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Runescape in other languages


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As, I think many of you know, that runescape is going to be translated in other languges, I have some news about that. Jagex is searching for especially german employees. See here:http://www.jagex.com/corporate/index.ws.




Also the runescape client is already working in German(I won't tell anyone how it works because I think you shouldn't know that yet.) Also a J-Mod told me that it won't take very long until the german version will be released.




Here is one screenshot how it will look like:





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I don't see the point of making a German one... It would just be more expenses to Jagex, and probablly wouldn't attract enough german speaking people to pay all the german translators' wages.




**The Old Nite has died of cancer.Please add this to your signature so we will remember this legendary runescaper.**

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What I know, they have been looking for german speaking staff for quite long. It kinda makes sense as there would be huge markets for german speakers, but in the other hand there's not that many german speaking players. Actually there's probably more native finnish speakers than german.




*Is waiting 'till they start looking for Finnish speaking staff....*



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I think there are a lot of german players (like myself), but they tend not to show that they are german. It`s a part of german metality, I think. Other people, like the Dutch or from the scandinavian countries are more likely to show where they come from in their player names and also using their language in chat.




What I still wonder: JaGEx is translating the game intoGerman, yet there are no German servers - big marketing offensive to come?




And finally, I think I`ll stick mostly with the English version - I`m used to it for a long time now, and I dont`t think that all of the original humor can be translated in other languages.




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So do you all think all the different languages will be connected to each other? Same highscores, etc? I wonder if there will be different language servers, or if it will be "Select language, then select world." Basically everyone can play in the same server, but NPC text would be In selected language, player side only//

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Man, translating all that text, that'd be a fulltime job for alot of people..








They can spend time on better things.. Now kids who haven't learned English yet will flood Runescape, gah.

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As I believe someone mentioned earlier, why German? There aren't even any German servers. There are 8 Swedish servers with 6 Dutch and 6 Finnish ones. But no German, strange?








I think that they picked German, because generally Germans speak English worse then Scandinavian or Dutch people. So translating into German would get them a lot more players, while other languages wouldn't make a lot differance

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thats cool. but i think it'd be hilarious when runescape comes out in chinese :lol:








I'm Chinese :-# , but that'd be funny to see people typing in it :D...








ÃÆäÃâýÃâàÃÆÃÂ¥ÃâÃÂ¥Ãâý - (hello in chinese)

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Man, translating all that text, that'd be a fulltime job for alot of people..








Might be, but if I got a full time salary, I'd be more than willing to translate it into Finnish :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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