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How Did You Start Playing Runescape?


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My best friend in primary school introduced it to me in 5th grade. I thought it was roomscape at first and spent a few minutes til i gave in and called his house. That was back in 2002. I created my first account, Hoofharted07, which I kept on RSC at the game split stage, only in the 40ish level category. Being hacked once and scammed twice shorlty after left me with only 1k feathers and 3k cooked trout and salmon. A few months later i was a respectable 70 who could fish sharks and briefly owned a santa when they were 400k.








I quit RSC about a month later due to 90 percent of characters being autoers, hackers or scammers and went away from runescape in early 2004. I came back at the start of 2005 and made my current account, Lego_Luke and got all my friends, who have now quit, with me. I played on and off until early 2006, around the time my mates quit.








I logged on again in January 2007, surprised that my account had yet to be deleted despite 259 days of inactivity. I am now hooked again with the goals of 70 herblore, 80 cooking and 99 ranged. I have risen around 100 skill levels since my return a month ago and hopefully will keep rising rapidly due to 1 hunter and 9 construction.

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My friend told me about it in 2004 I think. RS2 was out. I thought he said www.rollerskate.com #-o and I was like :-s . I went to http://www.rollerskate.com and wasted 15 minutes trying to figfure out how to play this game.








(Don't worry, the link is a useless website that teaches you about rollerskate/ing. :wink: )




lol, thats messed up :mrgreen:

A Little Hatred Wont Hurt...

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I was at the library and I saw some kid playing it. I looked over his shoulder really sleuth-like, and saw that the title of the site was "run escape." I put the title into my browser, and played. Back then I was playing this other game, so I didn't play RS too often. Then I quit that other RPG and went over to RS, I've been hooked ever since!

There's no sig here. Move it along...

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Good old Google search for RPG games way back in the mists of time. I was looking for an on-line RPG game to play. I tried several, but they were all so slow with massive clients that took an age to download on my 56k dial-up link (no multi MB broadband then). I eventually cames across this game with the strange name of RuneScape which did not require a massive client and simply downloaded into the browser in a matter of minutes, so I tried, got hooked and the rest, as they say is history....

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Ah, my story is an interesting one. Ok, I first heard about Runescape from another forum I was very active on. But they hated Runescape. They thought it was the worst thing that had ever been made. I was sort of interested in what Runescape would be like, but, I didn't want to ruin my reputation on that forum, so I never played. This was about November 2005 I think. So, I eventually got bored of the forum and I started playing a text based RPG. I loved that RPG but, it was really dull and pretty dead, so I was getting bored with that game. Someone on the game signed up and spammed the forums and said join this game. So, I was interested in that game, I signed up and I played. This is the game where I coined the name Moonshadow. Well, this game was lively and I ended getting a interesting reputation. But, the owner was a bit of a [cabbage]. So, his game gets hacked, and he gets it back up again. And this cycles a bit and finally his main coder quits and starts up another game. I join this one, and I play for a while, but the game ends up going down a lot and getting hacked. I end up becoming an administrator on this game. There was another person who ended up getting promoted as a Trainee Admin. She starts this little war against inactive people and she deletes over 1,500 characters I think. So, the staff of the game meet and discuss how to get more players to sign up. I end up spamming several Text based RPG's like that, but than I decide to hit a bigger game, Runescape. So, I make a character, go to Lumbridge and decide I might want to get to know this game before I spam it. So, I start playing a little, and the game grows into me. I get more active on Runescape and less active on the other text based one. Eventually the text based gets hacked bad and the owner runs out of money to pay the server bill, so I end up not going there and start playing on Runescape. This is my story on how I ended up playing. Oh, as an ending note, I made like 3 or 4 characters. I kept starting new characters because I died on the other 3 and I thought my tutorial island stuff was gone. So, I eventually make Oylimpiana and end up dying. I was going to make a new one, but I decided to take my chances and try to play on with this character.








Well, that is my long monologue, if you want to comment on my story, feel free.

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Two of my friends were always talking about it at lunch and kept wanting me to play, and after starting I almost quit after the first day, but I didn't and here I am.


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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My son came home from school about 18 months ago and asked if he could set up a Runescape account. I did not have a clue what it was and was in two minds whether to let him as it sounded like a dodgy chatroom. He had failed to get across the point it was a MMORPG (or maybe I just wasn't listening - meh parents eh?!)








Many days of constant nagging passed before I relented and supervised him setting up his account. I pretended to be vaguely interested in seeing him trundle around tutorial island and yet really I was longing for him to get off the darn PC so I could set up a character of my own.








Runescape is total escapism after being at work for the day, and I still get a buzz from levelling up or getting a clue scroll - sweating palms & heart pounding like mad when those co-ordinate clues take me to the wildy.








Admittedly public chat is mostly off when I am trying to concentrate or not in the mood to humour the 'Catherby' type chat.








Anyways, in a nut shell I joined rs because of my weak will & my son's perstistance and nagging.

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I was eight back then, and RS was just came up (4 servers :XD:). I saw older people playing it and I asked what were they playing (netcafe) and they showed me and I got hooked up. RSC ftw! :thumbsup:


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My story starts like this.....








