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The complete "Should F2P get updates?" Debate! 5,000 views!


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I'm a member.








Runescape isn't a very appealing game for the average player, a lot of people turn away the moment they notice the graphics aren't so great, so much less actually decide to try it out in the first place. This means that the whole game really relies on f2p to be good enough to draw in players, if f2p isn't appealing enough then everyone will simply turn away.








F2p content is becoming more outdated by the week, all except one quest, have been made back in runescape classic, so obviously the quests are short, boring, and unrewarding, compared to the new amazing updates members get almost weekly. It's like one man sticking to his car he bought in the 70's. while the second guy buys a new car each year, whose car is better?








Obviously if every new player only gets to see the content thats 4-6 years old, they will make the assumption that the entire game, even in members is like this. This is the assumption everybody always makes. The solution to this in my opinion, is to release at least 2 new, good quests, adn atleast one new town. Just two quests, like the ones members get 2-3 times a month, will greatly improve f2p, and will bring a large amount of new players in to p2p, after seeing what members really have.








I also don't understand what we members have to loose, all f2p content is obviously available to members, how will now having 2 updates not be made exclusively for you, hurt you?








Polls: Very recent, Jagex were only getting the views of members on runescape and members can have a very different gaming experience from non members.
the polls are members only because otherwise people will be making multiple accounts so they can make a lot of votes. Also, the polls are there so jagex can have an idea on what updates to release, and what changes to make, f2p almost never gets updates anyway.
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I have a question about the free to play ads. Does Jagex get money just for displaying the ad, or does the player actually have to click on it for Jagex to get money? Or is it a combination of both?








If both, does Jagex get more money from the company that paid for the advertising if somebody actually clicks the ad?








If so, maybe F2P can help themselves. Somebody should start a week long ad-clicking campaign where all the F2P players actually click on the ads shown on the site (but don't necessarily buy what the ad is advertising). That way, Jagex gets tons more money (because of F2P) and therefore can spend a little more on F2P updates.








Go ahead and criticize that point, I don't care. Economics is really not my thing. However, I do have one more point to make:








If F2P get no updates, or just one or two minor ones a year, while members get three, four, five, even six updates a month, think of how the game will be in a couple of years. Members will have hundreds of quests, tons of skills, hundreds of new places to go, thousands of different items and monsters, and lots of mini games. Meanwhile, F2P will have almost nothing compared to members. Since the F2Pers have to buy membership based almost only on what they see in F2P, that's not a very big incentive to buy anything.








The biggest thing that I think F2P needs to be able to "test drive" are minigames. There is absolutely nothing in F2P that requires you to team up with anybody to get rewards or anything, other than PKing, which of course is super risky for anyoone of any level. I say release one minigame for F2P (even if it's really cruddy, like a scavenger hunt game with a partner of something).








Also, F2P REALLY needs more bank space. Just one row.


I'm 100% free-to-play!!!

Message me, private chat is always on. :)

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F2p do get a good amount of benifeits by not paying, they get a couple good skills, PKing is pretty fun on F2p if you got a stradegy but they have updates every 5-6 months or maybe less. I think they should get a little more then that though.



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Your entire point of view is from being a member, as you stated. I'm saying that this is a bad thing, but there are a lot of people that play in f2p, and are not bored. I've never been a member, yet I played on a members account before. It was different and a little more fun, but for me f2p is fulfilling enough. There is plenty of "fun stuff" in f2p. As most members do, they look back at f2p and say that it's boring and no fun. When they were having a perfectly fun time when they had never been a member. The statement "ignorance is bliss" is perfect here. While p2p may be more fun than f2p, without actually experiencing it, f2p is just fine.








i just want to say that your kinda right. i dont know what made me want to become a member (oh yea, now i do it was cause my friend became one...), ok well now i do, but when i was a nonmember i thought it was great. then again, i still was a noob. i remember having a really high mining lvl simply because i didnt know what to do in the game, but when i became member is was great! i just became nonmember and now i am extremely bored....so it would help if nonmembers did get and update every 2 months or so. it doesnt have to be somethign big, just decent, or something to keep the members that go to f2p alive. now im not only talking about people in my case, but to all the nonmembers that are getting bored too. i remember when i was a nonmember that i would always be reading about cool stuff that was all members and i learned all about them. i remember readign about fire capes...and how amazing they are to our normal crummy capes in f2p.








basically, i think f2p should get an update. i think even a small thing every few months or so is fine, it doesnt need to be anything big. but yea, either way f2p deserves some updates

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no, no, no, and no. If they want an update they can fork out 5 bucks a month. Why should my money go to someone who doesn't pay?








