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The complete "Should F2P get updates?" Debate! 5,000 views!


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i dont care about what anybody says about RS being entirely f2p before, because that was BEFORE!. now, its different. i dont think that there should never be any updates. jagex does make profit from them. not too long ago, jagex added the ranging and mage boosting prayers. members, on the other hand, generate a higher profit for jagex, and, therefore, deserves more.




there should be some form of reward/updates for playing f2p, like they do with the holiday events and with mage/range prayers.












ps. does anyone know how/where to get your own signature???

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F2P should recieve updates, not nearly to the extent as P2P do but some nonetheless. The community of people playing Runescape is gigantic. But the whole community is based upon those F2P individuals.








The whole advantage of being a P2P are the added skills and challenges. But would those matter much if you had no people to contend with?








Would Runescape be as much fun if everyone has member skills and there were no F2P players?








The only way to keep the F2P community entertained is to give them a little taste of membership at a time.




Allow F2P to enjoy the excitement of a new quest, of new items or other updates and they will continue to play.








And if Jagex plays their cards right, perhaps people will become impatient enough for the next update to just become a member...

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ok i've read most of the first page and my eyes hurt so i'm not reading anymore.




some1 said when rs started it was all f2p but thats the past, this is the present and decisions will be made usuing the information from the present.




i am a member i have been for most of my rs life, but i do think f2p should get some updates but very few. a quest once every 6 months and a medium size update once a yr. they do tho need bank space now.




i would also lkike to say/remind every1 we have to right to updates, that is a choice of jagex. members have more nearer a right because if they didn't update it abit they would be breaking the l;aw of the country they are based in(england) false advertising if i remember right from what they say on the what u get if u become a member thingy. just to clarify the building jagex is in is in coventry england i looked on their bussiness site when i had the idea of joing to work there.




thats ll from me for now.

Leader of Saradomins Army and saradomins army juniors

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The only thing F2P should get in some more bank space...seriously that things tiny!! Other than that its good as it is.








You can say F2P pays for most of Jagex earnings, but they dont pay themselves. P2P deserves the stuff they get because they pay themselfs, F2P in the other hand do not. They 'view' the ad, which the ad companies record and pay Jagex. The ad companies pay Jagex, not F2P players. What the Ad companies get is a hope that you'll buy thier product...








Im probably confusing you right now so I'll make it simple:








P2P Players -> Jagex








F2P Players....................Jagex








Ad companies -> -> -> -> ^^








Arrows show signs of payments (periods just shows the space, ignore 'em)




P2P pays, so they get updates. F2P dont pay, so they dont get updates. Just because someone pays Jagex, doesn't mean F2P get rights for updates.








If YOU want something, YOU gotta pay.

2 things. 1:
P2P Players -> Jagex








F2P Players------------------Jagex








Ad companies -> -> -> -> ^^

Minor correction. 2:
The only thing F2P should get in some more bank space...seriously that things tiny!! Other than that its good as it is.
I agree. There's a ton of members who say they shouldn't because they're selfish, and when I make a good suggestion they ignore it. My suggestion was that we get a clothing, and armor bank. Stores all clothing. This would be like giving an extra row, and when you're hurrying to get an item to sell it you could just click on one or the other. :D
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Im a member and i think f2p should get updates, they should get stuff that p2p as enjoyed for years, they just get it much later. And for ppl who think 5 bucks isnt much..everybody arent that rich, ppl leave in poorer countries too.

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what im thinking is that if they would like more updates to the game and more material to play with then they should pay and become a member.... It kinda of is a little much to ask jagex to make f2p as well as p2p updates. And thats really not fair to the p2p people to have jagex working on an update for f2p when they pay.
















also an alternative like above is giving it to them but much later

Currently taking a break from runescape, as i have learned there are many more important things in like thatn runescape.... but runescape will still be close to my heart through out my break

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I read the first page and I saw that one of the biggest outcries was for bankspace. Just a quick suggestion if Jagex never gives more bankspace (which I wish they would). Become a member for one month. Just one month. Then you can fill your bank with every f2p item and essentially have unlimited bankspace. I use that trick when I desert my membership.


