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Mauls.....are they underrated?


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My friend thinks that the maul is the best weapon ever. He tells me he can hit 12's with it...I can easily hit 12's much faster with a rune scimitar..



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The new fighting torso (+4 Str) is very weak to anything except slash, therefore a KO with a maul would be way easier then one with a dds if you have good attack and str. The only downside is that you only get one chance for a ko, rather then the 4 chances you get with dds.

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well dds is a whole lot less accurate well what i like to do is use dds spec 2 times then use the maul and hopefully kill then in 1 normal and 1 spec hit or in like wildy just try killing them with like a d scimmy when they have low hp and think they will win i whip out the g maul then hit 3 times

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i also hope they make the spec 3 times cause i would like that

Mojo477 has had to quit members so i need friends to talk to on my pure Lived4devil so please add her

"The elves having helped create the crystal saw is like Greenpeace having helped create a nuclear seal skinner"

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Hehe I think it's just a brick. :P Along your line of logic, with maxed str bonus on a DDS (around 80 :wall: ) and 99 str, you can hit 8 34's in 4 seconds. Keep in mind that the maul is actually used quite a bit by pures and lower levels.... once again, most people prefer the DDS, and then a whip. With the DDS you have a higher margin of error: with the maul you HAVE to get all 3 attacks high, and if not, you're sunk, out of specs. With the DDS you have 8 attacks to get in 99 damage at the very most.








Never thought something I said would be siggified. Kinda freaked me out :shock:








On topic: I see them used mainly as a KO wep for low level stakers.

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Never thought something I said would be siggified. Kinda freaked me out :shock:







Lol, let it sink in, the first time is always weird :lol: .








As said before, I prefer a DDS over the maul spec. Not only because it's way better, but because it looks much cooler too :lol: .

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ahhhh no......mauls are an insanely slow hitting weapon, if you can move that thing above .000003 km/h then you must have 99 str..lol... i know your str lvl doesnt mean you hit faster if you were about to criticise me.








or does it..... :shock:








but anyway they are completely pointless ,d scimmies and d longs are heaps better and about the same price.








wooot my whip ownage ftw!!!!



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I saw a ranger ko a guy for a whip with a maul. It's special is better for rangers vs melee.








Don't ask me why, i don't know. But you should have been there, it was glorious.

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Hehe I think it's just a brick. :P Along your line of logic, with maxed str bonus on a DDS (around 80 :wall: ) and 99 str, you can hit 8 34's in 4 seconds. Keep in mind that the maul is actually used quite a bit by pures and lower levels.... once again, most people prefer the DDS, and then a whip. With the DDS you have a higher margin of error: with the maul you HAVE to get all 3 attacks high, and if not, you're sunk, out of specs. With the DDS you have 8 attacks to get in 99 damage at the very most.








40 str bonus ;)








I love it. Since it's crush, It flies right through platemails... :D




And it IS powerful.. Yeah It's underrated.

I play World Of Warcraft.



Draka [Alliance] Squeeky Mage

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It's the fact that it's a lovely KO weapon for lower leveled pures, around 45-55. I used it quite a bit as a KO weapon on my Granite Maul pure when he was a member. Quite a lovely tool. But it was glitched a while back where if you clicked too fast on the special bar, it'd use all of the bar, but only spec once... Kinda stunk how I lost kills like that.








So basically, if you can't wield a DDS, then your next option for a KO is a Granite Maul! Woot!


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It sort of bugs..half the topic is filled with off topiccomparing it too other items and using it for training..I onbiously mean for pking?


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Mauls aren't bad if u can't afford anything better IMO








Of if you can't wield anything better.

true but I can in both case's I'm just saying for poorer players

finally back in the game! send me a message, all my old friends quit

I laughed so hard I pooped my thong. :lol:
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I wouldn't rely on a maul to get me kills, but it IS really fun to play with in CW.








Also I always keep one on me if I'm dueling, incase someone wants to duel with the shield spot on.


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Mauls aren't bad if u can't afford anything better IMO








Of if you can't wield anything better.

true but I can in both case's I'm just saying for poorer players








Not true.




Gmaul = 80k




DDP(++) = 50k








just so you know.








on topic: I think mauls own for pures for example if anyone has seen Dream Rat3 will know what im talking about. A blitz and gmaul special combo is the bogs dollocks. :-$ :thumbsup:


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I actually thought the mauls special would be better for KOing then DDS...but the thing is...it is actually not that accurate...at 95 attack i hit 2 zero's while using the special about 10 different times i tried it. Also, people do not realize that poison is a lot more useful then it seems...What i mean by this is people will bring full load of sharks rather then sacrifice a shark for an anti poison...every poison hits 3 times, right? so this means that:












































63 damage can be done...not to mention it can help with KO's..

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I see your point but i would say its under-rated becuase if u think about it the maul can hit 3*43 in a second!thats 500 exp in a second but dds can hit more then 43 maybe not in 1 hit but it can hit a 25 and if u use a special that could be a 50! and u have 4 specials so clearly the mauls good but dds is kinda faster and better if u use my way and my opinion. \' :thumbsup: :D






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personally when i get em from gargs i alch em.. can be bothered too sell em




the reason not many higher lvls use em they are insanely slow and as XP mentioned not very accurate...








I mean they were really cool when they came out but died off rather quickly

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