Graphic updates and holidays are just the perfect amount.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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Just so nobody is confused, Jagex gets more money from adds than they do from memberships. This does not mean Jagex gets more money per f2p player. It simply means that the sheer mass of f2p players accounts for the higher amount of money.








(ie 1 million members * $5 ea = $5 million per month.




8 million non-members * $1.5 ea = $12 million per month (and $1.5 might be pushing it.))

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Well, here's what I have to say:








No. F2P updates make no sense for Jagex.








F2P is just there for people to get hooked into enjoying the game so they'll spring the money for Members. If people want updates that bad, then just pay the measly $5. It's not a lot for so much unlocked content. If they started treating F2P'ers the same as Members, why would ANYONE pay?

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i can understand why people would want f2p updates... i hit level 77 and i just stopped playing... what else was there to do? i could pay money and get a bigger game and maybe get some updates? or i could change games...








i found a new game








corum online is almost the same thing, a MMORPG, but it is completely free. great three-d graphics and good game play...








it does not make sense for jagex to not update the f2p often because then people leave, and they make no money at all off them. what is the point of that?

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I am a member. I think there out to be f2p updates. It's not as if we lose anything. Besides, most members whine on the forums about the lameness of every single new update that comes out. If we don't want them, why not give them to f2p. Also, what might work is to give f2p an update say...6 months after it comes out on members. That way, it would let members have an advantage, and f2p would be happy too. I do think some things should be members only, but maybe f2p could train up to certain levels. Runecrafting, for example, has f2p runes until level 20, where it stops. This might work in some other currently members only skills too.

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death.

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ok evy time jagex poastes a add thay git 3 cents




3x3 = 9 cets 2 git 2 the worled select




it taks a avrig of 37 re freeses 2 git 2 world 2 37x2x2 is a buck 50 2 git 2 world 2 jagex makes a avreg of 14 millon a month 850000 paying members tahts 4250000, a moth




ther is twice as many f2p peapol who makes mor monny 4 jagex












i thinh tahy shuld cuz mebers can also do f2p things

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no, no, no, and no. If they want an update they can fork out 5 bucks a month. Why should my money go to someone who doesn't pay?















NOOOOO! - plz people if you are like this guy DONT POST! Have non of you seen the Southpark episode where the clu clux clan decide to help some people in a debate and they have to launch a desperate attempt to drive away the clu clux clan to the other side so that people dont hate them?? - the people like this guy are unreasonable and people are going to hate us if we let these guys be our voice!








In case you havent realised it im against jagex developing updates for f2p players. What you may not know is i am mostly a f2p player. I have been playing for 2 + (1/2) years and during that time ive had about 9 - 11 months of membership.








Anyway - enough about my background and my rant about loud mouth people trying to drown out others opinions - heres my suggestion.








I think that jagex should draw up a list of all the members updates that have ever been produced. Then for every 2 or 4 members updates that are released they should dig through the list and find an old members update to release to f2p. That way all the updates being developed are for members, f2p players are getting new content, and people wanting to know what members are like to see if they want to buy it will get to know what members is realy like rather than some tight bujet f2p dedicated update as jagex tries to satisfy both arguments by giving the f2p an update, but a half assed one.








what do u think?

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anyone can make 5 dollars a month, even if you arent old enough for a job...cut a neighbors grass once a month for 5 bucks, maybe help do someones yard work or do a couple chores for your parents. There are tons more things you can do to get 5 bucks a month
I'm in Canada so yur 5 bucks is like $8 here lol just pointing that out \'

range- 69/70 ~ currently poor but with good stuff

strength- 64/70 ~go461-combat 71~

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ok evy time jagex poastes a add thay git 3 cents




3x3 = 9 cets 2 git 2 the worled select




it taks a avrig of 37 re freeses 2 git 2 world 2 37x2x2 is a buck 50 2 git 2 world 2 jagex makes a avreg of 14 millon a month 850000 paying members tahts 4250000, a moth




ther is twice as many f2p peapol who makes mor monny 4 jagex












i thinh tahy shuld cuz mebers can also do f2p things








Nice grammer.... I can't even understand what you are saying.
