Look at my evidence of geekdom... MWAHAHAHA!

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I have played Runescape a couple of years and since 6 months, I've becomen a member. A few facts about me.








While I was F2P, I got bored easily, because well, at some point, you run out of things to do. And I noticed friends of mine becoming member and had a great time. Then they asked me, why don't you become a member, its fun and not that expensive. Just 5 bucks a month! (which is quite cheap). I've always said, a game is not worth the money. And it would contribute to my addiction to play the computer.








Then, about 9 months ago, it was my birthday. The gift I asked: Permission to play World of Warcraft (monthly fee). So I got permission, payed for the game myself. The only rule: if it doesn't work out, you are not allowed to continue. So I played WoW, got bored, just not my game. And stopped. But I had the right to pay for a game at that point. So hell with it, I tried Runescape. Always wanted to try it out one time.. and quite suprisingly.. I like it.




Reason: I do not get bored. In F2P, I got bored. In P2P, I do not get bored. I pay a small fee, for the fact I do not get bored so fast, so I can play this game in a more fun way (I consider). Part of not being bored, is the (almost) weekly update. There is always something new to do.








Runescape.. can.. and sometimes will become boring. If you have nothing to do, you get bored. Simple as that. In F2P, you WILL run out of things to do. (well, for some this is not true, but that differs for everyone). The advantage for P2P, the thing you are paying a fee for, is the update. It keeps the game a little more fun.








If Jagex updates F2P more frequently, or even with a fun mini-game, people in F2P will be bored far less easy. A great way to lure more people to the game, but the growth of memberships will slim/fall down. People are having fun in F2P, why pay for a little more..








Thus, less memberships. Less profit. For all of you who have knowledge about economics, will understand a company will never let that happen. Thus Jagex will not update F2P. At least, not in such a way that staying F2P instead of becoming P2P, is worth it because you have fun in F2P.








I do think F2P deserves some updates.. but not big ones. The holiday events are small updates. Big enough to keep lots of people satisfied, but small enough to be worth staying F2P because you just do not get bored.








**Edited: Above my post (2-3 posts) there is stated, that F2P might get '''worn out'' updates of P2P. Things that have been updated ages ago, but are neglected due to it has almost no use to us.








A great idea, I find this. But there are some things you need to consider:




How will it change F2P?




Will it effect the economy in a way that a skill will become to easy. Like (Example) adding the blast furnace to F2P, will sufficiently increase to smithing skill, by making it easier. (not a great idea..)




And ofcourse, everything I stated above.

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I definately think that they should get small updates every few months. A small update would be something like a new item, or monster. But definately not like a new quest, or a new skill. I also think that a f2p mage update, and a few more bank slots is definately required.














Cheap Mark - Going for 1050 Total

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Couple of things:








1) People keep saying that F2P pays for itself by the ads that are shown. I would argue that the ads merely pay the costs of running the F2P servers. Jagex has costs involved with leasing the servers, bandwidth, monitoring, patching....all of which are overhead. My hunch is that F2P is, at best, a break even proposition for Jagex. Most large scale data center servers cost at a minimum a few hundred dollars (US) to lease. Bandwidth costs increase that even more.








2) Any F2P update would be also a P2P update. The only requirements would be that the entire activity would have to be "completable" in the F2P world. So a quest, for example, couldn't go from Varrock to the Fremmy Isles but it could involve Lumbridge.








Should F2P get more updates? I would suggest that perhaps the easiest, cheapest, fastest way to do this is to release quests that only involve F2P areas into the F2P worlds. Or if you wanted to add a skill (uhm, let's ability to make steel claws) that it be added a year after it's released to P2P. That way there are no additional costs (other then porting the code into the F2P system) and very little overhead.

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runescape isnt really about fun for f2p people, its about making money for the company in real life








wasting time on f2p quest updates and things like that doesnt really encourage people to join f2p, the idea is that if you get bored of no more quests, new skills, etc., you will join members and pay money for the good stuff, like updates




making the free side of the game more fun generally wont persuade you to pay, but increasing the benefits of actually paying definitely will



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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Dunno if someones already said this, so im gonna say it.








