or tele as soon as i pot.




Multi wilderness on p2p is dead, people discovered a long time ago its easier to sit in single teleblock and tag some one to death then it is to risk running into a better team in multi.




Then you got ancient mages who wont even fight you they just freeze you and range from a long way away, refreeze and repeat, if you pot and get close to them they tele.




Then you got the 1 itemers, but thanks to jagex they now get massive combat bonuses with items that we cant get off them like barrow gloves rune defenders ect.




Its getting to be that they should just remove the wilderness signs altogether its a joke.

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Oh, but the wild does have rules.








No teleporting after X level wild.




No multi combat in single zones (a very narrow definiton of multi combat)




No attacking people X+1 or -(X+1) levels from you.








It just needs MORE rules, or at least better defined ones.

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The wilderness is not destroyed. The only people who complain are those who expect to have everything easy. They are the same people who sit and call people names for eating when pking etc. Take runecrafting for example i runecraft a lot and i have very rarely been attacked. Half of the time i get into the abyss craft my runes go back to edgy and in back prepared and the pker is usually the one running off. If you know how to handle yourself in the wilderness you will survive.


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The wild used to be ruined, but now recently mature people are having civilized fights without name calling and lame tactics of course RS2 wild will never amount to what RS1 wild was but with what swampjedi said about more rules it could become more fun and interesting.








F2P pking is better than P2P pking, it's more simple, there are no stupidly unbalanced things, the PVP triangle works correctly and in deep wild it's alot more fun, and instead of the person with the best stats winnings there are actual skills and strategys involved.








In summary the wilderness used to be ruined, but slowly it is rebuilding and in the future may become great.

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I think it's gotten slightly better in some terms.




Now when doing clues I see PKers left and right, and I think some of the old complaints were that "there was never anyone there to kill."

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Everyone is basically stating that the wilderness is ruined because of the so called unwritten rules of pking, pures, and problems with the rules today.








The wilderness as previously stated is un-tamed it is to be. Rules in the wilderness do not exist and only exist to those who want everything to come easy to them. If you say keeping your hp above half is saving, well if they kept it nay lower you'd one hit them, now thats not very smart is it? They're smarter then you if they don't listen to you, however when you do safe you do lose alot of attacking opportunities and safing doesn't help you much either way. Teleing, jagex implanted it into the game and gracely put a teleblock above 20+(and 30+) which is really fair. Everyone who says teleing is horrible isn't, would you rather lose 25k-250k or keep it to save that 25k-250k for pking materials such as food, pots, runes, arrows?








Tagging, well in non-multi i think tagging is lousy but thats my biased opinion. Tagging is a productive way to get a hold of a kill and is very efficient. so really tagging is good for killing, but thats why its called tagging, not teaming, its in non-multi. same with pjing although pjing is two people fighting and a third party who is unknown to the first and second parties and well it can go further but i'm tired.








Then we also have the pures bit, whoever said pures should stay out or have their own place to pk and such is absolutely out of their mind? Do you really think because of how someone stats are they shouldn't be allowed to pk in this area? Its like taking away a right! anyone can pk how they want, when they want, where they want! also pures haven't destroyed the wilderness, they've helped you sell your nats, sell your fish, sell your crafted arrows, sell your smithing items, bought your pots. If pures weren't around think of the major decrease of buyers of your money making skills? probably 70%+ in a profit decrease. Pures help you more then you think they do, not just the wilderness, they effect the economy and make prices go up or down, sometimes bad and sometimes good, sometimes the bad outweighs good or vise-versa. If there weren't pures there'd be extra money, meaning higher priced raw materials or items. but pures haven't ruined the wilderness though, they've added more excitement into it, harder challenges and a whole new diversity of pking. Next when you say pures have ruined the wildy, please explain how they have.












Someone also said about that the rules aren't enough and more rules need to be added and better defined. I could agree with this, or disagree.




If one of the rules as no teleporting i'd say no. What if your doing a clue? going kbding? Roaming? and then a group of people come, and your uanble to tele out. Or running from battle, well same applys as above. If the way the attack system were to be changed it would be complete chaos, pures, main pkers, ruen pures, anything would be garbage and a new rise of pures/mains would have to be introduced to counteract those new rules/combat attack system.








Imo the wilderness is still not ruined. and your view and how you pk affects your opinion in this topic.

