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Your most prized possession??


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dude they were handed out a looong time ago... no nub has em








I know when they were handed out thanks








They are worth nothing...








Not tradeable in the first place, and anyone that did that dumb easter and halloween thing got it, a.k.a every n00b has it








Are you [developmentally delayed]? You rarely see them around. Who gave you the right to tell people what they like? Why can't something that is not worth money be your most prized possession? I'm sorry but you are possible the biggest moron I have ever seen post anything.








WHat gave me the right was free speech - answered your first question, whether it was rhetorical or not.








Why can't be a prized possession, ofcourse it can, for n00bs. I'm not talking about "noobs" here, but n00bs. Check up time..








Biggest moron awards have not yet been awarded to me, I will inform you when I receive one. Frankly I do not care what you think








The freedom of speech (If you're in the US) Is given to adults over the age of 18. Whether you are or are not, you sure don't act like it. In the USA, as a person under the age of 18, you have no rights in the constitution. It doesn't pertain to you.








I love your reason for why something that has no value can't be a prized possession. Have you ever heard of the word priceless? Also, would you care to expand on what a n00b is and why you're jealous because you don't have either a scythe or bunny ears?








Nice try on the witty comment too. =D>








Also, my most prized possession is my yoyo :D


im level 76 and IM NOT A NOOB 30- is a noob
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dude they were handed out a looong time ago... no nub has em








I know when they were handed out thanks








They are worth nothing...








Not tradeable in the first place, and anyone that did that dumb easter and halloween thing got it, a.k.a every n00b has it








Are you [developmentally delayed]? You rarely see them around. Who gave you the right to tell people what they like? Why can't something that is not worth money be your most prized possession? I'm sorry but you are possible the biggest moron I have ever seen post anything.








WHat gave me the right was free speech - answered your first question, whether it was rhetorical or not.








Why can't be a prized possession, ofcourse it can, for n00bs. I'm not talking about "noobs" here, but n00bs. Check up time..








Biggest moron awards have not yet been awarded to me, I will inform you when I receive one. Frankly I do not care what you think








The freedom of speech (If you're in the US) Is given to adults over the age of 18. Whether you are or are not, you sure don't act like it. In the USA, as a person under the age of 18, you have no rights in the constitution. It doesn't pertain to you.








I love your reason for why something that has no value can't be a prized possession. Have you ever heard of the word priceless? Also, would you care to expand on what a n00b is and why you're jealous because you don't have either a scythe or bunny ears?








Nice try on the witty comment too. =D>








Also, my most prized possession is my yoyo :D








*hands JFonseka a biggest moron award* =D> =D> =D> congratz you really deserve it... and you deserve to be the kbds breakfast...








btw my new most prized posession is my rubber chicken (not tradeable so priceless n00b)



whats ingrediants for admiral pie?

1 admiral and some pastry

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What is your most prized possession in rs??








mine: my bunny ears and [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] 8-)








same with me :D




but i like my [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] better then my ears




oh man they rock :D


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I am quite surprised that no one has said rubber chicken. I take it everywhere with me. (Looks at above post...)












well i guess i make 3 rubber chicken lovers i got an undead chicken in my bank too but its not as cool :XD:



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My rune pickaxe. It has been with me for many a trip to level 47 wilderness to mine rune. It was with me when I first got 85 mining. It was with me even before I got level 41 mining, when I bought it with hard-earned money from chicken feathers. It is my greatest frie- Err, wait, I'm taking this a little too far aren't I ^_^

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my old lobster pot which came to an unfortunate end when i was doing dragon slayer :(

Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.



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My mime items. It is so hard to get those back.








yea i hate that... i went into the wild wearing my mime boots and forgot i had them on... died.... lost them and havent gotton a new pair yet.... :evil:


The sentence below is false.

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Leesters party hat~ :lol: My prayer cape I just love that cape. <3:




Also my dragon chain I worked so dang hard for that chain, spent




many of months in the fishing guild saving for that chain.




My furry,guthan and santa hat means alot to me also. :)








BTW: Lee if you don't come pick up your phat soon I am claiming it. :wink:


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dude they were handed out a looong time ago... no nub has em








I know when they were handed out thanks








They are worth nothing...








Not tradeable in the first place, and anyone that did that dumb easter and halloween thing got it, a.k.a every n00b has it








zomg you know what's also untradable? The highest chompy hat, so thus, it is worth nothing so only n00bs have it from your logic.








Don't listen to him ::'








Anyway, probably my black 2h or santa i got for 160k in 2004. Also ranking is my precious moonclan hat \'

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My purple party hat, not because of its monetary value, but because it means a lot to me.








All my friends chipped in the cash so I could buy it. It was the greatest collaboration in my RS career. However, as I paid them all back one by one, they all started drifting away from each other. The same day everybody was paid back in whole, the entire group split apart. Now, they all hate each other, but they're still friends with me. Some have quit, and I don't see them often anymore.








Yet the hat still remains as a symbol of our friendship.

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