I heard a Jagex mod state that the entire site didnt just work on a single update(this was back when people were saying jagex was using hunting to stall for summoning) so I do think f2p should get updates the same way staff updates p2p








A large section of Jagex stick to working on p2p because p2p matters more, and a small section work on f2p, maybe a quest every few months, a new monster, new item here and there, you get my drift, not nearly as many updates as p2p, but just enough to maybe convince f2p that p2p is pretty awesome, because ive had many of my friends stay f2p just because they dont think its worth it, but they could if they wanted to.








Not sure if many people would agree with this, but make some weapons like d long and stuff items that you can only get in p2p, but still use in f2p, im almost certain itll make more people join that can. Don't rant me for this, cuz its just my opinion.








Basically what im saying is, theres a chance jagex might make more paying players, if they update the free servers, to show the f2p guys what they are missing, because when i wasnt a member it didnt really matter to me that i couldnt go somewhere because i wasnt p2p, because i didnt know how much better it really was.








Just my opinion, maybe jagex has a reason why they didnt do it, but i dunno, so ta-ta for now :-w .

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Or if you wanted to add a skill (uhm, let's ability to make steel claws) that it be added a year after it's released to P2P. That way there are no additional costs (other then porting the code into the F2P system) and very little overhead.








what would be the point of being a member if f2p gets everything except for the newest skill or two without paying?



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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F2P is like a trial version of RuneScape. Lucky for those F2Pers out there, the trial version of RuneScape does not expire and is very in depth (compared to other trials of other games).








And because F2P does not give Jagex the $5 a month as the members do, no, they shouldn't receive many updates.








The emphasis is on "many" because I think a few updates a year (maybe 3 or 4) is perfectly fine and won't upset anyone.








Think of the F2Pers as potential customers, because that's basically what they are, and going along with that thought it is nice to cater slightly to, or at least show you care about those potential customers.








A few updates a year, no biggie!

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Well.... You didnt add to the member's side how members look at the adverts also... That would make mem's be giving even more. Therefore F2p shouldn't really get updates becuase the adverts basicly cancle each other out.... That would mean mems are paying 4,500,000 while f2p pays nothing compared to mems. Also you didnt add how some mems pay more than 5 bucks a month but i get how the majority pay around 5 bucks a money








I also agree that f2p should get some updates only becuase of the fact that they still give money by looking at the adverts, but not as many as mems becuase mems contibute so much more








F2p does still have a right to be mad however becuase jagex i believe doesnt give enought updates to them, mayb like 1 a year or so besides holidays











I cant help but put this in from the good old

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F2P deserves updates, although not as amny as members, for sure.








I'm a F2Per, so i have first-hand experience with this. Members may say that "we pay, we deserve updates", and this is true. But F2Pers don't pay, directly at least.








I have a fairly large bank account, and a paypal, i just need my account number (yea, im that dumb :wall: ), and then i'll be a member, but i would still vote "yes" on this debate, for several reasons"








-F2P compromises of the vast majorty of players








-P2Pers have nothing to complain about:




a. Show me at least five members who have done EVERY SINGLE quest, gotten every skill to 99, and made a decent sum of money.








b. Even if you did show me these five people, they still have mini-games, good pvping things, etc.








c. they get an update every week, and think nothing of it. It was big when F2P got addy arrows, let alone the SOS.








-P2Pers can still do F2P things, that might be aimed at lover levels, but i've seen level 23 members before, who might think the SOS a very difficult dungeon, and who prolly haven't even gotten enough QP to even contemplate starting Dragon Slayer.








-On a final note (for this post at least), there are some difficulties with gettin $5 a month. I'm not saying that i'm poor, (in fact, just the opposite, my family is incredibly well-off, my dad is the vice president of a medium-sized afforbable-housing devolpment company, and makes plenty of money, with thousands left to spare), but some people's parents don't let them become members, and if they found out their child was secretly subscribing to an MMORPG, they would flip. My parents flip at me when i get a B- in math, and they have no idea i play runescape. Some people might say, "get a paypal and pay by cash". One problem with that: MONTHLY STATEMENTS.








That's right guys! Your parents can see all activiy in your account fort he last month! And guess what else! You need to trasfer money from your bank account to your paypal!