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Oh, but the wild does have rules.








No teleporting after X level wild.




No multi combat in single zones (a very narrow definiton of multi combat)




No attacking people X+1 or -(X+1) levels from you.








It just needs MORE rules, or at least better defined ones.








What kind of "rules" are you talking about?








For example, they need to get rid of teleportation and prayer in the wilderness, at least. I'd rather it be changed elsewhere too but in the wilderness it is incredibly important.








I , for one, think the wilderness is ruined. I have to agree with 123yourgone that I too could never really get used to the game getting away from the 3 hit system, something that seemingly defined the games PvP earlier. Now a days in the wilderness we have teleportation [on a larger scale, we had it in RSC too] / Prayer and the fact is if someone wants to get away they probaly can.








Yes, the game has these "ancient magics". But why is it that the only way to really get a kill is to have to have, what, 91+ magic? It completly leaves melee and ranged out of the picture.












To be honest, there isn't much you can do to improve the wilderness under the way runescape 2's combat system is. I would *love* to see more attacks, for example "skills" to use with melee and ranged that add a different aspect to the games PvP and PvE.












However, short-term speaking, they need to rid of teleportation and prayer in the wilderness.












As far as pures its fairly simple. The reason why they are king in the wilderness is, again, they are built with the mindset to quickly kill their opponent. If Jagex added more interesting skills and skills to those that don't just work on attack/str than it would ballance out the wilderness and make it more interesting.

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Well prayer and tele as well as food are there to be used. Sick of people teleing away from combat? Go +level 20. Sick of people freezing/entangle from away? Get armor with high mage defense. Prayer is a part of combat wether you like it or not. Don't just flame people who get it...it's just as important as strength or maybe even more. For me what attracts me in Runescape is the diversity of things you have within it. You have so many combinations in the Wilderness and that (for me at least) is what makes it beautiful.








Go wildy \'

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I think in a sense wildy is ruined because you have half the people at edge and varrock telly/run. Then you have 1 itemers who protect so unless you have 52 prayer they keep there dds. Untradeable items, wow this is a big one. There are now out there at least 4 peices that increase strength by alot that are untradeable so when you kill the [cabbage]bag you are left with very little. If more and more untradeable items come into the game that actually help combat then we are going to see the wilderness starting to dissapear. Whats next? untradeable staff, runes, helmet, legs, and amulet?

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Well prayer and tele as well as food are there to be used. Sick of people teleing away from combat? Go +level 20. Sick of people freezing/entangle from away? Get armor with high mage defense. Prayer is a part of combat wether you like it or not. Don't just flame people who get it...it's just as important as strength or maybe even more. For me what attracts me in Runescape is the diversity of things you have within it. You have so many combinations in the Wilderness and that (for me at least) is what makes it beautiful.








Go wildy \'








So, tell me, is having a level 43 skill (prayer) that can nearly nulify a 99 skill (attack/strength) really ballanced?












Things "can" be unballanced in a game you know? Just because it is there does not mean it is automaticly ballanced with everything else.












As far as the 20+ wilderness comment, think about it. If you really want to get a decent kill you probaly need to go as far as 35+ wilderness, because running an odd 10 or so wilderness levels down is easy. Hell, even running from lvl 50 down to 20 is quite easy with some prayer slapped on.












The largest thing is to ensure that my opponent doesn't have a "get out of jail free" card (in the sense) I have to fight opponents over 20-30+ levels higher than me. Not to mention the wilderness is barren up there in the middle, and if you end up going to 50+ wilderness it's just full of 100+'s.












at any rate, however, prayer is my big one I dislike. Its incredibly overpowered and needs to be taken out of the game.








Oh and, don't worry, you can still run out of the wilderness without prayer on. We all did it in RSC, and its possible in RS2 as well.

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prayer only has 100% protection agisnt npc not players also i rarly see people pray in the wilderness any more (unless nonmembers)








It does, however, have a 50% protection against players does it not? That still is technicly cutting the opponents attack/strength skill in HALF from a level 43 [that you can get in a day] skill.








And does it matter if you see a lot of people using it or not? It's still there and it still is an overpowered skill. Perhaps if they lowered it down to 15% (within line of all of the +str/+def/+attack prayers) it would be *much* more ballanced.

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