NOOOOO! - plz people if you are like this guy DONT POST! Have non of you seen the Southpark episode where the clu clux clan decide to help some people in a debate and they have to launch a desperate attempt to drive away the clu clux clan to the other side so that people dont hate them?? - the people like this guy are unreasonable and people are going to hate us if we let these guys be our voice!








Uhh i don't really understand what you are trying to point out here. And it is the Ku Klux Klan hence the "KKK"












Anyway this has probably been said before but i'll say it anyway. The main point of ftp or a demo in a game is to entice the players to pay for and play the game. If Jagex were to make updates for ftp then they would not want to become a member. They wan't you to be bored so you will upgrade and pay them money each month. And come on its only 60$ a year! Thats less then a trip to the super market.








And to all of you saying "we pay in the adds" you are not paying for the adds and just because you are being unwilling bombarded with addes does not mean you have very much value to Jagex.

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I think that F2P should get an update every once in a while. Too many updates will decrease the number of members. However, I don't see a downside Jagex faces if it doesn't update any F2P content. The F2Ps will still be bored, this isn't really the concern of Jagex. This will also encourage F2Ps to subscribe. I think that the F2Ps should be happy with all the content they already have. It took me 9 months to do "everything" in the game. On some other MMORPGs it takes a few hours to do everything and get bored. Actually, if you think about it, Jagex does actually update F2P content. For the past few months there has been numerous updates on the graphics and sound. You gotta acknowledge that.




Anyways, if you want to be a member but don't have the money to, it can't be THAT hard to save 5.00. If you really don't have a foolproof way to get money, do some odd jobs around the neighborhood it can be good money, depending on how well you know your neighbors.









anyone can make 5 dollars a month, even if you arent old enough for a job...cut a neighbors grass once a month for 5 bucks, maybe help do someones yard work or do a couple chores for your parents. There are tons more things you can do to get 5 bucks a month
I'm in Canada so yur 5 bucks is like $8 here lol just pointing that out \'




Lol that's true :lol:


untitledxu0.png Go Leafs Go!!\:D/

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal"

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ok, i used to be member till the credit card that i was on, wasnt renewed so now im a f2p again, it stinks, not enough space aroudn to do anything, all the scammers sit everywhere and scam or take everything, its really annoying, plus i had to get rid of everything i had becuzse of the small bank space they have, i think every 2 years f2p should get 3 updates, in stead of 1 update a year, gesh is that hard to ask for




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no, no, no, and no. If they want an update they can fork out 5 bucks a month. Why should my money go to someone who doesn't pay?















NOOOOO! - plz people if you are like this guy DONT POST! Have non of you seen the Southpark episode where the clu clux clan decide to help some people in a debate and they have to launch a desperate attempt to drive away the clu clux clan to the other side so that people dont hate them?? - the people like this guy are unreasonable and people are going to hate us if we let these guys be our voice!








In case you havent realised it im against jagex developing updates for f2p players. What you may not know is i am mostly a f2p player. I have been playing for 2 + (1/2) years and during that time ive had about 9 - 11 months of membership.








Anyway - enough about my background and my rant about loud mouth people trying to drown out others opinions - heres my suggestion.








I think that jagex should draw up a list of all the members updates that have ever been produced. Then for every 2 or 4 members updates that are released they should dig through the list and find an old members update to release to f2p. That way all the updates being developed are for members, f2p players are getting new content, and people wanting to know what members are like to see if they want to buy it will get to know what members is realy like rather than some tight bujet f2p dedicated update as jagex tries to satisfy both arguments by giving the f2p an update, but a half assed one.








what do u think?








Btw the way, it's ku klux klan. And I don't get what you are trying to say.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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I'm a member and I think they should get updates, just not very frequent, maybe 1 every 4-5 months.








F2p has been almost the same since iv'e been playing, almost 3 years now, and the f2p area is VERY old fashioned in a way.








F2p do give a bit of money to jagex, by the ads, only on an estimate by me of about 10% of what members do (correct me if its more), but its still enough for them to deserve more than just the 1 update a year.








