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Finish all quests everywhere - including instance quests. Should have it very soon. Stop buying things from the AH. :P




i havent bought anything from the AH since lvl 58 ^^. Finishing all quests can prove difficult.. its very very hard to get a group for anything on my server and most of the quests i have left are group quests.

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Yeah. I started on my warlock again at level 44 awhile back and I only had.. 60 some odd gold. I had to borrow some at 62 to get my epic ground mount. I had repaid that by 63. By the time I was 70, I bought my regular flying and hadn't touched Netherstorm or SMV and still had 1k left. And I didn't touch the AH (and I sold all the greens to vendor - probably could have AHed some). You should have many non-group quests left if you do not have 1000G. Maybe check thottbot to see if you've covered everything.

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You haven't bought anything from AH since 58, and you don't have enough gold for regular flyer? How the hell have you been leveling? :shock:




instance instance instance, couple of quests.. disenchant reward.. store in bank, instance instance instance, few more quests. rinse repeat. I've spent virtually no money on anything except repairs that i can think of... aside from 30g for a rep reward at lvl 62.. nothing springs to mind.. Where the hell has it all gone.. Although... i do have about 300 arcane dust 20 large prismatic shards and 50 greater planar essence in the bank.. Maybe i should sell that.. But i want to keep it for lvling enchanting and the arcane dust for my primal mooncloth tailoring... Choices...Choices....

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Recently bought a new account and have decided to go back to Alliance. On the same server as my Horde characters. :D




Decided to try out a Druid this time, for 3 main reasons. I can still stealth into enemy cities (or hang about with my friends (rogues)). I can finally tank. Already have 960+hp and over 1000 armor at level 13. And I can heal. I like healing. ^_^'




So, apart from the benefits of having access to two auction houses, what other benefits do you think I have being Horde & Alliance on the same PvP server? :twisted:




Alliance - Shattered Hand EU


Burein - Level 13 Night Elf Druid






Horde - Shattered Hand - EU


Daeclonius - Level 64 Undead Rogue


Kerenthia - Level 19 Blood Elf 'Twink' Priest


Xarques - Level 10 Undead 'Twink' Rogue (Will be 19...)


Daebanc - Level 1 Blood Elf Paladin (She's my bank character)




Horde - Karazhan


Daeclonius - Level 13 Undead Priest (Levelling at the same rate as a RL mate playing an Undead Warrior).


Notoriously Trollish.

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Good stuff. Just got revered with CE and am getting the helmet enchant from there.




+34 ap and +16 hit rating... mmm




Welcome to last week! :lol:




(Seriously though I just did the same last week, haha).

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Good stuff. Just got revered with CE and am getting the helmet enchant from there.




+34 ap and +16 hit rating... mmm




Welcome to last week! :lol:




(Seriously though I just did the same last week, haha).




Yeah I've been meaning to do it for a while. I was two SV runs away from getting it. :lol:
















Its a compilation of all the top teams (#1) and what kind of classes are in them for arena this season so far.

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are there any UI mods available that translate what other races say?










Also I think my premades copied through, I gotta wait and check when I get home though.

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poor arena hunters. hope its diffrent before i get around to that.








You're still above rogues though. :wink:












Really though I love my rogue. To be honest you'll never have to worry about this Sk4ter, unless you plan on being incredibly competitive in PvP.

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Go me!! Karazhan attuned and fired up!!








i'm joining the guild tommorow at the reset, secondary healing. I cant wait!!








Good luck, it's overwhelming at first but within a few weeks you'll be completely confident.

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So I've been having some fun with premades. My rogue is pretty decent as a premade but I'm doing a TON better as a mage in duels I think.








About to try out my warrior.

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So I've been having some fun with premades. My rogue is pretty decent as a premade but I'm doing a TON better as a mage in duels I think.








About to try out my warrior.








Where are you, ill come duel you.... except im alliance :twisted:


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Go me!! Karazhan attuned and fired up!!








i'm joining the guild tommorow at the reset, secondary healing. I cant wait!!








Good luck, it's overwhelming at first but within a few weeks you'll be completely confident.








are there any of the boss fights which i should read up on? Any that require much special activity from healers in particular?

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are there any of the boss fights which i should read up on? Any that require much special activity from healers in particular?








Read up on them all. There's some weird twists to a fair few fights up there, requiring you to pay attention extra attention to certain people. Netherspite in particular requires a bit more than your tank'n'spank healing due to the beams.

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are there any of the boss fights which i should read up on? Any that require much special activity from healers in particular?








Read up on them all. There's some weird twists to a fair few fights up there, requiring you to pay attention extra attention to certain people. Netherspite in particular requires a bit more than your tank'n'spank healing due to the beams.








Adding to this your guild can probably just go over the fights quickly. Kara is really easy with the exception of Netherspite takes some work, and Prince is a huge luck fight / DPS race.

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I [bleep] hate blizzard... the authentication server decides to go down 10 minutes before the raid invites and come back up 1 hour later.. In short I missed the raid... GRRRRR








Ouch, that sucks. Hopefully you can join them for the next.












Also my priest I copied over made it to PTR it looks like. Going to see how shadow is and let my friend try it out for a bit as well. :thumbsup:












I can setup a duel with you sometime lion, probably on my rogue though because it's the one I know most about.

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