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Is Jagex Dying????


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I don't like your negative way of thinking silly little man. Also, how could you base your poll on under 50 votes? There are over 1 million players, and because 27 told you Jagex was dying you start a topic for people to flame? :|








I would have to say Jagex is undoubtly getting stronger, and more keen on prospects in their business.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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why would jagex want to just quit and lose all there memberships that people keep paying monthly and just let one of the most addictive games die? I dont know but just cause you have heresay from the craft guild influence your hypothesis doesnt mean the company and game itself are dying.


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@thread starter: I see what you are trying to say, i could counter your points point by point (a lot of points \' ) but that would take a long time. I will say this, Jagex is at the mercy of its consumers (us paying members) and yes if everyone quit then the game would cease to exist and jagex would lose a lot of money. However i don't think everyone will quit at the same time, rather there will be a gradual drop in numbers of players followed at some point by a massive drop as the game died. I don't really see this happening as according to all figures released Membership is increasing. Eventually the game may die but not today or even next year.








Also if a business is expecting to make for example $50,000 in revenue (on any given day)but doesn't (for whatever reason) they do not then take more time to do the work that was already scheduled. Businesses have reserves of money and creditors they are not run using short term plans that mean they lack money to pay employees (unless they are an awful business).

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it is not dieing




around 100k ppl are members rite?




100000 times 5$ us a month








thats 500 000$




they arnt gonna close




if anythin




there gonna keep rs and make a new game


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There are over 850 thousand registered members of runescape im 100% sure of this.












"as budding entrepreneurs such as Steve Bell (ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã45m) and Andrew Gower (ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã32m) make their mark in internet or high-tech areas."








I dont think jagex is dieing.

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Ok, so let me get this straight.








Odd polls, 27 out of 850K+ people saying Jagex is dying, a few random miners saying Jagex is dying, and 600 people randomly quitting obviously means that Runescape, as well as Jagex themselves, are headed straight down to the plains of an infinite abyss of pure failure and disappointment? :-k

so, 99 hunting skill cape emote?

Shooting yourself, then eating your own meat.


Krj123 - Retired as of February 12, 2007. I've permanently left Repetitivescape for WoW. Fun while it lasted.

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If 600 members quit. There would be at least 600 more new members standing at the doorstep. No I doubt Jagex will ever die. And their also doing graphical improvement which seems to be a sign that their still going strong.








Even if they did loose alot of people they can start from square one. Sell a few servers and then make their way back up the mountain.

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Jagex is most likely making more then 10M just from the subscribers...








Throw in advertising, subtract expenese...








In the end, jagex is making more then $39 million a year.

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Jagex is most likely making more then 10M just from the subscribers...








Throw in advertising, subtract expenese...








In the end, jagex is making more then $39 million a year.








i agree, your the ifrst guy ive seen post about the advertising, so jagex is sittin pretty, just you watch, if every member DOES quit, its impossible for them to go bust, they have other things to fall back on.

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If u thought into it enough you would see that all the polls of late have had a purpose to upcoming updates, a few weeks back i remember the poll who do you think is the secret ruler of runescape... the most voted was pengiuns, now look in January's behind the scenes, last update of the month... penguin quest, this is just their way of making decesions about the storyline of quests, mini-games, skill adjustments so forth...








Jagex has so much potential to grow and they are doing so, with the latest changes to downsize bandwith so they actually can expand. Now i'm not that good with computers but my understanding is that more bandwith more free space.








looking on the official forums to back you up is not a good idea. There are lots of noobs and whiners there.








As much as i disagree with calling people "n00bs" it's true generally the regular player will only go on the forums to buy and sell things, loook up the prices, form clans and maybe comment on the latest update, the rest are usually whingers who want the game made easy for them.

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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I doubt that there is 850k members, cos that would mean that jagex would earn $7,565,000 a month, or $90,780,000 a year. (Auz = $8.90)








And no, I doubt that Jagex. Things may have slowed down around now since the relese of the new WoW game, but that is only natural when there is compititon.

You are awesome for putting "~Shadow" in your signature and not at the bottom of your posts



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Lol .. 600 players.








Jagex spends 600 players every night on hard liquor and loose women.








Jagex will only die when they have no customers and YOU sir are not




helping the matter.








EDIT: Jagex has AT LEAST 1,000,000 registered, paying customers. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã60,000,000




a year makes RuneScape the UK's largest MMORPG, and makes the Java Gaming Experts




some of the richest schmucks around. Blahh ...

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I doubt that there is 850k members, cos that would mean that jagex would earn $7,565,000 a month, or $90,780,000 a year. (Auz = $8.90)








And no, I doubt that Jagex. Things may have slowed down around now since the relese of the new WoW game, but that is only natural when there is compititon.












There are about 900k members. They make about 50 million USD a year. After server costs and such.

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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This post is not directed to the post above mine, his post just reminded me of this.








To all the people who go on about server rental costs .. give me a break. A company 1/10th




the size of Jagex can purchase and maintain their own servers, the server costs are not as




high as you think. Jagex's main worry would be taxes. I dunno' how taxes work in the UK,




but if it's anything like the U.S. then a 7 foot tall guy named Molly comes around once a year




and stuffs half your money into a burlap sack, which he then throws into an armored vehicle




and it is never seen again. Blahhh ...

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Unless another web browser game comes around that beats runescape.. Jagex will not die.. I realy dout there stupid enought to close down atm.. Then again.. They did make eggs as a wepon in barbarian assult <.<








There just losing there sanity.. In a bad way.. So... Expect them to remove anything else that may be going well for you. :) Or at least seriously messing it up.








And I woulden't class WoW as competion.. WoW Players that don't play Runescape.. Were proberly more likely to have never been a member? And besides.. You think most players want to spend there life on a full screen programe? I don't...

I Tonysown I - Retired for now...



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600 players quitting doesn't affect anything, but something like 60000 players could hurt a bit. On their corporate site their goal for 2006 was to exceed 900,000 subscribers... How many are there? You have to remember that Jagex has changed very much as a company in the past 5-6 years. :roll: Anyone know how many employees they have now days? 100+?

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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