Some of the F2p crowd cannot afford the membership, maybe because of poor family or because of other situations, but they should'nt be as punished for that as they are.








On the topic of members saying 'they could have taken time to make a members update', sereously how dumb?! Do they not realise that as a member you CAN do f2p things, #-o. It just means its probably going to be aimed at lower lvls, but so? there are lower lvl members still.








AW :boohoo: to those who whine about members not getting as much updates if f2p get one, us members have 4 a month, thats 48 a year! can we not spare 2 or 3 of those? are we that selfish?




















he said everything i came to say

the following statement is true.

the above statement is false.

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I think that F2P should get an update every once in a while. Too many updates will decrease the number of members. However, I don't see a downside Jagex faces if it doesn't update any F2P content. the F2Ps will still be bored. This will also encourage them to subscribe. I think that the F2ps should ber happy with all the content they have. It took me 9 months to do "everything" in the game. On some other MMORPGs it takes a few hours to do everything and get bored. Anyways, it can't be THAT hard to save 5.00. If you really don't have a foolproof way to get money, do some odd jobs around the neighborhood it can be good money, depending on how well you know your neighbors.








I agree with you on your first point of:

I think that F2P should get an update every once in a while.
Your second point of:
However' date=' I don't see a downside Jagex faces if it doesn't update any F2P content."[/quote'] I do see a downside. Say, there is one player who wants to become a member, but their parents won't let them and they might when they are old enough and still like the game. Although, if Jagex bores them to tears with the lack of updates, they might get bored of the game and quit. These people might tell their friends and family that the game is hardly updated and that Jagex only really cares if you bribe them with money every month. They will loose that player and any player he might think of referring, some of which, could be potential members. You do have an OK point, free players should ber happy with the content they have. I am personally content with the content I have for a little while, but I would like to be interested in the game for a little while longer.
"Anyways' date=' it can't be [b']THAT[/b] hard to save 5.00. If you really don't have a foolproof way to get money, do some odd jobs around the neighborhood it can be good money, depending on how well you know your neighbors"
Ha! You have a point, it isn't hard to save $5.00, I have almost one thousand dollars in my bank account right now. I would gladly buy a membership. I, along with most of the free players don't have problems getting the $5.00. The act of getting that $5.00 to Jagex is the main barrier. Also, the minimum wage is about $7.00 an hour, be sure to note this next fact I tell you before you flip out and tell me I am a stupid noob or some other derogatory statement, in my state. The federal minimum wage is five dollars and fifteen cents an hour. The federal minimum wage is still enough money to buy a runescape membership. I personally work at a golf course and I make about $7.50 an hour, but I get none of that money since it is going towards becoming a member of the golf course.
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ok evy time jagex poastes a add thay git 3 cents




3x3 = 9 cets 2 git 2 the worled select




it taks a avrig of 37 re freeses 2 git 2 world 2 37x2x2 is a buck 50 2 git 2 world 2 jagex makes a avreg of 14 millon a month 850000 paying members tahts 4250000, a moth




ther is twice as many f2p peapol who makes mor monny 4 jagex












i thinh tahy shuld cuz mebers can also do f2p things




First of all, the word is "get" not "git".




Second of all, try something like:








"It takes an average of 37 refreshes to get to world 2."




instead of




"it taks a avrig of 37 re freeses 2 git 2 world 2"








Lastly, almost every sentence of your paragraph (or should I say section of you sentence) is unrelated to the one before it. What does world 2 have to do with how much jagex gets per month from member fees? What do member fees have to do with how many f2pers there are?








Just so you know, there are about 9 million active players. About one milliion of which are members.

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i think that, even though jagex aint makin too great of a profit off of f2p, like everyone else says, an almost necessary update for f2p would be more bank space.








on the other hand, a f2p that is desperately needed would be the release of either new, lower level f2p mage robes, or to make mystic (only blue) available to buy in free servers :idea: . currently, the only mage robes that can be used there are either black robes, the only one better, blue robes (a whole +2 mage bonus better than black!!!). seriously, melee has bronze-rune, range has leather, hard leather, studded leather, and green d'hide. mage has pathetic robes where the only real difference is preffered colors, or maybe, if it really matters, trimmed blue robes.




keep black/red and white/gold mystic members only, but at least let them have blue mystic!

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