In grade 5, I did not have friends and everyone critisized me for being loud, abnoxious and being teacher's pet. When I hinted my interest for video games and online games, some dude in the same class comes up to me and says that his step-brother plays a really famous game called RuneScape. Like everyone, I make an account that same night. I log on to see that I don't know what the hell I'm doing.(This was before the first holiday. I missed Santa Hat and etc. :wall: ) Well, I tell myself this game is horrible and quit. I go try out another game called Graal(which is the most worse MMORPG I have seen) About 2 years later, my gamer friends are chatting like crazy about this game called RuneScape(my heads lights up like this :idea: ) All three of us join and take turns playing on one horrible laptop. We get excited because of the graphics!(We all owned N64s at the time :lol: ) Then one night, 1 of my friends venture out of the Lumbridge peninsula and gets killed.( :shock: at the time) Then we all decide to stay in Lumbridge and not cross the bridge. 1 week later, we alll get bored and find another fun(back then) MMO called Gunbound. In the summer of 2005, another one of our friends come and tells us about the greatest online game he's ever seen. Coincidently, it's called RuneScape :roll: . And me and my second gamer friend discover that the third friend has been playing behind our backs and was lvl 67 :shock: . Well, we restart playing at the begining of June and before school starts, I'm a whooping lvl 56 with full rune(but can't wear the platebody because of Dragon Slayer :wall: ) On the first day of school, the teacher always has this draw what u did this summer on the chalkboard. Well i draw my character slaying innocent people, cutting trees, mining and casting some weird spell i invented. Right after, i discover some RuneScapers in my own class :XD: . I was pretty happy! And when i told them my lvl, they dropped dead. They started admiring me, but the fame did not last long. One over lvled me, one became a member and one just copied what everyone else was doing. In just 4 months, I became the latter one. Every one else was just showing off their precious Dragon weapons :evil: . Right now, my classmates all have at least one skill that is 99 and they are constant members, my gamer friends just quit because they preffer to play console shooters all day long, and me, I'm just trying to convince every little kid i see to play RuneScape for the sake of it's existance(but they become member and manage to pass me :P )








P.S. : I HAVE ALL THE HOLIDAY ITEMS FROM THE RUBBER CHICKEN TO THE REINDEER HAT(my friend logged on when i was not playing and got me the rubber chicken, that is why now, I consider him like my brother)


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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Ok well one day as I walked in the library I saw about ten kids playing RS. And everytime when I came in I saw them playing. I got really intrested :-k the fourth or fifth time I saw it and asked about. The kid was I think six and he told me all about it, and called me a noob, even though I have never played it. It got me real upset cause I didnt know what noob was. So I yelled at the kid, (poor kid) and I stormed off. The next day I try it and it doesn't let me play cause I kept clicking on no of that pop up. I get irrated and never try it again. Till... at a vacation one of my cousins tell me about, and says what I'm doing wrong, so the next couple of weeks I try it again. And here I am today! \'

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I started at my friends place. Her parents had just gotten a divorce, so we went and helped them move, after we were done, my mom stayed to talk with her mom. Since she wasn't there, I went on her computer, then miniclips, then I started. I tried to play at my house, but it took too long o load so I gave up. A few months later, I got high-speed, and decided to start up again with a new account.








J0rd-man was his name. Then Bonfire_inc. Then No_lullabies. Now? There all banned or hacked... so I made Beilees! Add meh?

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My brother used to play Runescape, and I used to watch when he played. I think it was in the early RS2. One day i decided to make my own account, but sadly I got owned by a goblin the same day... :oops: :-w I got angry and quited..




Later my friends started to play, and I decided to start again, with a new account, as I didn't remember the username of the old one.

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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2 and a half years ago in 9th grade, I am bored with playing HL1 on my computer over and over again, and all the flash/java games were boring. So one friday evening, on november 4th (Remember, remember the 4th of november ) I was in need of something fun on a computer. I had heard of rs from a friend and seen it on many, many websites so I decided to give it a shot. I got hooked on it instantly because of the whole "making armor/weapons/food from scrap". Me and the other people at school who played were quite active in 9th grade on rs, but since then I greatly surpassed them. Most have quit without ever achieving the goals they had set.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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Interesting question. My story is kinda funny.








Me, I was a little kid once in 02. My sister was alittle older, and I always wanted to copy her, because what she did was cool. I ate like her (natural), and played the same games. One day I poked my little head into her door, which was slightly open. I noticed a really cool looking game (me not knowing anything, thought that was amazing graphics [i had a nentendo 64 then]). I barged in, and tried to get the address bar. She X'ed out to fast. I pestered her untill she told me Jagex.com. Eh I went there and didn't find it. I was angered she gave me a fake site. So one day while she was eating, I ran to her room. What luck! She left the link up! "Lets see... www, Runescape, dot, com. Got it!" I was so exited! I ran down to my computer, and typed the link in. *Wow* i thought. I made a new account, and began playing. I quickly rised through the ranks and made many friends. In acouple weeks, I passed my jealous sister. My sister figured out my 'easy' password and started playing my name. I was helping her on something, when I logged of for a minute. I tried to logg on, but couldn't! I waited and waited. I quietly ran to her room, and poked into the door. She was on my account! I got angered. She logged off, and I changed my password. Then I played and played, then got stuck on a quest, someone told me Tip.It, I went there, and had been going to this site ever since. I always wanted to join the forums, but noticed the don't use your name or pass anywhere on RS.com. well I did!








Long story short- too late! heh.








A side fact








First time I got 'hacked', i was tricked into it.




the guy said he was apart of RS staff, tricked me into changing my pass, and i did. then went to world 1 (hard to get onto).




I got so sad. I cried... lol this was in feb 03. only got hacked one time, and nothing happened. All that hapened was I was in some different spot in runescape with steel bars...








But I am soo scared of getting hacked, so i don't play much. Lol.

English is my third language, but I am still trying.


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