One more thing:








Cmon members. Seriously.












"It kinda of is a little much to ask jagex to make f2p as well as p2p updates. And thats really not fair to the p2p people to have jagex working on an update for f2p when they pay."












Dude, ninety-nine percent of members haven't even completed half the quests avaible to them. Go and do your quest or something, instead of sitting around and complaining. Plus, YOU CAN DO F2P THNGS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not like once your a member, your forbidden to ever do free things again!








lol all u members complaing and stuff get me so mad..... i was gonna fill this psot with swear and other expletives, but then i thought of the little children :thumbsup:

... =)

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If Jagex updates F2P more frequently, or even with a fun mini-game, people in F2P will be bored far less easy. A great way to lure more people to the game, but the growth of memberships will slim/fall down. People are having fun in F2P, why pay for a little more..








Thus, less memberships. Less profit. For all of you who have knowledge about economics, will understand a company will never let that happen. Thus Jagex will not update F2P. At least, not in such a way that staying F2P instead of becoming P2P, is worth it because you have fun in F2P.








I do think F2P deserves some updates.. but not big ones. The holiday events are small updates. Big enough to keep lots of people satisfied, but small enough to be worth staying F2P because you just do not get bored.








I do not think that a small mini-game that free to players can play would make some members stop.








Think about it, members have almost 2 quest updates every weak, The thing is, free to players don't know what they are missing out on.








I truely believe that Jagex could update the free to players so that they would want more.












Ps. This is fun :D

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If Jagex updates F2P more frequently, or even with a fun mini-game, people in F2P will be bored far less easy. A great way to lure more people to the game, but the growth of memberships will slim/fall down. People are having fun in F2P, why pay for a little more..








Thus, less memberships. Less profit. For all of you who have knowledge about economics, will understand a company will never let that happen. Thus Jagex will not update F2P. At least, not in such a way that staying F2P instead of becoming P2P, is worth it because you have fun in F2P.








I do think F2P deserves some updates.. but not big ones. The holiday events are small updates. Big enough to keep lots of people satisfied, but small enough to be worth staying F2P because you just do not get bored.








I agree, due to the fact that f2p players finish their quests, and their skills are repeats, maybe jagex could put a bit of updates for non-membs. for example i was looking through the runescape forums a while back and saw a post about redoing quests. that would be intresting if jagex doens't want to give new ones for f2p's. i myself would never have become a member if my cousin had not shown me what fun it was. i think maybe 1 day jagex could maybe have free members? just for the fun of it so people could see what it feels like? or would they be really losing all that much money?...i don't know my opinion is that non-membs should get updates other then graphic ones...but thats just me :XD:




I do not think that a small mini-game that free to players can play would make some members stop.








Think about it, members have almost 2 quest updates every weak, The thing is, free to players don't know what they are missing out on.








I truely believe that Jagex could update the free to players so that they would want more.












Ps. This is fun :D


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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hey! were did my post go?!?!?? no fare...im not gona type it all again...watever they should get updates rather then just graphic updates...


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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I'm a F2P, and I know that the point of the game is to get you to buy the full version. Still, I think that F2Ps should get a few updates here and there, possibly a few new quests, new areas, and some new stuff to do with skills. Just not as many as members.

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I am a member and I think they should get some updates, not a lot, but a few. Let's look at what non members have been given:








Holiday events: Quite simple, you don't need $5 to celebrate Christmas, Easter or Halloween.








Stronghold of Security: Why should non members be deprived of proper account security? Not that it helped many members because most of them are experienced with computers but non members are a different story.








Polls: Very recent, Jagex were only getting the views of members on runescape and members can have a very different gaming experience from non members.








Area improvements: These make places look more middle aged and there in no offer saying: 'Become a member today and places in runescape will look a little more nostalgic!' Pretty simple really.








Upgraded tutorial system: It's mainly non members that NEED skill tutors and signposts, no matter how many members equip the training bow to show off.








So is it right for non members to get updates? I say yes to only a frequent few a year. I'm sure many non members would pay for membership if they could and we could only estimate how many non members became members today.

My legions of fans:


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