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Valentines day. Eeeeeep.


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Yep, It's coming.








14th Febuary, It's getting closer, Only just over one month away now, Best to be the early bird right?








I actually had to google that to check the date :shock:








So, This is the day that guys and girls express their feelings for one another.








What do you have planned?








Anything incredible and so amazingly romantic you'd like to give other people with no clue whatsoever some possibly very helpful ideas?








I'm so screwed this year, I have a new girlfriend, I want to pull something that would mean so much to us, but wouldn't be going overboard :?

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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Valentines is ages away yet, my birthday to consider first lol. I think he's organising some kind of weekend away though, valentines or birthday present. I got nosy and flicked through where he writes down all his mixes, found French hotel names and how much a bedroom cost lol.



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I'm so screwed this year, I have a new girlfriend, I want to pull something that would mean so much to us, but wouldn't be going overboard :?








If you're younger than 16 then don't bother.




I don't see why men should have to do something on this particular day when they can so easily do it on any other day, what makes Feb 14th so special?




I see a lot of girls where I live just get a boyfriend about a month beforehand, even with someone they may not particularly fancy, just so they can expect a gift.

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I'm so screwed this year, I have a new girlfriend, I want to pull something that would mean so much to us, but wouldn't be going overboard :?








If you're younger than 16 then don't bother.




I don't see why men should have to do something on this particular day when they can so easily do it on any other day, what makes Feb 14th so special?




I see a lot of girls where I live just get a boyfriend about a month beforehand, even with someone they may not particularly fancy, just so they can expect a gift.

This is why I'm not a sucker for the most commercialized "holiday" of the year.
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I'm so screwed this year, I have a new girlfriend, I want to pull something that would mean so much to us, but wouldn't be going overboard :?








If you're younger than 16 then don't bother.




I don't see why men should have to do something on this particular day when they can so easily do it on any other day, what makes Feb 14th so special?




I see a lot of girls where I live just get a boyfriend about a month beforehand, even with someone they may not particularly fancy, just so they can expect a gift.

This is why I'm not a sucker for the most commercialized "holiday" of the year.








17 in a few months.








But still.. I think most girls I know do expect something.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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Just another day of the year to me. :-w

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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But still.. I think most girls I know do expect something.
When you do stuff for them through out the year; you can get away with next to nothing. Tried, tested and proved to work.












If they throw a spaz at that; not worth the hassle. It's one day in the year; and a reason for people who normaly don't do anything to do something - and not mean it but make it seem like they do.

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Valentine's Day isn't about being nice to your SO. It's about your SO expecting something wonderful because Hallmark has taken Valentine's over in an attempt to get ridiculously rich over absolutely nothing.

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Oh Noes not Valentines Day again... :(








Anyway... I might have some 'stuff' planned, but because it's Valentines Day. Just, because... it's nice to do stuff. :)

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Oh Noes not Valentines Day again... :(








Anyway... I might have some 'stuff' planned, but because it's Valentines Day. Just, because... it's nice to do stuff. :)








Heh, i'll probably take advantage of the shops. ^_^ No one ever shops on Valentines day, except single people or people who don't care/forgot. Well, there won't be anyone shopping where i'll be going, who gets a game as a present for that day? :P

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Its the day after my 1 year 7 months with my Girlfriend, but its my 17th on the 16th of this month, so i'll think of Vday after my Birthday.








Probably buy her a ridiculously over-priced Teddy, take her to lunch, then come back to mine and soak in my Hot-Tub...








Be like New Years all other again \'

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Probably buy her a ridiculously over-priced Teddy, take her to lunch, then come back to mine and soak in my Hot-Tub...








Be like New Years all other again \'








+1 :)








Naw, Im thinking.. Cinema [watch a horror] Take her out for a meal, Back to my house and.. Yeah. :)








Who knows, Still a month to decide.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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Just another excuse to hike up the prices of roses and chocolates. Spending it "unattached" is much easier in my opinion :P
















Example: Clinton Card's Teddy Bears - Something like 'Forver Friend', cost like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 each. The Xmas one tricked me out of ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã45 :XD:








Be sensible, go to the Bear Factory. \'








Edit: Heres some ideas:

















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